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Sweet Escape: Memory Lane

by | Aug 24, 2007 | Domesticity, Sweet Escape

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Sweet Escape: Memory Lane

Today is a bittersweet day.

Tomorrow we will pack up our car with a thousand belongings and drive our oldest back to college. Today will seem like any other day, except for it is the last day things will feel like normal. Normal, but in the back of our minds, we know things are changing again. The little girl who used to give us butterfly kisses and giggled the biggest belly laughs we ever heard has another foot out the door of our home.

Today I escaped down memory lane.

I woke up early and sat in the quiet. I looked through her photos and shut my eyes really tight. I tried to hear the laugh, the little girl munchkin voice, feel the flutter of the butterflies on my eyelashes. I saw her wide eyes as I held her in the hospital for the first time. Her determination to walk down the stairs before she could walk on the floor. I saw her walk across the stage towards her kindergarten diploma. Her sweet sixteenth. Her first time driving the car alone.

The worry, the tears, the joy. A whirlwind of memories. Kaleidoscopes of days gone by. Blurry days, technicolor days. Yesterdays.

Sweet days.


  1. Sweet Remembrance

    I hear you…my son’s are older now (23 & 27) and I have been so sentimental lately! Maybe reading all the posts form moms sending their kids off to college. I remember when my first son went off to college I was so sad! Happy for him…he was going to experience so many things, meet new friends etc. but I missed him terribly! The time did go quickly and here we are several years later watching our manboys venture out into the big wide world! Gosh time goes by so fast…

  2. Karen

    This is so sweet…I sent my oldest off to kindergarten this week. It’s bittersweet.

  3. Rhoda

    Hi, Melissa, thank you for coming back again. Sorry you are feeling a little melancholy about your DD going back to college. I’ve seen quite a few blogs on that subject lately. Hope she has a great year & I’m sure you’ll stay busy & focused on other things for now.

    You always have some really pretty pics on your blog! Love them….

    Also, in case you think my name is RhoNda…it’s Rhoda (without the N)..remember Mary Tyler Moore’s best friend, Rhoda. Don’t feel bad, this has been happening to me ALL my life, so I’m used to it. I answer to either! LOL


  4. melissamichaels

    Thanks for all coming by and sending a little note of cheer to me. It is a happy sad time but mostly so happy to see her blossoming! I appreciate you taking the time to comment today.

    Rhoda–I am so sorry, I am sure I have done that a million times. Even though I see “Rhoda” I automatically type Rhonda. Ooops! Sorry. I get called Michelle quite a bit so I understand how it is! Thanks for pointing it out so I can try to overcome my impulse to put an “N” in there.

  5. Jen

    Good luck to you during this tough time.

    I am really enjoying your blog. So much eye candy, so little time!

  6. Esther Sunday

    Ouch. My cherub is 15. I feel your pain! Thinking of you today… Love, Esther

  7. The Feathered Nest

    I know, my DD is 15 and my husband and I were just saying yesterday that we only have 3 maybe 4 more years with her at home.



  8. Diana Polly

    Hi Melissa,
    I have 2 stepsons. one is 20 the other is 22 and in the Navy. Time does fly by so fast. I can close my eyes and they are little kids again laughing and trying to play pranks on me. It seems so like yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


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