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The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

by | Feb 24, 2012 | Decorating Inspiration, Kitchens

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The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

So, I got a little something in the mail yesterday from PW. That is The Pioneer Woman in case you have been living under a rock and don’t know who PW is. It was awfully kind of her to send me her cookbook. Signed and all. It was a gift.

Just between you and me, I think she knows I can’t cook and thought she might help a sister out.  She is nice like that. But if anyone can make me want to cook, it is PW.

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}And truly, I’m grateful for this cookbook. I took that photo above with my phone the minute I opened the package, sorry it is kind of blurry. I was pretty excited when I got it and couldn’t stop jumping up and down.

The cookbook looks divine and the recipes sound so good! In fact, I got so excited about everything I could make from the cookbook I spontaneously found myself over at Anthropologie looking at cute baking stuff. WHAT? Yes. Because, that is what happens when I think about cooking or baking. I think about needing cute kitchen accessories. And then I want them. I have a problem. I’m aware of that.

So, come with me to Anthropologie (online) and shop, OK? Let me drag you along with me! I love going window shopping with you!

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

Ooo, pretty. I’m pretty sure I need this butter dish. 

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

Or, maybe this one!! Yes?

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

Oh, oh, OK, maybe this one.

You can never have too much butter, right?

Let’s just get them all.

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

And these little chalkboard herb and spice jars. Need. Cuteness.

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

My eggs would be pretty spectacular in this little tray, wouldn’t they?

I think it would make ’em look fresh from the PW ranch, almost!

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

And these, how could I resist THESE little measuring cups?

I think PW would agree. I need cute measuring cups. Precious.

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

A milk bottle measuring cup?

That looks like it came straight off of PW’s ranch.

Gotta have that before I make anything from her cookbook. Must.

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

Wait. They call this a wallpaper juicer? Wah?

I seriously thought for quite awhile about how it could be used it for wallpapering.

Until I realized maybe they didn’t mean it was literally a wallpaper juicer.

Not sure.

But either way, I am thinking this is a must. 

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

And last but not least, I’m sure I will need this adorable little Farmer’s Market basket.

For, berries. Or, something.

Are you with me? ADORABLE, right? All of these are so fun for a gift to yourself or someone else, and they are actually all fairly reasonably priced considering how awesome they are. If I remember right, I think the most expensive thing was $38, everything else was $12 to maybe $25. I think I’m all ready to try out a recipe now. I’ll let you know how it goes and what I make!

This post is not sponsored by PW or Anthro, but I recommend both sites very highly. Although it is not yet out, you can preorder PW’s book on amazon by clicking the image below (you can also find it and some other books I like in my online shop).

The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}The Pioneer Woman {and, I Have a Problem}

So, what little kitchen gem from Anthropologie would you go home with?

And in a related question, do you cook more on the weekends or during the week?

All images of Anthropologie products are from


  1. Jen

    I really don’t love to cook, it’s not my thing. I like all the cute stuff you picked out. I think anthro is pretty expensive, we obviously all know that, but I think it’s great to get a few cute special pieces that really stand out and show your families personality. I wouldn’t want a whole kitchen full of their stuff. I’m more into white clean quiet dishes. But the power of a couple of pieces is worth it.

    • Melissa

      Me too, most all my dishes are white … but, my baking stuff? I would LOVE them to be all FUN!

  2. Deanna

    Those are adorable! The wallpaper juicer – funny, Melissa!

    I cook all the time, no rest for the wicked as my Momma used to say! Seriously, these people around here expect to eat everyday! Several times a day! Can you believe it?!

    • Melissa

      I know? What is up with that! Sheesh. Lol

  3. Glenda Childers

    This is a great and fun post, Melissa. I got to meet PW when she was in Seattle on her first book tour. Let us know what you cook first.

    Happy cooking and happy anthro shopping.


    • Melissa

      I will, I’m kind of looking forward to cooking for you all :-)

  4. Tiffany

    I saw the milk bottle measuring cup on pinterest and bought it the same day. So cute. I think I might also need that egg tray though.

  5. michelle starling

    Now that I’m tempted, I might have to go shopping. LOL. I love PW’s recipes. I’ve tried a few of them and they are great. At Christmas every year, my father-in-law makes a beef tenderloin and I made her burgandy mushrooms this past Christmas. OMG! It was so awesome. Hope you enjoy her cookbook.

  6. Heather

    Probably go home with the egg tray as a gift for my friend who raises chickens – they would be a great hostess gift for her.

    I usually cook most during the week. But it’s the weekends when I experiment with different recipes. That’s when there’s time to really engross myself in a complicated recipe.

  7. Suesan

    So, I’m pretty sure my life will not be complete unless I have them all and kitchen accessories are the very LAST thing I ever think about buying. So, you know, thanks for hooking me up with a new obsession! I’m going to go price out that milk jug measuring cups because that would look right at home in my house!

  8. Lina

    My daughter pre-ordered PW’s cookbook for my Christmas present…it’s coming in March and I can’t wait! I am into cute or different measuring cups and spoons. I love the measuring spoons Giada uses on her Food Network show.

    I cook all the time.

  9. Maria

    I want them all! I got Ree’s book too and I am in love!

  10. missy june

    I completely want the juicer! I cook more on weeknights … we often grab fast food after games on Saturday and single mama gets to go out with the man Sunday after church. Oooh-la-la!

  11. Sandra

    SOOO cute! I love your selections.

  12. SueAnn

    Gotta have at least one of those butter dishes for sure. Ha!!

  13. Diane

    Delectable eye candy… who needs to cook!!!!!
    Well…okay….I guess one does need to eat to live.
    My cooking is done mostly weekdays….Mon-Wed & Friday….and I goof off and eat lots of leftovers on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. That’s the benefit of making a big pot of soup. Thankfully my husband loves the soups. Or maybe he just loves me.

  14. Alanna

    I am not sure what the problem is. I wish I had that dilemma!! PW cookbook handed on the proverbial silver platter (I swoon) AND you can just head over to Anthropologie – ohhhhh I am green. I say get it all and cook cook cook – or bake bake bake. If you need any help let me know, I would be honoured to help you out. Sigh I am sooo envious.

    • Melissa

      I’d love the help, let’s make it a party!!! Wait, then we’d need frilly aprons too. Hmmm. And the LODGE so we’d all fit in the kitchen!!

  15. Angela Bailey

    I cook all the time. Especially recently…my boys are bottomless pits! To make matters worse I cannot get them to eat anything I like and I am not so into their ideas of good food so I cook them one meal and I cook myself another. I know…crazy, but I like to eat things I enjoy so I make stuff for myself and eat it for a couple of days and cook new meals for them everyday.

    I also love anthroplogie and enjoy buying all of those pretty little items for my kitchen, but I wait for them to go on sale :)

    Thanks for the fun post. I might have to check out that cookbook.

  16. Kelly (Seaux Southern)

    I am so with you on this. I don’t mind cooking (not my favorite thing at all) but I do love to bake. I am totally convinced that cute cooking/baking utensils, dishes, dish towels, etc. makes everything taste better!

  17. veronica

    I am so jealous of your SIGNED PW cookbook…I am counting down the days until her new one comes out (I have my copy pre-ordered!) and cant wait to cook up a storm! I have to admit, I have never been in an Anthropologie (gasp!) but after looking at these pictures, I will have to find one ASAP. I do more cooking during the week. Weekends are for eating out or ordering in for us.

  18. Tabitha (From Single to Marreid)

    oh… tough call, they’re all beautiful! But I’d have to be practical and go with the spice jars. That said, I LOVE the green and white butter thingy – it’s beautiful!

  19. Laura

    Our whole family gathers (usually around the table) to watch our recording of PW every weekend, and then my 2 young girls tell me which recipe we should make. Not that it usually gets made, but they tell me! And I never knew I needed it, but I am now convinced that my life is not quite complete without that Farmer’s Market berry basket!

  20. Andrea

    I love Anthro kitchen stuff too! I bought so for our home right before we were going to get married, but I always love the new products I see. Especially the butter dishes! That is so exciting that you got a signed copy of the PW recipe book! I may have to pre-order one. :)

  21. Kim

    I love the farmers market basket. But what I really want is the owl cookie jar!

    I cook Monday to Friday. I don’t loathe cooking, but I don’t love it either. Although I’m good at cooking it’s more just something I have to get done. My husband cooks on the weekend. He loves, loves,loves to cook. He’s energized by it.

  22. kimber

    Ohmyword… cuteness overload! And may I add my fawning adoration of the PW. I gave her cookbook to my SIL one Christmas and it was PAINFUL letting that bad boy go.
    Now that I’m an empty nester {*sniff*}cooking isn’t all that awesome. Just the two of us. The Mr likes to find new recipes for me to try… and he’ll even make a few, too. He recently saw a cool recipe for a cast iron skillet. He went out and bought me one. I guess we’ll be using that bad boy this weekend. I should probably snap some photos while I do. That’ll drive the Mr nuts. He does NOT get blogging and hates that I share our life there. {*sigh*} Oh well.

    • Melissa

      Ha, yeah, I feel bad for those food blogger hubbies…always having to WAIT to eat until the pictures are taken. HA!

  23. Sharon

    I love those little spice jars and the milk bottle measuring cup. I didn’t even know Anthropologie had home goods so I learned something new from you again today.

    I cook more during the week,Saturdays either my husband or I cook something quick because we usually have errands to run and a house to clean, and on Sundays my husband and I cook a nice dinner together with lots of wine and candles. It’s a wonderful way to end the weekend and get ready to start the hectic week ahead.

  24. ColleenwithMurals&More

    How fabulous!!! Oh, I mean pdub’s signed cookbook! ;) Yes, I love all of your decorative choices to. I share that *issue* with you. One summer I went pretty nuts with QVC and their ‘Temptation’ line. I bought stuff I’ll never ever use. (but it’s really pretty :)

    I’m too afraid to click over to Anthropologie. I’d have to have a Lodge then ;)

    • Melissa

      YES. We need the lodge. We do!

  25. mary timmers

    I used to cook because I had to–you know children and all. But now the only time I like it is when we have Family Dinner. This is usually on a Sunday afternoon when the whole gang, three grown kids, their spouses, and six grandchildren come over. It’s pretty loud and chaotic, but they’re so appreciative of the food and fun time, that it’s worth it!

    Oh, I love the first little butter dish!

  26. Allison A

    I love Anthro but like you, I find myself struggleing with the prices. So does the Hubs. BUT, these aren’t so bad.

    I cook every. single. day! I have two small children I fondly call The Littles and then there’s the Hubs and myself. If it weren’t for me I truely believe we would all be 100 pounds overweight thanks to fast food and frozen dinners all the time. My Husband, God love him and so do I, can not cook to save his life. Well, other than spaghetti and salad and scrambled eggs.

    As far as what would I buy if I could for my kitchen, I love the 3rd butter dish you posted as well as the milk bottle measureing cups. Granted, a real hoot canister and the staub la cocotte do tickel my fancy as well. Honestly if I could have a shopping spree there I’d look like the contestants on that old game show where they took grocery carts and dumped all the high priced stuff in to get the highest total. Yea, nuts and crazy eyes over here would be grinning like the Joker if I had that chance!

  27. Cindy

    I am so envious that you have PW’s new book in your hands! I have her first cookbook and absolutely love it. The step-by-step illustrated instructions are so good that anyone in my family can make a meal (READ: “someone other than me can make dinner).

    • Melissa

      Gotcha. That is my favorite way to cook too :-) Watching someone else do it! Maybe Ree would come cook for me? Maybe?

  28. Karen

    I’m eager to check out PW’s new book. I have been loving her show on Food TV. How fun to have received a copy. I think some of the darling items you showed us from Anthropologie could provide the incentive to cook up a storm…go for it.

  29. Dana at Cooking at Cafe D

    That is so sweet of Ree to do that!
    I call her Ree. As if we go way back.
    Yeah, right. ;)

    That milk bottle set of measures – oh MY!
    I want!!!

    ~ Dana

  30. Susan

    You are so lucky!!! I will be waiting in line at Third Place books when she comes to Seattle to get my book signed! I have a “not-so-secret” infatuation with her :-)

  31. Ashley

    I was given the milk bottle measuring cups for Christmas and I LOVE THEM! They are so cute. I really, REALLY want those spice jars, and the egg crate thing, and the berry baskets. Ooooh goodness.

  32. JD

    So cute! I looked online because I know I “need” that butter dish but I couldn’t find it. Aaaagh…

  33. mynamestartswithO

    I love Anthropologie. The egg crate is sweet. I picked up practically identical egg crate last yr or the year before at Joann’s Craft & Fabric store for at least half the price of Anthro’s. If you have a Joann’s near you see if they have them again this year. I’m sure they’ll be getting their Easter stuff in soon if it’s not there already. :) Fun post!

    • Melissa

      Good tip!! Love Joann’s!

  34. Amy

    I completely understand… I have an issue with wanting everything on the Anthro website as well. I purchased some of the wrought iron hooks and LOVE them and I bought the fox door knocker for a friend of mine when she purchased her first property, she adores it!
    Needless to say, now I am hooked and looking for projects that I can incorporate the little bits and pieces I find on there.

  35. Lorrie

    Such fun stuff! I’m in love with the little ceramic berry basket.

  36. se7en

    What a fun post!!! Love it!!!

  37. teresa

    I so need to get myself over to anthropology….and to the book store for the PW cookbook….
    Maybe that will be my happy it’s Friday present to myself. =)
    Happy Day

  38. Becky

    those little spice jars? CUTE! i’ve made it my new year’s resolution to cook more and it’s gone pretty well so far. can’t say i’m lovin’ every minute of it, but it does feel good to follow through. :)

    thanks for the great pictures and p.s. you can NEVER have too many butter dishes.


    Love PW and the recipes she cooks on TV, I am sure her cookbook is a good staple to have in the kitchen, it would make a wonderful gift for me or anyone else for that matter. Love love all of the above items. I am just like you, I love pretty containers. I pinned four of them, onto my Things I want to have board. I have the ceramic egg holder, in fact two of them. I actually used them on my Easter table two years ago, you can see it here

    I also did a post on frigescaping, yes I made up that word! I like to look in my refrigerator at pretty containers and food. Once a Nester always a Nester, Right?!!
    Thanks for the heads-up on all the pretties at Antro! They never disappoint!
    Happy Weekend,

  40. Lynn from For Love or Funny

    I LOVE the Pioneer Woman! Between her cookbooks and those cute butter dishes, I’m inspired to get into the kitchen!

    • Melissa

      Oh my gosh, that is so cute. I love it.

  41. Melissa Lynch

    The egg thingy..I am raising my own chickens. We are up to 9 a day!!!I love PW

  42. Carolyn

    I cook more on the weekends when my husband can watch our brood of kids! I can’t wait to get Ree’s new cookbook and I LOVE those pretty measuring cups!

  43. Maria

    That cookbook looks like fun – I actually have been looking at those butterdishes for some time and could not decide!! I put the whole thing aside and now look!! They are here too!! but I still don’t know…love them all but can’t splurge like that…anyway, the juicer is called “wallpaper” because of the pattern on it!! Thanks for your posts, still visiting Jack with my little guy almost daily!!

    • Melissa

      I’m sending you a special picture of Jack since I haven’t posted about him lately…not to worry though, many more adventures of Jack posts ahead!

      • Maria & Cameron who loves Jack

        Wow!! Thanks so much for the special pic!! That Jack is too cute!! He keeps us well entertained on your posts! We are always on the lookout for him and my son gets so excited when we get a little eyeful. Love!!

        PS Little Winston may be a bit shy, but he is just adorable too!

  44. Judy

    Oh, the little Farmer’s Market basket! I can just see the beautiful beries in it now.

  45. Kristan

    that is the funniest comment about the wallpaper juicer! I laughed so – and then wondered, you do know the wallpaper refers to the print on the juicer, right? Melissa? even funnier if you didn’t! love your blog! and love your view of the world….keep a’bloggin’

    • Melissa

      Honestly, I only thought about WALLPAPER. It took me awhile to catch on. LOL! I know. Crazy me.

  46. Melissa R.

    Umm my husband does most of the cooking!

  47. NanaDoll

    loved the round butter dish…they all looked so cute…and breakable…but what fun colors!!! and i love to cook:)

  48. megg

    i just realized that i have over half of the things you just posted. i usually have to sneak them into the cabinets so my husband doesn’t realize how much time i really spend at anthropologie. west elm has tons of adorable timers, measuring cups, and butter dishes now, too…. check it out!

  49. amber french

    i love pioneer woman! i have her cookbook and get her email updates! she has the most AMAZING recipes and i love her step by step photos!

  50. Anne

    The butter dish looks quite ‘dishy’. I think I’ll have that one.

  51. kelly in georgia

    That is sooooo funny! I have been working on my blog template (yay!) and taking photos of food for posts, and thinking, “ooooh I need new and cuter measuring cups and spoons and serving bowls and mixing bowls and casserole dishes, and and and!” So I am right there with ya…even started a shopping list on the refrigerator for all these things (and I need a new refrigerator too since this one is 27 years old!) So perhaps we should go shopping together….Although Anthro stuff is precious, Williams Sonoma or Sur la Table fits my kitchen better. Guess we can shop them all!

  52. Tara G.

    I could use one of the butter dishes- butter here comes in larger “pats” and I always have to cut them to fit in my dish. I cook all week but do try to carefully plan so I can have leftovers for busy nights. :)

  53. Eat 2gather

    I love the ceramic berry basket, I almost bought 5 but I controlled myself. I am cooking through PW’s latest cookbook, she sent me a little preview a few months back so I am well on my way. Come on over and enjoy my cook thru since it sounds like you might not be making to many of Ree’s recipes ; )

  54. Susan

    I must have been living under a rock – I’ve been blogging since 2004, but hadn’t heard of The Pioneer Woman until about 6 months ago :)

    I love that little berry container, but I can’t see paying $20 for it :(

    • Sheila

      Crate and barrel has them in white for much cheaper – around $7.00i think

  55. Jennifer

    I saw the gorgeous flowered measuring cups at Antrho in Houston the last week I was living there. 12 months later I asked my sister to pick them up for me in WI because I knew I needed them; I promptly forgot I asked her, and when I was visiting at Christmas she handed me an Anthro bag and she’s bought it for me as a “happy gift”. And she got me the matching teaspoons! Looks like I’ll have to get the butter dish!

  56. deniseinark

    You might want to check out . OK, I work there, and seldom take home any of my paycheck, but if you like those butter dishes and printed measuring cups, you really ought to have a look. Just sayin.

    • Melissa

      Good point, I’m gonna check them out. I love Anthro on sale :-) or for gifts!

  57. Meghan

    I’d like to think God was looking out for my now SAHM bank account when he made sure there wasn’t an Anthropologie store anywhere near our home. It’s one of my fave sites to go to when I’m dream shopping! Also, super jealous of your signed PW cookbook!

  58. sarita

    i had t have hos berry baskets…have had them about 6 months….they are sitting on my litchen window sill…still havent figured out what to do with them! i have two turquoise and one white….they are cute! i think i might put some Easter candy in them and give to,,neighbors for a little gift…that way someone elae gets to enjoy them! but you know….i juat HAD to have them..!

  59. tammy

    LOVE me some PW!!!!!!!!! Her food is so so good and comforting!!!! We use her cookbooks often and r’body loves it when we do <3!!! And Anthropologie (and PW's for that matter) kitchen is just bits of loveliness to help our living environments be a little more cheerful!!!


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