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Anthropologie Store: Creative Ideas from Anthropologie

by | Apr 21, 2010 | Creative Inspiration & Projects, Decorating Inspiration, Details

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Anthropologie Store: Creative Ideas from Anthropologie

Anthropologie Store

I almost forgot to show you all a few photos from my latest trip to an Anthropologie store! You poor dears, I can’t believe I haven’t posted these yet! Last time I shared lessons from Anthropologie, I was in the Seattle store, this time I was in Portland. Yeah, I get around. As I shared before, there are several things I love and learn from Anthropologie. Certainly having permission to push the creative envelope is right up there in the fun lessons to be learned from Anthropologie!

They might not all be ideas you would actually use at home, but even if they aren’t, it definitely illustrates the point that we are only limited in life by our own creativity.

There is no end to the ideas we could dream up to create lovely and UNIQUE home decor on a budget. All we need to do is regularly stretch our minds to look at everyday items in new ways. And, my favorite: we need to free ourselves to decorate in ways that are unique and personal to us, not necessarily using the same exact items as everyone else.

So, to help us all stretch our creative minds today, let’s take a look at some innovative uses for everyday items from Anthropologie, shall we?

The top photo not only shows birdhouses made from cardboard boxes, but look behind the birdcages!

Simple inexpensive fabric squares overlapping to create an interesting wall covering.

Anthropologie Store: Creative Ideas from Anthropologie

WHY DIDN’T I think of using our utility light as a cool fixture in the house? Doh.

And oh how I love that plant table.

Anthropologie Store: Creative Ideas from Anthropologie

Oh, and look up above those clothes! Bottles and rope?! Who needs expensive artwork when you can find art in your recycling bin?

Anthropologie Store: Creative Ideas from Anthropologie

Take a Costco supply of 5,000 coffee filters and make a paper flower collage for your wall!

I bet you could even use them to make a wreath. I might have seen one of those in blogland. Anyone know who made a wreath out of coffee filters?

Don’t those flowers remind you of those tissue paper flowers we used to make in third grade?

Anthropologie Store: Creative Ideas from Anthropologie

I don’t think this photo was illustrating anything in particular, except for how much I just love being in Anthropolgie looking at their cabinets and armoires and light fixtures. OH, and the soaps. And the candles. And the quilts.  And floors. Yes, and the books.

What is your favorite thing to look at in Anthropologie?

Psssttt…… I have an awesome creative Anthropologie-ish accessory to show you coming up shortly! SO excited about it and I think you will be too. Stay tuned!

Lessons from Anthropologie


  1. linda

    I think of the store as a visual feast for the eyes! They ALWAYS come up with the wildest displays. Adds to the allure of the store…and even elevates some of their products. Love how they incorporate one of a kind vintage and antique pieces ….AND they sell them (at a Phenomenally expensive price, though).
    .-= linda@LimeintheCoconut´s last blog ..Smelling the roses =-.

  2. Sherri

    I just WISH I was in a store. Only been in once evah! How deprived am I? In the last photo I love the huge jars on top of the armoire! I posted my current Living Room, which is my dilemma trying to makeover right now and need ideas. Really should get myself to an Anthropologie Store! Cause I can do junk makeovers! LOL Just needing inspiration and ideas. Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to see what is next.

  3. Becky K.

    SO many fun ideas.
    Thanks for sharing them.

    Manuela recently showed coffee filter wreaths.
    I was surprised at just how cute they were.

    I thought of you this weekend.
    We had a Blogger Meet and when I looked
    at the photos I was the tallest one there.
    When you are in that situation
    You always make comments on being short.
    Made me wish I had your stature….
    the grass is always greener….lol.

    Have a great day!

    Becky K.
    .-= Becky K.´s last blog ..Hi! My Name is Becky and I am A…. =-.

  4. Heather

    We don’t have Anthropologie here in the Toronto area (at least as far as I know). But it is on the top of my list the next time I’m in the U.S. They always seem to have the most interesting and unusually product and clothes. Thanks for keeping me inspired with these photos. Love the coffee filter flowers.
    .-= Heather @ what’s happening this week´s last blog ..Sunday Afternoon Walk =-.

  5. Jess

    Love to look at all the knobs and hardware. I can stand in that section of the store and just stare and run my fingers over them forever (While I hold one of those blue volcano candles and inhale deeply!)
    .-= Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish´s last blog ..Redoing a Metal Dining Set – Beginners Guide =-.

  6. Kathi

    Hi Melissa

    Just wanted to say that I really enjoy following your blog and looking at all the gorgeous, inspiring photos. I have just given you an award, please check out my blog –


  7. lylah ledner

    So, what’s my favorite thing in this store? Everything. Plain and simple. Everything. It’s a beauty pause and creative burst waiting to happen.

    Been busy busy busy gardening :-)
    .-= lylah ledner´s last blog ..My Notebook on French Inspirations =-.

  8. Sarah

    I have not yet visited an Anthropologie store in person (only online) even though I live about 20 minutes from one. I have to say the bottles and rope would make some very cool artwork! Who would’ve thought?
    .-= Sarah @ Dream In Domestic´s last blog ..Revamping Recipes: Tator Tot Hotdish =-.

  9. Mary Joy

    I always amazed by the photos you share from them!

    I am back after a two week break to get married and move…that time gave me time to reflect and I have changed my blog name and focus a bit…I would love for you to stop by and see the changes! Life Moments has become “Snapshots from my Heart & Home”.
    .-= Mary Joy @ Snapshots from my Heart & Home´s last blog ..I’m back and my blog has a new name!!! =-.

  10. Leigh Anne

    I always go to Anthropologie when I need a “pretty fix” The whole place is just one big pretty. I always have to check out that sale room too! I am lucky enough to have two stores within 15-20 minutes of my house – danger!!!
    .-= Leigh Anne@Your Homebased Mom´s last blog ..Cake Plate Tutorial =-.

  11. Lynda

    Can you believe I’ve never been to Anthropologie and I have two not to far from me. I guess it’s about time I go!

    I made a coffee filter wreath for Lindsay’s $5 Challenge. You can check it out here:
    .-= Lynda @ SportsMadGirl´s last blog ..Remembering =-.

  12. 50centlove

    I would love to go in an Anthropologie store, but have never been. I think the closest one is about 2-3 hours ago. ROAD TRIP! I don’t think I’ll be doing the coffee filter flowers on my walls anytime soon. BUT I love all the other ideas and pics.
    .-= 50centlove´s last blog ..Good Morning Tuesday! =-.

  13. kirwin

    I can never get too much Anthro! Love, love, love… Have you heard about this site ––where you can buy “found” items that they sell in the Anthro stores? I’m not sure, but I think the site is somehow connected with Anthropologie.
    .-= kirwin´s last blog ..An apple a day… =-.

  14. Hip Hip Gin Gin

    My favorite thing is everything! Sigh. We were just in an Anthro this past Saturday and I told my husband if he is in a gift buying situation for me and doesn’t know what to get there is literally nothing inside an Anthro store that I don’t want. He tried to test me so he shut his eyes and picked up the nearest thing and said “how about this?” It was one of their giant candlesticks that I love, the answer was “yes, two, in yellow “. Which really that’s my answer for whatever he might have picked up. Well almost, yes I want two of everything, but maybe not everything in yellow.
    .-= Hip Hip Gin Gin´s last blog ..Bubble Gum =-.

  15. diane

    kudos on getting great pics @ Anthropologie! I was in their San Antonio store a few weeks ago and asked if I could take a few pictures – they were adamant that pictures were a no-no……. So anyway, my all time Anthropologie fave is their ruffled shower curtain – I just found a tutorial on how to make one, so it’s now on my massive project list!

  16. Tracy

    Fun post! I always get caught up in the displays when I’m in my local store. There’s a huge, ornate picture frame hanging behind their wrap desk right now that’s filled with a collage of pages from books and sheet music, some that have been washed with transparent paint colors. It’s really interesting and textural and I’ve been obsessed with reproducing the look in some way for my own home.
    .-= Tracy´s last blog ..Local Color : Garden Events =-.

  17. teresa

    sometimes I make a trip there just to see their creative ideas- it always sparks an idea for me. The last time in…they had “ribboned” a piece of fabric up and down the walls….it looked like they had used a sheet that was stiffened.
    Happy Day
    .-= teresa´s last blog ..Spring Event 2010, Burlap and Bows- Part one- =-.

  18. Nikki

    I’ve always wanted to do the garland with the coffee filter flowers, but the thought of buying so many turned me off. I never thought of heading to costco!
    .-= Nikki´s last blog ..Seattle Restaurant Week…are you going? =-.

  19. Kate

    Oh how I love Anthro! Don’t tell anyone, but my husband secretly does too! I love the smell and if you do too, you must buy their Capri Blue Volcano candle (in a blue jar). People say my house is like Anthro and I don’t think they realize it’s mainly due to the familiar scent! I also love to get inspiring decor ideas there oh and of course, I love to spruce up my wardrobe as well!

  20. Beki - TheRustedChain


    I’ve never been in an Anthropologie so I love when bloggers post pictures of them. :) I love their rustic farmhouse chic style!

  21. Jean

    This is about my favorite place to visit. I love to check out Anthropologie sometimes just for their displays. They seem to always use ordinary items-in quantity. They often use paper in such creative ways I am amazed. I love it. tatertots and did a great banner of coffee filters. She also has an amazing wreath she made from soda bottles taken from inspiration derived from a trip to Anthropologie. Check it out. Thanks for all your great ideas and beautiful pictures! (My slipcovers are being sewn this week:)
    .-= Jean´s last blog ..What Happens Behind the Scenes =-.

  22. Dawn-Hydrangea Home

    Love that store Melissa! My favorite one is in NYC – I just stand there staring at all of their gorgeous displays!
    .-= Dawn-Hydrangea Home´s last blog ..Message Plates =-.

  23. Shelly

    I love looking at their kitchen accessories. Glory!

    And, of course, the sale room.
    .-= Shelly @ Life on the Wild Side´s last blog ..Guest blogging and Giveaways =-.

  24. Sweeter Still

    I heart Anthropologie! I love everything about it… except the prices. I sometimes wish I could just hang out there because it’s so feminine and pretty. Just walking in the door makes me feel more tranquil. Luckily there’s one close enough to visit :)

  25. The Virginia House

    I am so very, very sad to say that I have never been in one of their stores:-( Thanks for sharing!

    Check out my giveaway!
    .-= The Virginia House´s last blog ..A Giveaway! =-.

  26. Sara

    I just realized a new store opened up a couple of blocks from where I work in Chicago…DANGER! My favorite thing to peruse is are the knobs and handles. A couple added here and there to the right pieces can provide a thrifty {and pretty} transformation.
    .-= Sara´s last blog ..Did I mention I love spring? =-.

  27. candace

    Anthropologie is total sensory overload. It’s a madhouse for those of us with ADHD. A simple thing….but I love how the knobs and pulls are nestled in rice and beans!
    .-= candace´s last blog ..question =-.

  28. Heavens to Betty

    I love how I go in there and it SMELLS SO GOOD and it is just so visually stimulating, but I don’t find myself frantic. I feel calm. And happy.

    (Thanks to reading your site, I’m on a HUGE redo of things– I’m turning an old dresser into storage thanks to purple paint and am working hard to make my room something I would actually LOVE.)

    PS, found you through Meagan Francis on Facebook. Yay!

  29. Gail Cushing

    Any idea where I might find a pattern for the cardboard birdhouses?

  30. Hannah

    ANTHROPOLOGIE. Everyone has that one place that takes your breath away. That place could be anywhere from Coach to JCrew or mine, Anthropologie. Creativity simply oozes out of that place. When i walk in i immediatley feel overwhelmed with inspiration. this is my GASPING store. it takes my breath away, everytime. i feel that anthropologie really encourages creativity in everyone. whether one goes home and creates little cut out birds or one going home to re-inspire their entire home. Anthropologie is a great store and i highly recomend checking it out sometime.:)

  31. JaneEllen Jones

    Love the deco lessons from Anthropologie. Don’t think I’ve ever seen one of their catalogs or been on their sight. Guess if I wanted to go to one of their stores I’d have to go to Denver, guess they have one.
    . Grand Junction is kinda the pits for the major stores. Our population is growing like crazy but no major stores. Oh excuse me T.J. Maxx is going into the old Borders store sometime soon I hope.
    About the only time I miss the bigger cities is when I read about all the awesome places you bloggers go to. I used to live in San Diego where there’s a strip mall almost in every neighborhood. I know my youngest daughter misses all the stores. I’d be really happy if we got an IKEA. I saw a table I really wanted on their website but they didn’t ship it. Total bummer.
    I do get on some of the bigger stores websites to “borrow” ideas from some of the items they have. I can look at something and see a different use or how to change it to my likes.
    Even as a young woman I pretty much went with what appealed to me, not other people. Now that I’m an ” older” woman (72 pretty soon, too soon, lol) I still do that. Sometimes get lazy and don’t do much decorating but then I got on blogland and boy have I been busy implementing ideas I see to my own way. I am so happy when I’m working on a project of some kind. Love your projects.
    When we lived in MT and really got into crafting I’d be busy looking at decorating zines for ideas of things to make. My dear husband would come home from being on the road and I’d have projects waiting for him. He’d be out in our pole shed/garage in zero and below weather cutting out projects for me to sand, paint, etc. after he left. When I went with him we’d stop at antique stores when we could to look for ideas also and maybe a collectible or two.
    Really enjoy your blog and what projects you do. Your house is so nice. Thanks for decorating ideas, always good to have some new food for thought and inspiration.

  32. NYArtist


  33. Lisa

    My daughter and I love that place. If we find a garment or decorating item from another store that has the Anthropologie feel, we say “Ooh, that looks so Anthro.” It’s just fun and cheerful and gives you confidence to think outside the box.


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