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Master Bedroom Bedding: A Reader Poll

by | Feb 12, 2009 | Bedrooms, Decorating Inspiration, Domesticity

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Master Bedroom Bedding: A Reader Poll

Quite awhile ago, we discussed whether or not you all like the “unmade bed look.” It was fun to read all of your answers (and if you didn’t participate, go ahead, do it now!)

Today, let’s have another little chat about bedding! Here is what I am wondering:

Do you all have a favorite brand and thread count of sheets?

Do share what your favorites are!

And, as long as we are chatting, feel free to talk about types of bedding you use throughout the year, for instance do you have flannel sheets in the winter and satin in the summer? Or cotton year round? Do you have different sheets for different moods? Do you mix up different pillow cases with your sheets?

How many of you have just one set you wash and put back on?

And do you IRON {gasp} your sheets?

Ok, talk amongst yourselves…I can’t wait to hear what kind of sheets you like!

Photo: Ralph Lauren


  1. Robin Rane' ~ All Things Heart & Home

    Oh this is fun!
    Flannel in winter
    High thread count soft sheets the rest of the time
    Immitation down comforter for covering all year…we keep it super cold in summer! We like the weight of the comforter!
    I’m about to do a duvet cover for my current comforter…I like to change things up a lot, but have to do it on a shoestring budget!!! Love to walk in the bedroom and feel my nerves calm… Ahhhhh, too bad it’s morning and not bed time :)

    Robin Rane’ ~ All Things Heart & Homes inspiring blog post..Bakerella’s Cupcake Pops!

  2. Amber

    A strange part of me wishes I ironed my sheets. I do love the softest cotton most wrinkly sheets ever, and I wish they crisply folded down over my quilt at the top. All my pillows cover that anyway.

    Amber@theRunaMucks inspiring blog post..lovesme.jpg

  3. Jill Flory

    What I’d REALLY like is a maid to make my bed look something like this one every morning!
    We do have different sets of sheets for summer and winter. They are all cotton but the weave and finish is different. The winter sets warm up faster!
    Sometimes I do wash and put back because it seems easier than digging for another set. {We are storage challenged! Especially right now while we try to get our 3rd bedroom remodeled. Everything is sort of piled in our bedroom!}
    I like the unmade bed look when I see it in pictures but I’ve never found just the right look to do it myself. I think it is a lack of the right sheets, bedcovers and pillows!
    Love your blog, I read a lot more than I comment.

    Jill Florys inspiring blog post..More Famous Ohioan Pictures.

  4. Kristen

    I don’t iron my sheets. They get wrinkly when we sleep on them anyway. We have two different sets of the same sheets (wedding gifts) that we rotate. Right now we use a mid-weight alternative down comforter and it is delightful year round. I love a big, fluffy comforter. And big, soft pillows….the kind you can sink your head into. Delightful.

    Kristens inspiring blog post..My Moments

  5. The Nester

    We have 2 sets that are both really nice. Never ironed them. I do the made and unmade–love both looks as long as I know I paid some attention to the bed then I’m fine with that.

    Fun post!

    The Nesters inspiring blog post..The Padalily:: A Giveaway

  6. Jennifer

    I have only one set of sheets for every bed in the house. They get washed and put right back on. My daughter’s REQUIRES ironing…so they will be replaced soon! The beds are always made to the top…nice and tight!

    Jennifers inspiring blog post..The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

  7. Tonya

    Iron my sheets? Not in this life. Maybe I’m a bit lazy, but ironing is just not my thing so I don’t bother with something we’ll just wrinkle up anyway. I have one set of really nice sheets that I wash in the morning and put back on the bed fresh from the dryer so they aren’t wrinkled. I haven’t used the flannel in the last couple of years because I get too warm under our toasty down comforter.

  8. The Happy Housewife

    I have never ironed my sheets and probably never will! I have iron a bed skirt before though. As for brand, I don’t really care, but I love to have sheets that are over 300 thread count. The softer the better! And I must make my bed every day. I cannot stand getting into an unmade bed… I will even make it at 10 pm just just to get into one that is made, weird.

    The Happy Housewifes inspiring blog post..Our Story ~ Part Three Or Why You Should Never Let Boys with Long Hair Take Your Daughters to the Airport

  9. Karen

    OK, first of all, that bedroom is TO DIE FOR!!!! Ralph Lauren NEVER disappoints. I feel like ironing the sheets is a complete waste of time; they are covered by a quilt, duvet, etc., and then get completely wrinkled when they’re slept on. I like the bed to be made, it just makes me feel better when I “retire” at the end of the day. Love any sheets over a 350 count; can definately feet the difference.

    Karens inspiring blog post..Buy Local!!

  10. Vee

    Though I have several sets of nice sheets…high thread counts…I have a favorite set. For wintertime nothing beats our soft fleecy sheets. They are much better than flannel imho. But always, always I use cotton pillowcases, often vintage ones, because flannel and fleece tug at the hair…not good.

    For the past thirty years, my comforters and quilts have been gifts so I haven’t even done that shopping for myself. Good thing my family knows my tastes and that they themselves have good taste.

    Iron them? No way!

    Vees inspiring blog post..Recycling

  11. suzanne

    no ma’am, no ironing sheets here. I can remember seeing my Granny iron sheets, but who has that kind of energy/time? I like the made up bed look, although I think if I had more the cottage look, I would go for the folded down look. Sheets? We have nice cotton ones and do rotate them out with some others, but mostly our favs are the white cotton. I don’t feel they need to be a “set” because you can find great singles at TJMaxx or Home Goods and mix/match–you get great brand name sheets at a fraction of the cost. I like solid color sheets, though.

  12. Shirley

    Iron my sheets?!!! Nope.

    I used to change my bedding to match the seasons. Warm shades for fall and winter and floral lighter shades for spring and summer. But since the floral set was getting rather worn, I opted to use a neutral shade all year and match the sheets and accent pillows to the season. I use several different colors and patterns so I don’t get bored with the same thing all the time. Occasionally I use a flannel set in winter but I really prefer the feel of soft cotton. I usually buy 300 count sheets…I’ve read that paying extra for a higher thread count really isn’t worth the expense. I’ll get a higher thread count if there is a good sale.

    On our bed we have a memory foam mattress topper which is OK. On the guest bed I have a feather topper which I absolutely love but it is so much trouble keeping if fluffed. The one I bought isn’t baffled enough so if it isn’t fluffed it looks like the bed sags in the middle. That’s why it’s on the guest bed and not ours.

    I love that unmade bed look too. It just makes the bedroom look so warm and inviting.

    Shirleys inspiring blog post..Winter Minestrone Soup

  13. Wisdom Pursuit

    I never realized how different sheets could feel until I splurged on some 600 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets with a smooth, satin feel – not like the slippery, shiny satin, but just a sheen to the soft cotton sheets. They are wonderful! We do have other sets, but they’re not as comfortable, so it motivates me to do the laundry and get them back on. My daughter has some to- die- for soft bamboo sheets that she loves. I love to feel them, but sleeping on them makes me too hot, though she thinks it’s great.

    Wisdom Pursuits inspiring blog post..A Dinosaur Attends Blissdom ‘09

  14. Sara

    I LOVE Ralph Lauren bedding. Not only the way it looks, but it LASTS. We have some sheets and pillow cases that are still awesome 9 years after we received the gifts. They wash so well. Just keep your eye on the sales at Macy’s, and of course TJMAXX.

    We only have 1 set for our master bed. Wash and put back on. Never Iron! I like the MADE bed look.

    Saras inspiring blog post..My Little Buddy

  15. Terri Steffes

    I love the bed in the picture! I do not like the unmade bed look. I love sheets and have found for me that 425 count is luxurious and affordable. I would love to iron my sheets but don’t have time to do so. I do iron my pillowcases, so at least I can get a similar feeling when going to bed! I have two sets of sheets per bed since the sheets are a tad more expensive. I don’t change up my sheets because silk and flannel are too hot for me!

    Terri Steffess inspiring blog post..Tablescape Thursday

  16. Lindsay

    We have one set of sheets that we wash and put back on. It is the beech sateen, which I love. While it was a wedding gift a year is now mildly shredded by the dogs playing tug of war one afternoon. I am working on a replacement…just hasn’t been a priority. Mostly because we are deciding if we are sticking with the queen or going to go king. I use pillow cases from the hotel collection 1000 thread count sheets…I think I will buy the sheets in that, in whatever size we decide on, the pillow cases have lasted 4 years and are beautiful, nice and drapey.

  17. Jaime

    I love the way cotton feels, and I’m always about high thread count. Someday I’ll try satin sheets. I really, REALLY want to try satin sheets!!!

    Jaimes inspiring blog post..Tuna FAIL

  18. JanMarie

    Since I was a kid I have loved a snuggly bed. Sheets and blankets make all the difference! We like cotton or flannel. I lean more to the cotton and my husband leans more to the flannel. I like it when the bed is made tho it doesn’t have to be perfect. I think the higher count cottons are nicer and I notice the difference when I spend the money on them.
    p.s. I thought ironing was outlawed! Such a dreaded chore…..when my husband and I were both in the military he used to iron my uniform because I hated ironing so much!!

    JanMaries inspiring blog post..Hung out to dry

  19. Tricia

    My favorite is a set of Ralph Lauren that I picked up at TJ Maxx. It’s a high thread count cotton and oh-so comfy. We have three sets and rotate them out. I can’t stand to have a “naked bed” while they’re waiting for sheets from the washer! Use the same sheets year-round. No flannel or fleece for us! And definitely NO IRONING!!

    Tricias inspiring blog post..Company Girl Coffee 2.6

  20. Lindsay

    As usual, I love this post! ;)

    I can’t wait to hear what everyone’s favorite sheets are. I bought a cheapy set the other day, but they are 500 thread count and sateen…not a hugely nice thread count, but enough that they feel very soft (and more so after a few washings). I got them at a Big Box Store, because I was desperate; that morning, the elastic broke on the fitted sheet of my other set.

    I have two sets of sheets, but I like this newer one I just bought so I just wash them and put them back on the bed when they are dry. I do sheets every Monday morning as soon as we wake up.

    I don’t iron them, but I have been tempted to iron my pillowcases before if they come out of the dryer wrinkled. Then, I remember what they look like after one night of my DH sleeping on them and realize that it would be a futile effort. I’m not sure how he can make a pillowcase so wrinkled from sleeping on it one night. It’s a special talent.

    I’m a cotton sheet gal. We live in Austin, TX, so flannel sheets would be too warm except for about 2 weeks out of the year. That kind of seems like a waste to me. I’m always intrigued by the Holiday bedding (and duvets, etc) I see in magazines and would love to know who uses them. Pottery Barn has some lovely sets.

    I also have only white sheets. My duvet is white as well. Want to know why? I have a HUGE white dog (we’re talking 85 lbs). He made my choice simple when he refused to sleep on his on bed.

    As far as the unmade bed look, I don’t think I’d be able to handle it. If I’m going to spend the time to do something with my bed, I want it to look like I did. Maybe this comes from YEARS of not making the bed except for a few times a year, so now that I do it religiously, I wanted it to really look made.

    Geez, that was a really long “comment.” Sorry!

    Lindsays inspiring blog post..The Wonderful World of Wall-E

  21. SoBella Creations

    We use the sheets from Costco and Ralph Lauren. Sometimes you can find a great deal on Ralph Lauren sheets at Costco.

    My girls have bedding from Pottery Barn.

    SoBella Creationss inspiring blog post..Mary Had a Little Party

  22. Deidra

    We had been using the same sheets on our bed every single week. Just strip the bed, wash them, and back on they went. But just this past Monday, I rummaged through our guest bedroom sheet sets and…voila! A beautiful 400 thread count set (in red! just in time for Valentine’s Day) that I had forgotten all about. I made (really unmade) the bed and my husband (*gasp*) noticed something different. So there you have it. My new favorite sheet set, purchased at Wally World (my apologies to those who prefer not to shop there).

    Deidras inspiring blog post..Fun!

  23. Jenna Smith

    We have to have a well-made bed as you can see it from the front door. (Who made up that crazy home design?)

    I love Love LOVE my 900-count sheets from Bed Bath & Beyond. I remember that they said “Hotel” something on them. Wonderful! They are cotton & I love them.

    Iron my sheets? Never in a million years.

  24. Misti

    I don’t have a particular favorite, as long as they are super soft and cozy. Gotta go with the “made” look, and I cheat and only iron the top edge of the top sheet. There. I said it. Cheating works for me!

    Misti @ Studio M Designss inspiring blog post..Put a Little RED in your Life

  25. Laurel

    A couple of years ago, my husband bought me some 600 thread count sheets for our bed, and I’m converted! They are wonderful. We only use white sheets, cotton, year round. I never iron and I ALWAYS make the bed first thing. I do not like the messy bed look.

  26. beth daggett

    I don’t usually buy a certain brand. I usually just get the softest sheets I can for the least amount of money. I have tried doing the “unmade bed”, but I can’t get it to look the way I want it to. I am REALLY picky! :) So I always tuck everything in all tight and “make” the bed.

    beth daggetts inspiring blog post..What kind of country do we live in?

  27. teresa

    I can’t say I have a favorite brand of sheets- usually get what is at Target in the range of 300-500 tread count. I have to have the bed made or I can’t sleep in it….I’ve even been known to make it seconds before hoping in…crazy I know.
    I always iron our pillow cases and the top sheet and the bottom on occasion …crazy again. {never ironed the kids sheets, wasn’t that crazy :}
    I would love to put flannel sheets on during the winter, but that doesn’t go over well with my husband.

    teresas inspiring blog post..Apple Muffins

  28. Kelly

    Oh how I wish I were the last one out of my bed in the morning so I could control how my bed is actually made…I leave for work before my husband is out of the bed most mornings, so I am usually lucky if the covers are straightened in the morning. Putting the pillows back on the bed is usually out of the question. At least the bed is made on Saturdays!

    I do have two sets of sheets that I use throughout the year…Cotton at least 4oo t.c.

    Great post!

  29. Southern Savvy

    I love a set of freshly washed egyptian cotton high thread count sheets! I don’t look for a particular thread count. Rather I compare the thickness and the feel of the sheets and go with my fave. I live in FL so I don’t want anything too thick or they’ll just be too hot. I think the set I have on my bed now are about 600 thread count. I got a set of 1000 count for Christmas one year and we were so excited for such luxury. But, then I was disappointed when I realized that I was kicking the sheets off every night b/c they were just too thick and hot for FL!

    Yes, I have one pair right now and I just wash and put them right back on. I hate wrinkled sheets but I’m not about to iron them b/c they’ll just get wrinkled again. My MIL actually irons her sheets every week! It’s fabulous to be a guest in her house! One of these days I’m going to have my sheets press at the dry cleaners for a special treat b/c ironing is my least fave chore. Actually, I hate it!

  30. Annie

    I found this place in a kiosk in the mall that sold all sizes and many colors of 400 count Egyptian cotton sheets for $22.00. They came with four pillow cases, one fitted and one flat sheet in each set. Unfortunately I discovered this kiosk only a few months before their contract ran out and they closed. I LOVE those sheets. They are soft (although they do spark in the night when I adjust things) and comfortable. I wish I had dozens of sets, at least two sets for each bed. I tried a set from that is 300 count Egyptian cotton and I hate them. They feel nothing like the kiosk ones and cost double what I paid.
    Pillowcases: I am embroidering some sets for the guest beds. I think that looks so beautiful. I am crocheting a continuing lace in my spare time that will go on the edge.
    Made or Unmade? I don’t have enough pillows to pull off the department store look, but I think it is classy. So mine are made.

    Ironing? Are you kidding? My friend in Switzerland purchased a steam board
    She irons EVERYTHING from dish towels to sheets. She says that is what they do there.
    I guess I am glad I don’t’ live there.
    I wish I could find another kiosk with $22 sheets again.

    Annies inspiring blog post..This and That

  31. Annie

    Oh, PS. I use double grip suspender clips for each corner sheet pulled diagonally across the corner under the mattress. I pull it tight at each corner and try to grasp some of the elastic in the clip so it doesn’t undo.
    I hope that tip helps someone. I got so tired of corners undoing and lately of the huge sheets, made for 12″ mattresses getting sloppy.

    Annies inspiring blog post..This and That

  32. mary

    I LOVE THE LOOK ! folded back sheets and white down comforter or white quilt.I do buy high thread could sheets and take them out of the dryer while quite damp and hang them on a wooden hanger,THEY LOOK IRONED! I use 6 pillows and I have lots of cotton p. cases that I I have embroidered. Ialso buy sheets with wide ventian lace or trim .I also have lots of needlepoint pillows on my bed and a silver tray with teapot cup and saucer, rose and monogram napkin. YES,I do sleep there every night. p. s. Idon’t have small children or dogs, but I do have a husbandwho loves the look as much as I do . mary

  33. Holly

    I make my bed everyday. That way, even if the rest of the room is a mess (and it is), a made bed keeps it from looking like a total disaster. We have flannel sheets for winter….love them! We only have one set, so they get washed and put back on. In the summer we use cotton, but rotate between a couple sets. NEVER iron!!

    Hollys inspiring blog post..WFMW–Get Rid of Hard Water Build-Up

  34. Ashley Taylor

    I just have some plain old cotton sheets from Wal-Mart. I have no idea what thread count they are because I never have enough money to care. I just have one set that we wash repeatedly and put back on. BTW we don’t use a flat sheet either, just the fitted one. It makes making the bed easier and we haven’t missed it since I quit using it 5 years ago. The sheet I have now is getting kind of ragged so I am going to have to go sheet shopping soon. I will probably go to Wal-Mart or Target and just pick a color we like that matches the room. :)

  35. Claire (Little Miss Sew N Sew)

    My last set of sheets came from Costco. I don’t remember the thread count – maybe 600 – and I love them. Soft and comfy, but the bottom sheet seeems to stretch. Maybe that’s my imagination. My favorite sheets are some vintage sheets that my mom kept from my childhood and I have no idea the fiber content, but they seem to be higher quality than what I can find these days. For a comforter, I also have a Costco special that is a brown/blue woven. I’m not against buying more expensive bedding – in fact, I’d love some of the high end stuff I see in the stores, just I can’t afford it. I wouldn’t recommend the woven, almost damask or jacquard fabric I have on my comforter if you have pets. We have cats and chihuahuas and they love to lounge on the bed and it is horrible. You can just imagine. So, I’m in the market for something new, and I like the idea of winter/summer collections. I deliberately painted my walls a neutral color so I could change up the color scheme with the bedding.

    Claire (Little Miss Sew N Sew)s inspiring blog post..Making Progress on the To-Do List

  36. Michelle

    I love nice sheets. There are very few things that I like to be of good quality and sheets are one of them. After all, we do spend around eight hours a night in our beds (or we try to at least). We have a Tuesday Morning close by and you can get very hight quality sheets for a great price-thankfully.
    We do cotton in summer and flannel in winter. I would love to sleep on flannel year round, but we are in Texas and not doable.
    I totally agree with Teresa: I cannot sleep in an unmade bed! I too have been known to make up my bed before we get in it.
    Iron Sheets!! Yikes!

  37. Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry

    I love Egyptian cotton sheets with a thread count of over 300. I have two sets, but I prefer one to the other, so I find myself stripping (THE BED!), washing, drying and placing back on the bed.

    Iron? Sheets?

    Heavens no.

    Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundrys inspiring blog post..There

  38. Kimm at Reinvented

    We have a good set of flannel sheets for winter and a quality set for the rest of the year, I think 500 thread count. I only have one of each because I like to buy good quality and then use them until they wear out. I like the unmade look but have never “perfected” it, so I usually make the bed. I hate the feeling of getting in to a messy bed, I’ve sometimes even made it less than an hour before bedtime! :)

    Kimm at Reinventeds inspiring blog post..Containing Kid Clutter

  39. Jen

    oooo, you are speaking my love language! haha
    I never ever iron sheets! NO WAY! AND I despise flannel, tshirt, etc.. eck! We both prefer egyptian cotton high count sheets. I sadly only own 1 set of 1000 count. And they are my favorite. Sheets must be higher thread count and soft, can not stick together, must move easily. I have several sets that I change out each Sunday. The pillowcases have to match but I pair a red with my Ralph Lauren leopard cases when I have my chocolate silk quilt on the bed. Then, I have a new comforter that is winter white with a deep orange bird & deep chocolate tree with branches, its freaking gorgeous. Its fluffy & warm.. So sometimes I prefer a modern solid quilt & others the fluffy things. I also have a set of pale turq sheets to go w/the choc quilt & white with turq dots(real samll that form concentric circles) SO, I have to change up the look a lot. I get tired of the same ol thing. The summers are super hot in MS so we go light with just a quilt. The winters are 2 blankets. I love the weight.

    And, you would be super surprised at what great deals you can find at Target. By far my favorite place to buy on a budget. Especially since I like to change it up a bit.

    Jens inspiring blog post..oh me oh my…

  40. Jodi

    My favorite are Target’s organic sheets. The price is totally right, and they’re really soft. Plus they have this very subtle sort of satiny shimmer to them.

    However they totally wrinkle in the dryer, so some may want to iron them. I personally don’t iron them for my own bed, but I would for a guest bed. And that’s really saying something because my iron rarely sees the light of day.

  41. Conny

    My German Oma (grandmother) ironed EVERYTHING….sheets, pillowcases, hankerchiefs (sp??!), and underwear.
    In her later years, she had this amazing HUGE ironing press thing w/ a roller that she’d “feed” everything through: tablecloths, sheets, and of course, he underwear. It had a name – I want to say mandele? mengele? I don’t know….I even tried to google it but can’t find it. I’d give someone 1,000,000 imaginary dollars if you could tell me the “formal” name of such a machine.
    Anyway: me, don’t iron sheets. Like a high thread count but love cheap flannel sheets in the winter – but has anyone ever had static electricity when climbing in bed in winter??! I’ve actually seen sparks fly – and my husband was no where in sight ;)

    Connys inspiring blog post..Praying … Day 11

    • Jeannie Rodman

      It is called a mangle. Caterers use them, and placed that supply linens for big conventions that use large displays that require covered tables. They are expensive!

  42. Becky (FrumpMama)

    I love a simple but cozy bed, and am the type to turn back the covers at night. To me, throw pillows and such get in the way (though I don’t mind having a second pillow to prop against when reading at night), and prefer just a down comforter in the wintertime, paired with flannel sheets and our memory foam topper. We keep the house on the cool side in winter and found that our toddler finally slept all the way through the night when we got him his own down comforter for his bed so that he could snuggle into a cocoon and stay warm all night long.

    I love high thread-count cotton sheets in the spring and summer, with a lightweight quilt if necessary. It gets pretty hot in the desert, and high thread-count sheets don’t ‘stick’ so much when you feel hot at night.

    I’ve found that ironing or tossing sheets in the dryer for a few minutes after bringing them in off the line is important to help soften them up so they’re not so stiff. There is nothing that compares to summer-scented, line dried sheets. Brings back memories of summertimes spent at my grandmas.

    Becky (FrumpMama)s inspiring blog post..Dieting Woes

  43. Jen

    OH! Another thing, I use to be totally addicted to Ralph Lauren sheets, etc.. They are the softest sheets ever. I know they are expensive but I got the whole line of leopard print(the pretty one, not obnoxious) at Hudsons for $20.00 I was thrilled! I still use the pillow cases. BUT, if you have a RL outlet near you, go there! They throw their bedding on sale with a quickness and they are great deals. Less than you would pay at Target or Walmart & higher quality. They last for years, as do the towels. I have a King size bed now and a 100lb lab that thinks he should be in it when we are so I won’t spend fortunes on bedding anymore. Plus, I cant afford to.

    ANd, I have 6 pillows on our bed at all times. I love pillows. I have one that is real down from my Great Grandmother’s era and I’ve had it all my 30 years. I sleep with it every night. It’s un-replaceable. and hubby tries to steal it all the time.

    Jens inspiring blog post..oh me oh my…

    • Jeannie Rodman

      I have two sets of wonderful100% linen sheets by Linoto ( They are made in New York City. They have many colors, and although they are pricey, they wear like iron, get softer with every washing, dry quickly, and are incredibly comfortable. They are also very generously sized, which is a problem with many king-sized sheets, even high thread count ones. I looked for linen after reading a research article that found people sleep better on real linen. They seem, like wool, to adjust to your body temperature. Many nights I find I need only the sheet over me (we sleep in a cool room). I also sometimes long for a nice crisp substantial sheet, too, so we swap out for some 600 TC sateen sheets. We love to read in bed, and have 4 pillows each for propping up, but for sleeping, it’s just a single “My Pillow”, which are selected based on body size, gender, and sleeping position, etc They have large foam pieces that easily mold around your neck for support. It stays cooler than any other pillow I have ever used, and can be machine-washed and dried. My neck thanks me every night!

  44. Robin

    I would NEVER iron my sheets…LOL. I have a new DEEP mattress so I need large sheets with deep pockets…I don’t care about the brand or thread count if they are PRETTY…and I currently have ONE set although I do need another. I only buy cotton…no flannel. And….we only use a bottom sheet. My entire family does not like the feel of a top sheet..they would rather have a blanket…after years of finding the top sheet crumbled at the bottom of the bed under the covers I stopped putting them on the beds.

    Robins inspiring blog post..Happy Birthday Terry!… and Skim or Fat free?

  45. Krys

    Iron sheets? Bedsheets? No way, Jose!

    I have a beautiful bedroom set – bedspread/quilt, pillows, valances, drapes.
    Nine times out of ten it stays folded up on the bench at the foot of the bed and I simply pull up the comforter and straighten the sheets and pillows… The bed’s still “made,” just not all the way!

    We’re always in a rush to get out the door before 7am, and when we get home at night, it’s a matter of literally just a couple of hours before we’re going to pull them back and hop on in again anyway!

    But even though that’s okay with us, I can really appreciate the look of the room when it’s all “together.” Whenever someone just pops buy and runs up to use the bathroom, I ALWAYS think, “Darn, I should have made the bed this morning!? The room looks so much nicer when it’s made up…”

    So I guess that puts me squarely in the “made bed” group, not the “unmade bed” group!

    Kryss inspiring blog post..Much ado about nothing…

  46. Amanda

    flannel in the winter for sure! 300-400 thread ct. in summer. I have a down comfortor and a duvet that I actually made myself! I bought this very expensive (but worth it) fabric- and bought a lesser expensvie fabric for the back side of the duvet. It is yummy- chocolate brown with robins egg blue- the walls are painted chocolate brown & the curtains are crisp robins egg blue silk taffeta -yumm-o! but I have NOTHING on the walls- Im at a loss in that area. I did buy one of those vinyl wall saying thingys-but I never put it up-sad but true- it says “Always Kiss Me Goodnight”

  47. Vicki K.

    Cool, crisp, cotton sheets are my favorite but in the coldest winter I’ll put a cotton flannel (husband’s fav) bottom fitted sheet on our bed. My sheets are mixed up but have coordinating colors and patterns. After I wash them I tie the mismatched “set” with twill tape so I don’t have to rethink what all goes together. It also helps because we have king pillows and standard size ones – so those are included in my “set”.

    This is my solution to our occasional dogs-on-the-bed: I found a throw size blue and white scallop-edged quilt for $7 at Marshall’s which fits the top of our king size bed. Since all of our bedding is solid or patterned blue and whites – it works with all of the sheets. It adds a layer to the look and is more easily whipped off the bed and into the washer if needed.

  48. laurie

    We do use flannel in the winter and the highest cotton thread count I can aford in the summer. I hate ironing, but I do iron sheets for my guest beds. I love the way they look and feel and always think I want to do it for our bed, but I’ve admitted that’s not going to happen. I just can’t perfect the unmade bed look. I’ve tried, but it just looks too sloppy. laurie

  49. Karen B

    Well, I live in SoCal and my husband who runs is ALWAYS HOT. So, only cotton sheets for us. I don’t use a comforter either. We have a coverlet from Peacock Alley that is beautiful. When I get colder, I wear flannel jammies and add an extra blanket to my side. My sheets are probably over 300 count. I make the bed high and tight. I don’t like the way fitted sheets aren’t really snug like they were when I was young. You couldn’t bounce a nickel on my bed, that’s for sure. I hide our pillows behind Euro Shams. Does everyone else hide their pillows? Ours don’t look good enough to display like Melissa’s picture after sleeping on them.

    Karen Bs inspiring blog post..Topping it Off

  50. Jean

    I recently was enticed by an infomercial for Nate Burkus sheets. I needed a new set so I ordered them and they are nice. (Not quite as luxurious as I had expected from all the hipe) I had been using really soft ones from Bed, Bth and Beyond-Beech or Birch which I loved getting into but each time I washed them they seemed a tad smaller so now I use them on the queen guest bed. For my last guest I did iron just the large hem at the top so it would look nice when I folded it over the blanket. I like the look of the unmade bed and have done that on occasion but it seems to be more work than just throwing the covers up over the bed so I don’t use it much. Also I think you have to have cuter sheets and blankets than I have right now to really get the Lauren look. I have more than one set for each bed but seem to always use the same sheets as soon as they are dry. I wish they came out ironed from the dryer. Someone should work on that!

    Jeans inspiring blog post..Valentine party

  51. jennykate

    Ooooo, one of my favorite topics…sheets. I ♥ soft sheets. I don’t have a particular brand, but I don’t buy anything under 600 thread count. The one’s I have on my bed right now are 1000 count Egyptian cotton…yum! Makes me not want to get out of bed in the mornings…throw a down comforter on top of that and you have the perfect combination. I have two sets of sheets, but my 1000 count get used the most. The other set is 600 count and they’re mainly there for emergencies…like a pee-pee accident…not ME, the 5 year old!

    On the ironing question, I don’t iron my sheets, but my mom used to iron EVERYTHING including sheets…and pillow cases…and my underwear, but we won’t go there.

    jennykates inspiring blog post..A little of this…a little of that…and a whole lotta randomness

  52. Lorrie

    What a fun conversation.

    Connie – the machine is a mangle – if you google “mangle iron” you’ll come up with lots of info.

    I like a made bed look – I love seeing the bed neat and welcoming when I wander through the bedroom during my day. I have one set of 100% cotton sheets and just wash and put them back on the bed. I do have more sheets that I could use, but I like these and this saves folding!

    I have a winter duvet and cover, and a lighter summer coverlet. Lots of pillows make the bed a cozy place.


  53. Jennifer

    ok, so I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Ralph Lauren 400-600 count sheets! Sheets are the one item that I splurge on. I have three pair: blue, white, and red. Usually I change them out once a week and wash the in Victoria’s Secret laundry was. (Oh my, them smell sooo good!) And, yes, I do iron my sheets. They just feel so much better when I do. It’s like climbing into the lap of luxury at the end of the day. As a SAHM of three, it’s the payday I need as I fall into bed each night!

    Fun Post!

    Jennifer @ Fiddle Dee Dees inspiring blog post..Gardening Fever

  54. Lauren

    I DO iron my sheets. It is my one luxury (that and Tazo green tea). I have two sets of cotton sheets (one wedding gift one from sale @ Target) and I change them out every one/two weeks. I have been trying to make the bed every day so at least it looks neat and makes it so inviting! Our room is always cool so we use a comforter and quilt year round. I like the weight.

    Laurens inspiring blog post..Cheap As Free

  55. Jolie

    I like the tread count high and I like them ironed. Simple as that. To motivate myself to iron them I just put on “House” and iron away!

    Jolies inspiring blog post..Brume sur le lac du Bourget

  56. Rita

    I loved reading all these responses. I’m surprised by how many of us have only one set that we wash and put back on the bed the same day. I thought I was the only one who did that.
    Flannel for winter, 600 count sheet from the QVC the rest of the year.
    I iron the pillow cases. I like the crispness the first couple of nights. Doesn’t last though.

    Ritas inspiring blog post..Not Again !!!!!

  57. Rita Finn

    My mother-in-law tells me that we spend 1/3 of our lives in bed, so it should be wonderful, and I agree. While I have several sets of sheets, I return again and again to the eggplant colored Egyptian cotton sheets I love best. I must replace them before I wash them to death!

  58. Melissa

    We have one set of nice sheets for our bed that we wash and put back on. They are white pure beech sateen sheets from Bed Bath and Beyond and they are the best :)

    Melissas inspiring blog post..I ♥ Conversation Hearts

  59. Shannan

    I cannot sleep on an unmade bed and will make it right before I climb in, if necessary. I like the sheets to be smooth. We have one set of Land’s End flannel sheets for winter, which I wash and put back on. If nothing else, it saves me from folding the dreaded fitted sheet! In the Spring/Summer, I have lots of sheets. I always love the look of a made, but mis-matched bed. The kind where there might be 3 or 4 different patterns on it at a time. I am bound and determined to make it happen this Summer! I also just informed my husband that I’m buying new curtains this year for Spring/Summer to switch out in place of my darker Fall/Winter ones. There’s another topic for us…window coverings!

    Shannans inspiring blog post..Repeat After Me.

  60. Barbara

    I use a down comforter and a small down pillow, hubby uses just a sheet and 2 big pillows, so our bed looks very lopsided. I’m more concerned about comfort than looks though. I shuffle things around if we have a party where I know people will want a house tour. I use high thread count soft white cotton sheets, swapping out between two sheet sets. I like white because it’s easy enough to bleach and always looks crisp and clean.
    The comforter set is fairly formal and comes with an abundance of pillows, nice when it’s all made up, but a pain for everyday.

    Barbaras inspiring blog post..Good Things – Beautiful Books

  61. victoria ~ auction girl vintage

    Bright white 600 count Egyptian cotton sheets, brand isn’t usually important. 6 king-sized down pillows in the bed at all times, a holdover from “the mom fort” i used to build in order to sleep while pregnant (a mere 19 years ago, jeez …).

    Love the smell of bleach, reminds me of grandma Alice’s house, where the washing machine was in the kitchen.

    White down comforter in the winter months, sheets only in the summer, with something pretty tossed across the end of the bed.

    I love the look of a luxurious comforter in rich jewel tones, but have no place to put it while we sleep and get tired of picking it up off the floor.

    Victoria :o)

    victoria ~ auction girl vintages inspiring blog post..Kitchen Remodel ~ Before Pics

  62. Mrs. Q

    Umm…I have no idea what brand sheets we use. Cheap is what is used to determine purchases at this point in life! I would love to have a higher threadcount than 200 but I am grateful to have sheets at all.

    I do not iron my sheets…I simply LOATHE ironing. But I have contemplated ironing the oh-so wrinkled cotton pillowcases from time to time. :)

    Right now we have a comforter that I bought at Linens’n’Things but it wasn’t what I was looking for, so now it mocks me everytime I look at it. Sigh. This weekend I am hoping to hit IKEA for some comforters (any size) for $19.99!!!

    Sadly my kids have a mish-mash of bedding too. However, I am concentrating on my master bedroom first then I will move onto theirs!

    Mrs. Qs inspiring blog post..DIY:: Bring It Into the 21st Century!

  63. Kim

    I’m so glad you posted about this topic. I’m wantint to re-do our Master Bedroom, mostly the bedding. Currently I have a red quilt that I found on clearance. I still like it, but I want to “dress it up”. I’ve been looking for a while, but haven’t found anything.

    As far as sheets, living in the Mid-West, means flannel for our family. Another bargain sale, found the day after Thanksgiving.

    Kims inspiring blog post..It Is Finished

  64. Laura

    I don’t iron my sheets, but I do occasionally iron our pillowcases when I’m doing my husband’s shirts. It doesn’t take long, and smooth pillowcases are really nice to sleep on. I’m reading a book now that has a lot of interesting comments about sheets and thread counts–Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelsohn. Apparently, it’s a “housewife classic,” but I’m just now getting around to it!

  65. Kathy at Shocking Pink Thread

    I feel it is my duty to answer your question of the day Melissa. I work for Anichini, a luxury bedding company. It’s a small business, woman owned, in five star hotels, and on my bed at home most of the time. There’s nothing like a good percale as far as I am concerned–cool and crisp and smelling like they just came off of Nana’s clothesline. My husband says they are “too cold” but they are just beautiful and worth the small fortune. (lucky for me to work for them!) Otherwise, I snuggle in my Laura Ashley flannel sheets found at TJMAXX (that’s what’s on my bed right now–making my husband VERY happy!)

    Kathy at Shocking Pink Threads inspiring blog post..Sick in Bed today

  66. Myrnie

    Hmm..we love our Ikea white sheets in the summer, with a white duvet cover and white pillows. It just feels so light and fresh. In the winter, I like to pull out our really lovely red Costco sheets (with a huge thread count), and add jewel colored pillows to spice up the white duvet cover. Right now I also have a quilt all the women in my husband’s family helped make for our wedding, folded up at the bottom of the bed. It’s all kind of crazy, with greens, blues, reds, and a smattering of mauvy pinks, but it just feels so nice and cozy, and brings some color.

    A soon-to-come addition is the lavender-scented rice pack I made for my husband for Valentine’s day- that ought to warm up the cold cotton sheets at night!

    And I’m sorry the “comment luv” is linking to a post from almost 2 weeks ago…even if it WAS a fun post :) Not sure how to fix that :)

    Myrnies inspiring blog post..Sigh

  67. mandie

    my favorite set is from Target, bought exactly 2 years ago, and I believe that they are the Target Home brand…anyways, they have the best feel to them, and I think I only paid $20 for the queen set. they don’t match with my room anymore, but I still use them because I LOVE them! I have the more expensive sheets from Target that do not have the same great feel to them. Hmm..? :)

    mandies inspiring blog post..You Know It’s One Of Those Days When…

  68. Blushing Hostess

    Cotton sateen. The thread count is not at all relevent but the quality of the mercerization finishing is: It needs to be highly polished to look at and cool and sleek in hand. I sleep on Yves Delorme, their sateens are remarkable – and one might say I am a little fussy about things like this… An aside: when I posted about this a couple of months ago and said I loved sateen, I received many emails telling me how tacky it was! Satin IS tacky. Sateen is another fabric entirely bearing no resemblence. I was surprised the fabric was not better known or appriciated! Ah, and that my taste level was not already apparent:) !!

    Blushing Hostesss inspiring blog post..Here’s looking at you

  69. Darla

    Ya know, I bought my first set of 500 ct sheets this winter and maybe I bought them at exactly the wrong time (the height of freezing your arse off season) but I found them to be chilly. Not to mention they feel like parachute material…but I digress…

    My favorite is around 300 ct – at least in the winter.

    White trash can’t never go back.

    Darlas inspiring blog post..Deerly beloved

  70. Cheryl

    This IS fun!
    Right now we have only 2 sets. One all white which makes me feel fresh and clean:) And one deep red for Christmas with a red and white Pottery Barn duvet cover.
    I would have more types of bedding if my finances allowed.
    I HAVE IRONED my Christmas duvet cover in the past – looks real nice that way.

    My favorite brand – any set I can get a good deal on at TJ Maxx!

  71. Celly B

    We have one set of sheets for each bed. The ones for our master bedroom were from a pre-wedding linen shower. They have held up so well! Our kids’ bed sheets are from Pottery Barn. They are really great, too. I love the pillow cases with the extra flap that tucks the end of the pillow inside.
    I have never ironed my sheets. My sister does, though, and it is such a special touch whenever I stay in her guest room.

    Celly Bs inspiring blog post..Week 2 of 52 Books in 52 Weeks

  72. Irene

    Nice question! We carry our own line of bedlinen at the shop, made of eco cotton and natural colors, perfect to help you drift into sleep in peace!

  73. Kathy in Indiana

    I love to iron my pillowcases because it reminds me of my grandma who taught me how to iron by ironing her pillowcases. My pillows show on my bed, so they do look nicer even after we’ve slept on them.

    Kathy in Indianas inspiring blog post..I got the sticker clock!

  74. Dyann

    I’m getting jealous of all of your sheets! :) We do flannel when it’s cold and cotton when it’s warm. We have a down topper, and I like to keep it fluffed, so I keep a flannel fitted sheet over the matress all year round, and put the topper above that. The flannel keeps it from shifting around. Then I use a top sheet to cover the topper. Our sheets rarely match, except for a pink set we use in the spring. It was from Ikea, and is a very low thread count, but nothing beats the rosy glow it gives the whole room when the sun comes in to wake us up!

    And as for ironing…if i can’t be bothered to match the sheets or make the bed, do you really think I’d iron the sheets?? :D

  75. dolce chic

    Great post. I am actually in the process of redecorating my bedroom, I really value everyone’s opinions and helpful hints!

  76. Jenny

    I can not imagine ironing sheets! They just get wrinkly anyway.
    My favorite sheets are sateen and at least 300 thread count. I just use whatever brand has deep enough pockets for our mattress. We have 4 sets of sheets, 2 sateen cotton sheet sets and 2 flannel sheet sets for winter.

    Jennys inspiring blog post..Her Memory Amazes Me

  77. Rosie's Whimsy

    I enjoyed reading everyone’s responses. I’ve never been able to splurge for bedding but I do use cotton all the time. Anything else is just too hot! The rule has always been the last one out of bed makes it. So Hubby makes the bed …… badly :-) Once a week it looks passable….after I wash it! If I ever have a beautiful bedroom instead of just a room to sleep in, I want it to look like the one you showed.

    Rosie’s Whimsys inspiring blog post..Dreaming…

  78. Amy

    I’m not sure about the brand, but my favorite sheets are ones I found on overstock… 1200 count. Heaven.

    Amys inspiring blog post..yummy love in my tummy

  79. Kelly

    All 6 of the beds in my home have white sheets – the highest thread count I can find at Target – can’t remember what they are though. I iron and starch the top foot or so of the flat sheet (the part you fold back over the comforter) and all the pillowcases. It is one luxury that I really feel is worth the effort. They make me feel like I am staying in an expensive resort (instead of a house fool of teenagers)! They really don’t wrinkle in between washes I guess thanks to the starch – which is lightly scented with lemon. Seems like a long time ago I used to use a linen spray, maybe Beach Days by the Good Home Company.

  80. Suzanne

    Iron my sheets? I don’t even iron my clothes. I believe in getting things out of the dryer quick and an iron is an absolute LAST resort. But, never on sheets. I like the highest thread count I can afford. I love Northern Nights on QVC. They’re reasonably priced and hold up very well. We need oversized fitted sheets and they have lasted well. I have had expensive fitted sheets’ elastic break and sets that are mismatched–no problems with Northern Nights, though. 2 sets of flannel for winter, 1 set of jersey, 2 sets of crisp cotton for summer.

    Suzannes inspiring blog post..FO: Lunasea Leticia Hat

  81. Holly

    I am boring, just one set that I wash and put back on. . . no ironing, but don’t clean crisp sheets feel wonderful after a long day?

    Hollys inspiring blog post..Visit . . .

  82. domestic kate

    I LOVE ironing sheets. I was into it for awhile but it’s *time consuming*. The feel of cool crisp cotton sheets is worth it though. We were recently given flannel sheets and have enjoyed those in the winter months. I’m getting spring fever and I am ready to bust out my beautiful cotton pottery barn sheets….and my iron!

    domestic kates inspiring blog post..for the love of the game…

  83. jane

    great post, photo, ideas, and responses! so fun to see how everyone does bedding. i have several sheet sets of varying thread count, but only cotton. i strip the bed each monday morning, and right away put on whatever is on top in the linen closet. i love it when i DO iron them. like kathy, i learned to iron on the cotton pillowcases, watching ‘as the world turns’ on the summer porch. there’s nothing like that crisp feeling! but much of the time i just put on unironed sheets. hey, they are clean aren’t they?! and i only use white now (on all the beds). i have done color, but i just love the clean freshness of white. my bedroom is now sand and white so the linens just add to the calm of the room. sometimes i make the bed in a “closed” fashion, and sometimes it is turned down (?”open”) but either way it is made and orderly. i feel off when i go in the room and the bed hasn’t been made. (i can ignore dust, tho!!) the bed is topped off all year long with a down comforter that is huge and soooo snuggly. it never is too hot, either. i love my bed! and the room which looks wonderful thanks to all you bloggers who post beautiful pictures and give great ideas! jkj

  84. Megan

    I’m pathetic. We only have one set of sheets! They are so expensive I haven’t had the heart to buy anymore! And this set was given to us. *I blush* I don’t even really like them, we have dogs, and these sheets attract doghair like bees to honey.

    Oh dear, did I just say all that outloud????

    Megan @ LittleBellaBeans inspiring blog post..Cupcakes and Ruffles!

  85. Marti ledington

    Yes, i do iron the header on my sheets. It has a ruffle on the top as well as on edge of pillowcase. Mine are plain white as well as my blanket and I also have fakey down comforter just to lay on top in winter. I starch the header as well as the pillowcases. i usually wash and put right back on. Then i spray with some kind of spray before jumping into that beautiful bed. make it everyday too. i love beautiful beds. i also have blocks of wood to set it up higher so when i say jump into bed i mean it.

  86. Lorilee

    First of all, we just bought our first “new” mattress, after being married for 22 years. It is a Tempurpedic. It is wonderful! I insist on 100% cotton sheets. I like at least 300 count. I have been known to iron pillowcases and the edge of the top sheet. I don’t do this often because of lack of time. I try to keep 2 sets of sheets to alternate. I use very light or white sheets so that I can bleach them if someone has been ill. I hang them on the line if the weather is cooperating–best fragance in the world is line dried sheets!

    Lorilees inspiring blog post..Comforting Noise

  87. Emily

    Hi Melissa, I don’t think I have said hi since you got back from Blissdom, but I have meant to. I loved seeing you in everyone’s photos. I hope it was wonderful.

    As for bedding, I love my red toile duvet. Sheets? No clue. Whatever is on clearance at Target when I need new ones :)

    And, um, what is ironing?

  88. Amy

    Don’t know the brand, but they are over 500 thread count and from JCPenney. I have several sets because I’m bad with laundry and don’t always get to it right away. As we speak, there are NO sheets on our bed!! GASP. My husband ripped them off and is now asleep. Don’t ask me why? I’m thinking of going upstairs to the guest room. ha!

    I iron the sheets in the guest room. Our sheets come out of the dryer looking really nice so we don’t have to worry about it. My son has flannel sheets because his room is a cabin theme. They are super soft and from Pottery Barn.

    Amy @ Living Locurtos inspiring blog post..Oklahoma Tornado

  89. Marilyn

    I spend more time in my bed than I do any other place, so I want it to be comfortable and beautiful! We bought a new mattress and box spring, and then decided to put a 2- or 3-inch “memory” foam top on it. Mattress protector over the mattress, fitted cotton cover over the foam topper, and then a high-count white cotton fitted sheet over that. I iron the top edge of the cotton top sheet and the cotton pillow cases, with a bit of starch. NO sateen fabric – feels too slick or slippery or something. Then a down comforter over that, because we sleep with the bedroom windows open all year round. I make the bed as soon as I stand up out of it every morning – the room feels much cleaner and more orderly with the bed made! I launder the bedding in hot hot water every Saturday morning and put them right back on the bed. I’ve used Lands End sheets, but right now I have some from The Company Store catalog. I love my comfy bed!

  90. Smalltowngirl

    I have high count (not sure how high– have had them for awhile!! but they are so soft) cotton sheets all year round. I use duvet cover with insert that is not down– I have 2 sets of sheets but typically only use one and put right back on after I wash! I need a new set of sheets really but am holding out for king size bed (we have queen now!!!)

    Smalltowngirls inspiring blog post..Tell Your Children You Love Them!

  91. Terri

    On my bed I use a high thread count, and I like my bed made up (when I make it – oh I did say that out loud) ok – I clean houses for a JOB I make several every day, just not always my own!?!?!?!??!!!! now in my guest room – when company leaves I take the sheets off make the bed….then when preping for company I “fluff” the sheets in the dryer with a new dryer sheet – I do iron the top sheet, stretch the fitted sheet very tight, and make it as an “unmade” bed – I think it is more inviting and allows the guest to feel welcome.

  92. Cindy

    I do iron the pillowcases, if I have time. I love the feel of the freshly ironed pillowcases, but I don’t always have the time. We use flannel sheets more than cotton, they usually go on in October and come off in May. We all have down comforters in duvets. All are supplemented with another blanket of some sort, one has an electric blanket, the others have extra down comforters (older ones with shifting down.)

  93. Jennifer

    Fanatic about clean crisp 400+ thread count IRONED white sheets. One of the few real luxuries as I am generally on the frugal side. I do iron them myself and even though they do get wrinkled when you sleep on them; I swear, if you ever start ironing your sheets you will think you have died and gone to heaven. (Of course some people think if they iron they will certainly die! ha!ha!) I make my bed everyday. I like a clean, structured look to my bed but even with extra quilts or blankets, it looks neat if it’s all folded. Treat yourself to a nice bed the way you like it…you deserve it after a long day!

  94. Kylie

    I LOVE Macy’s 400 thread count damask stripe sheets. I’ve got them in a few colors – and always wanting to add more! They’re SO comfy and always smooth. I switch out the duvet covers I use – but as for the sheets – they might be different colors, but always the same style. :)

    Kylies inspiring blog post..craigslist… cheap entertainment

  95. Julie

    What a fun topic, I would never have thought of it, but then Melissa, that is why YOU have such a fabulous blog!

    HAVE to make the bed, always have, always will. I make it before I leave the bedroom the first time each day. When I am rich and famous, not that I have to worry about that any time soon, I will have deluxe, ironed crisp, just out of the refrigerator sheets changed every day, by someone else of course. :) Like I said, won’t be in this life. I have 2-3 sets of master bed sheets, but usually just wash, dry and put back on, it’s just easier. A big, new problem is, now that I am alone and have to change the bed by myself, it doesn’t get done quite as often as I like, use to do it every Monday or Saturday, because I have developed some nasty arthritis in my thumbs and it KILLS them. Oh, the price of all these birthdays. For the first time ever, I now have a bed and bedroom that looks like a magazine picture and I LOVE it, just remember it takes some of us a long time to get there. :)

    It was such a pleasure to visit with you at BlissDom, you are delightful and just what I had pictured. Have a wonderful Valentine weekend.

  96. Suzanne

    This is a subject near and dear to my heart.
    I remodeled my bedroom a few years ago and purchased really expensive sheets with 1000+ thread count. At the time I thought it was crazy to spend that kind of money on sheets, but I can tell you that every night when I slip between those sheets I don’t think of the money I spent but about the unbelievable way they feel (and make me feel) So worth the money!! I got them here and they are on sale right now!
    Okay, I do iron sheets. Sorry. Sick I know but I have discovered a new spray starch called Best Press
    and it actually makes ironing fun! I only iron the pillowcase and top sheet. We have a weekend home with lots of guests and I love the way a well make bed with it’s crisp sheets makes my guests feel welcome.

    Suzannes inspiring blog post..Valentine sweets

  97. Mary

    Over the years my mom has given me 400-600 thread count Ralph Lauren sheets, and they’re OK, but not soft enough and I wear holes in them every 3 years or so. I think I had a set of sateen Fieldcrest sheets that were much softer, but they didn’t shine like other people are saying their sateen sheets do. I also wore through those in a few years.

    I was at a friend’s house and her guest bed sheets were a thousand times softer than my old Fieldcrest ones, and she doesn’t remember the brand, only that she got them from Overstock and they were at least 400 thread count. Also she said they didn’t soften until after she washed them a few times. But I don’t want to spend $100 on sheets only to wash them a few times, find out they’re not soft at all, and then not be able to return them.

    I’m surprised there weren’t more brand recommendations out of 100 comments, but I will look into those BB&B beech sheets that a few people mentioned as being soft.

  98. rita

    I buy 800 and 1,000 TC sheets at Marshall’s and TJ MAXX. We have queen and king beds. I love the feel of them. I recently bought a king down comforter at TJ MAXX for 80.00 that is wonderful!!! It is extremely soft. You can even buy extra pillow cases to match the sheets in the same thread count. We use lots of pillows!

  99. ML in Chicagoland

    When I was growing up, we had a mangle in our basement. My job every Saturday from age 6 to 10 was to “mangle the sheets”. I could never figure out why we ‘mangled’ to get something flat and smooth! The sheets also had to be folded just right.

    Now I have two sets of sheets: cotton for the summer and flannel for the winter. They are never ironed and, if they are off-season, are barely folded.

    I wonder if I have mangle issues?!

  100. Diana

    While I’m pretty late responding, my favorite sheets are the 600TC tuxedo sheets by Chris Madden at JC Penney. Yes, I said JC Penney. My husband and I stayed at an exceptionally fine B&B in Asheville, NC and got some of the best sleep of our lives. I was shocked when I found the tag and it said Chris Madden and JC Penney. The sheets are routinely on sale for $90 for a king set. For sheets this luxurious, I’m not a label snob :)

  101. Teri Zuwala

    If my sheets are wrinkly- I will iron them. I usually hang them outside, so they are nice and crisp.

    I would love flannel all year, but my huband is always hot. For years we had a set of sheets from Ikea that had been washed so much they were perfect. Until they started getting holes, that I would fix until there was just too many.

    So, last year I bit the dust and got some new ones. I really wanted linen, but didn’t want to spend the money. So, I got a nice set of cotton that is soft, but started pilling after a few washes. Now, I am saving for those linen sheets and I’ll send these back.

    I have a quilt set and a duvet (with a white flannel cover since only I use it.) The mound of pillows that make me feel happy. My side of the bed must be tightly made up, as long as the flat sheet is as tucked as it can get- the bed can be made up perfect or messy. My husband has to have his flat sheet untucked, which is fine it leaves me more to tuck in :)

  102. Chi-Girl

    Growing up in Chicago in the 60’s, I always ironed sheets (usually the pillowcases were my job) with my mom — we had 6 children, so there were a lot of sheets. No way would I iron sheets now.

    I live in Calf. now and the homes aren’t as insulated so even though it only gets to 35-65 normally in the winter (although it can be as warm as 80 which really is disgusting), the house is always chilly and the hardwood floors always cold. Nonetheless, my husband hates flannel sheets, so we’ve never had them.

    We use 2 sets of sheets and have mostly stayed with 3 diff. brands over the past 20-25 years:

    1) Ralph Lauren (usually bought on sale at Macy’s or Bloomies) — these are wonderfully soft and generally last pretty well but they’ve also frayed around the edges/seams much sooner than I felt they should have.
    2) Charter Club (from Macy’s) Damask Stripe that are 400 count Pima Cotton — these are gorgeous sheets — the stripe is about an inch across and alternates so that every other stripe looks a smidge lighter (like a tone on tone). These really wear very well and good color selections.
    3) Laura Ashley (either from Bloomies on sale or Marshall’s if I get lucky) – soft and yummy – I don’t know if the color has faded when someone added something they shouldn’t have to the wash cycle (maybe Downey? directly on them?) b/c they’ve lost color in big splotches. But some of my hand towels from Marshalls – espec. in the blue/green/pale aqua family do that too…

    I love a good, thick goose down comforter tucked into a matching duvet (matching to sheets that is) in the winter. I change to a lightweight homemade quilt in the summer that has been handed down. And I use a blanket (wool) that my grandmother handsewn real satin ribon on the top of. I top the bed with the European square pillows with our regular bed pillows propped behind. Add 2 deco pillows so there aren’t a hundred pillows to unload each night – just 2 accent pillows and the European ones.

    I LOVE a made bed and usually get it done every morning but it’s the weekend so NOT today!


    Chi-Girls inspiring blog post..Still Here…

  103. Liz Mann

    We have two sets that I use. Thread count has to be above 450. Sadly our bed is rarely mad. I jump out of bed and start the day running and DH is normally still in the bed so it’s a little hard to make.

  104. Jen

    Oh I LOVE linen!
    The brands in Australia are not the same as in the US, but I’m sure the feel is the same.
    I love 500+ thread count, even for the kids. We have 3 sets per bed, one on, one in the wash and one in case of kiddy accidents.
    All beds are made every morning, if the bed is made and the dishes are done the house is 85% tidy!
    I use to line dry all linen and then fold it perfectly so it looked ironed.


    We are presently on a 3 year work contract in a 3rd world country; where staff are provided.. Oh my goodness everything is ironed, even face washes and tea towels…..The joy of getting in a bed that someone else made (with ironed sheets) is simply wonderful.

    I am now a convert…when we eventually go back home to suburbia I will just have to find time to do it the same way.

  105. Vicki Waits

    The higher the thread count, the better. I love soft to the skin sheets and use one set until it dies on me. The longer I use a set of sheets, the softer they get. I have heard that any thread count over 400 is a waste of money. I haven’t tested that theory…yet. I stick to white sheets only…they are so crisp and clean looking.
    I only have one bed ensemble right now, but would love to have a warm weather and a cold weather look. Storage is the main thing standing in the way of that idea. I also have really expensive tastes…which is a huge challenge for me.
    I loved the look that I saw in one of Tracy Porters design book of an unmade bed. It was really pretty, but it takes me much longer to achieve that look than to make my bed properly. And, I don’t have the confidence in my version of the unmade bed look.
    Love the look and feel of ironed sheets…but that is a little too obsessive for my life style…

  106. Beachmom

    I am a high thread count, Egyptian cotton girl, 400 plus. Best tip I ever received when it comes to bedding. I didn’t appreciate the difference until I slept on these sheets. Unbelievably soft, and the cool thing is I swear the more they get washed the softer they are. I’m a Sferra brand person though I have to admit. They are so worth the price, just shop around for deals. I seem to always find what I need at my online store Elegant LinensPC. Their actual storefront is in the Las Vegas area. If you make it to Las Vegas, let the guys go gamble and you go linen shopping’s heavenly!
    As far as ironing….no way…I pull them out of dryer as soon as they are done, before they wrinkle too much.

  107. Pats

    I only buy sheets that are made in Italy. That way I know there are no pesticides or other poisons in the cotton. Thread count is not as important as quality for me.

  108. Pumpkin Seed

    I’ve been ironing my sheets since I was in college. Now I send them out. Its a splurge but a good sheet cannot truly be enjoyed unless pressed. It costs about 24 dollars for the whole set at the dry cleaner. My sheet of choice is Hotel Collection from Macy’s. On sale you can find a king set for about $350. I’ve got several sets and rotate them through. Even my man is a converted to the pressed sheets/high thread count setup. You spend half your life in bed so why not make it amazing?

  109. Darvin

    I’ve tried to consistently increase my thread counts as I’ve gotten older and able. I think the two sets we tend to alternate between are around 600 thread count.

    I’ve heard that ironed sheets feels so much better, but no I haven’t bitten the bullet yet and tried it… :-)
    .-= Darvin @ Discount Comforter Sets´s last blog ..Clearance Bed in a Bag =-.


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