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I see

Oh, friends, I am so sorry for being late with my posting. I had one of “those” days. Son’s first full day of school, work to be done, clients to call, carpool lines, things to catch up on, bills to pay, phones ringing, emails. Life! I couldn‘t do it all today! But, oh! Today was quite wonderful in spite of being one of “those” days! Why you ask? I cannot tell you, but good things happened. Very good things indeed! I will reveal it all, all in good time. I love my job!

Now, I have to make this quick because my husband is downstairs waiting for his blogging wife. THE BLOG will become a sore spot if I don’t hustle down there. But I have a real treat for you! Nothing but the best for my blog readers!

I was talking to my sister today and found out that she too sees in pictures (she sees in photographs like I see in Magazine Cover shots!). We have strange eyesight. This was so interesting, I had never heard her say this before! She showed me some of her photographs from her garden and I almost fell over! WOW! Does she ever see in pictures! I had no idea. Makes me a tad bit embarrassed that I put my slide show out on the internet for the world to see. She could’ve done so much better. Next time she is doing the photos!

While I see how things should be, in my magazine-cover way of seeing the world, she can actually translate what she sees to a real photograph that is quite magical. My photographs never look nearly as good as the real thing, due to my technical limitations. Remember my pathetic attempt at photographing the jar of Gooseberry Jam (I think that was back before I had any readers, and I was just filling time talking to myself and taking random photos of jam)? Well, just as my friend Alica’s photo of the Cloudberry Preserves blew mine away, my sister’s pictures are in a league of their own. Mine need some serious Photoshop work, and who has time for that? Not me!

So, as a part of our series on the senses, feast your eyes on these glorious God-made textures and living things found all around our gardens, just outside our doors! If nature doesn’t inspire you to add beauty and texture to the INSIDE of your home, nothing will. I know none of us really want spiders or webs in our house, but outside they are so beautiful! Just by looking at beauty in nature, and by studying colors and textures, your eyes will be trained to see things in new ways. Beauty is meant to be savored!

I see

I see

I see

I see

I see

I see

Yes, that photo of the poppies is real, and not altered in any way! Cool, huh?

UPDATE: These images were shot with a Panasonic Lumix DMS FC8K 7.2 Megapixel camera.

For more information on her photography or to order prints, contact Heather.

All images copyright 2007 Heather Doornink.


  1. Esther Sunday

    I don’t have the best camera and the thought of learning the technical stuff about a good camera is daunting for someone like me. And, like you, working fulltime, I have no time for photoshop. Plus, I like being married to Artie and want to keep it that way. Can’t wait to hear your good news. Love, Esther

  2. Barbara

    Like th spider pics. Last Autumn the same view outside my window inspired me to write a poem.

  3. elizabeth

    what camera did your sis ter use? it probably wasnt on automatic focus either was it?

  4. Becky

    The pictures that your sister took are stunning. Isn’t is amazing how a spider can build such an intricate web with no drafting plans? I love how the water droplets on it look like a pearl necklace. Yes, God’s creations are wonderful and we should all take a moment from our day to enjoy them. Thank you for sharing with us. BTW, your blog and pictures are fantastic!!! xo, Becky

    PS: You have a great day, too!

  5. Julie

    The spiderwebs look like intricate crystals. What a blessing to have that talent. Looking forward to hearing your good “big” news. I love happy stories!


  6. Mélanie

    I love your flowers pictures… so natural …

  7. Mélanie

    I love your flowers pictures… so natural …

  8. Sarah Jennings

    What an incredibly beautiful post. I love the spider web picture. One thing I love about being an artist (well, dabbling a bit, and working with the real thing) is that I see so much beauty in the everyday…the incredible color in the petals of a flower, the beautiful pattern that a shadow casts on the ground, the magnificent pattern of the branches of a tree in the winter. Thank you for this post.

  9. Sophiehoneysuckle

    The spiders web photo is simply stunning!! Your sister shares your creative gene!!

  10. Mélanie

    Wonderful photos . I love the spider one !!!

  11. Mélanie

    I’ve lost some words in my comment …me again…wonderful photos ….


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