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How to Get Blog Traffic {And Grow Your Blog}

by | Nov 30, 2012 | blogging

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How to Get Blog Traffic {And Grow Your Blog}

If you are a blogger who wants to get more blog traffic to grow your blog, today’s video post is for YOU! I haven’t done a post on blogging in a LONG time. What’s up with that? I don’t know. FAIL. I’ve neglected my blog mentoring duties, so forgive me. I guess I don’t feel like I have all the answers and am just figuring this out myself, but I do know some smart people that I learn from all the time, so today I will direct you to them!

Seems like everyone is giving blogging advice these days, claiming to be an expert in their niche — so who can you trust to give you good solid advice? Well, I can tell you these ladies in the video I’m featuring today are for sure worth listening to! There is a lot to know, but it helps to be listening to the right people and getting good solid advice.

How to Get Blog Traffic {And Grow Your Blog}

I watched this Better Blogging Google hangout last night on growing your blog and getting blog traffic, featuring a couple of my blog friends (Beckie from Infarrantly Creative) and Brooke from All Things Thrifty) (and Brooke’s brother!). It has great information and tips that I thought were well worth hearing, so I wanted to share the video with you (below)! It features information on some things like SEO and keywords, but also a lot of good practical advice for any blogger regardless of how technical they want to be in their approach.

I know there are SO MANY new and aspiring bloggers out there now, especially in the home & DIY niche. I can imagine you feel overwhelmed at times and lost in the sea of bloggers (me too!). This video was designed for new bloggers wanting to grow their blogs, but I’ll admit I learned a TON!

While I’ve been around since the darker ages of blogging in 2007, I didn’t know any of this stuff when I started (and don’t even know most of it now) so we are really fortunate to have such amazing mentors and brilliant bloggers now to show us the light and help us to learn and grow our own blogs and businesses.

When I first started, the key piece of advice successful bloggers gave for growing your blog was always “leave lots of comments and stay true to yourself.” That is what I did. I think that is still good advice and a great place to start, but certainly there is a lot more to it these days with all the blogs out there all trying to find readers.

Before you watch the video, I want to thank you all for hanging out here at The Inspired Room. Whether you’ve been here the entire five years or are a newer reader, I appreciate each and every one of you. I LOVE blogging and I love sharing ideas with kindred spirits.

Speaking of YOU, if you are curious, there were over 400,000 unique visitors here this month (um, HELLO!) and over 1.1 million page views. EEK! I usually just blank the numbers part of blogging out of my mind so I don’t have a panic attack when I hit PUBLISH every day. I can’t quite picture 400,000 people in any room (let alone in The Inspired ROOM), but I know that is a crazy big number of lovely people. So thank you for being one of them! I’m glad we all get to hang out here because it makes this world so much smaller to be among friends.

I’d love it if you would introduce yourself (de-lurk!) in the comments today, it would be fun to hear from you and get to know you a little bit better! Maybe tell us if you have a blog (what you blog about and how long you’ve blogged) or if you are a just a great blog reader (you are so awesome if you read and comment for no other reason than to just encourage bloggers!! That means a ton to those of us who put ourselves out there blogging every day to a blank screen and wonder if anyone is really out there!).

For more blogging ideas and tips for growing a lasting business through blogging, check out this recent post: The Secret Success of Bloggers.

Enjoy the video and happy blogging! If you cannot see the video via email, you might have to click over to The Inspired Room to watch it.


  1. Dana {Crafted Niche}

    Can’t wait to watch this video! Thanks for sharing!!

    I’ve been struggling lately with how to grow my blog. It feels like it has stalled out. I’ve even thought about trying to reach out and get some 1-on-1 blog mentoring. I do enjoy blogging just for the sake of blogging, but I can get discouraged when it feels like I’m “staying put” rather than forging ahead. Did you ever go through spells like that?

    • Melissa

      Absolutely, blogging goes through seasons where I have felt like that too. Sometimes you just need a little boost in a new project, following some new blogs for creative inspiration, or branching out in new direction (sometimes a blog redesign or a little reorganization helps too!) to give yourself the extra “ooomph” to forge ahead.

  2. Kathryn

    Hi! I’m Kathryn, I’ve been blogging since, oh, April I think. Thanks for the great link!

  3. Melissa Owczarzak

    I am so loving your site!! You have wonderful talent! I just started blogging like a week ago lol. I live in a home that’s 181 years old with my hubby, four boys, three dogs, a cat and two fish :-) lots of craziness and fun. I blog about home design and DIY projects mostly. I’ve already seen traffic coming from your site!!! Thank you for inspiring me!

    • Melissa

      Thanks Melissa!! 181 years old? That is AWESOME! {And glad some traffic comes your way, I love that the comments allow the link back to a recent post!}

      • Melissa Owczarzak

        Yes 181!!! It’s a big, red brick farmhouse in the suburbs of Pittsburgh. It was a very rare find!! We have lived here eleven years and have done so much to the house. If I had known I was going to start a blog I would’ve taken a lot more before pics!!! We are in the middle of a massive kitchen redo, totally gutted but almost completed now. Pics of that will def be featured!!!

  4. Laurel

    Hello out there :) My name is Laurel ( and I’ve been blogging for about a year and a half, I think?? I’ve been a fairly “casual” blogger so far…my youngest in her last year of preschool. Can’t wait to watch the video! I often wonder how you ladies to it…there are times when I can’t keep up with the traffic…and other times I can hear the “crickets”. It would be nice to have some insight :) Thanks!!

  5. Vee

    Ahhhh, yes, I remember 2007 and finding your site a few weeks before I began blogging. Loved it then; love it still. Congratulations on your success!

    • Melissa

      And I remember my faithful commenter, Vee, who eventually started her own blog! :-)

  6. Judy in Virginia

    Hi there! I’m not a blogger and can’t imagine doing it. But, I’m a huge fan of you and about a dozen others that I read every morning with my coffee. I’m 57 and now at home full time. I’m on a mission to enjoy life by DIY decorating and doing some renovations to our home. But, not working makes budgeting a major issue. Following you guys has been such inspiration! I never send comments, but since you asked I thought I would let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog!

    • Melissa

      Judy, thanks for delurking, it is great to know you are out there reading, drinking your coffee and enjoying renovating your home!! Nice to meet you!

  7. Erin

    Thanks so much for this post! I started my blog about 4 months ago and I love it ( I love your blog and your content is inspiring!

  8. Shannon

    Hey, I’m Shannon, and I love visiting here and gathering new inspirations for my own home. My blog has been written in spurts, and I started it to be a homemaking blog, however, it’s really been a faith-journey blog filled with posts about the orphan we adopted in our hearts but whose adoption fell apart, and about the time we spent in Ukraine with him and about the family of 8 refugees we met at his orphanage and who now live 3 houses from me in our small hometown in Maine.

  9. Debbie

    I also think it helps traffic to a blog if ya get an adorable DOG and show him in his natural habitat…LOL

    • Melissa

      Well yeah. That is my number one tip. I think I could stop writing about decorating entirely and just post pictures of Jack and no one would mind a bit. HAHA!

  10. Rebecca

    Hi Melissa: I have only been reading your blog for about six months or so. I linked over to it on my blog… even though it is not retro or mid-century. WHY? I honestly think your blog is so well done and I admire the way it is put together. Including your brand design. The other thing I really like is how you support the blogging community through your commenting widget. Someday, when I grow up and transfer my blog over to WordPress I’ll add that too. I think that is an amazing feature and I wanted to say thank you. I’ll watch the video for sure. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your support of other bloggers.

    • Melissa

      Rebecca, Thank you so much for the nice comments!

      I love that we can enjoy blogs that are unique from our own style because they creatively inspire us!

  11. Laura

    I have been reading your blog for close to 5 years. I remember my joy and wonder when I discovered this amazing world of home blogs. It reinspired my passion for my home! I started a blog, posted once, and realized that I would rather read ’em than write ’em!

  12. Faith

    Thanks for the encouragement to de-lurk although I have commented a few times. I’ve been a reader since Feb 2008 and well remember the night I found your blog. [I think I have mentioned to you that I remember your brown background.] When I found your site, it was like Christmas all over again. All your humble advice and the great drive-by pics made me think, “This girl is a kindred spirit!” I have considered starting my own blog and encouragement from sweet bloggers like you is so nice. Its like you are good neighbors just down the street even though we are on opposite sides of the country. Wishing you continued success and you may just see more comments from me in the future.(: xo, Faith

    • Melissa

      Hi Faith, you are so sweet. Thank you for your comment, I do remember you mentioning remembering my brown background! HA! That is awesome. I really love finding kindred spirits like yourself and feel the same way. It is wonderful to share a cup of coffee, chat over the picket fence about all the projects we are up to and what is going on in life! :-) I do wish you were all my real life neighbors.

      I’ll await your next comment! :-)

  13. Cara

    I love your blog! I actually found you on other blogs site’s in their favorite blogs column. I’ve been blogging for almost 2 years and my husband and I recently got married and bought a house. I think reading other bloggers home projects inspires us so much!

  14. Thalita

    Hey! I have been reading for a few months now, and you sure are an amazing inspiration! I have just started blogging myself (less than 3 months ago) and being a newlywed and new homeowner, I’m really feeling the pressure to have the “perfect” home, especially if it’s going to be seen by the few followers I have and hopefully more to come! Your down to earth writing is really helpful with the perfection pressures though, and I love, love, love seeing an email letting me know you have new posts. I secretly open them up at work because I just can’t wait to get home to read them! Thanks for the awesome work you put into this every day!

    • Melissa

      Hi Thalita, you are adorable, thank you for your comment and encouragement. I’m glad you are a faithful reader and friend in blogland!

  15. Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

    May I suggest you visit Vicki at 2 Bags Full? Currently, she’s hosting an etsy party for bloggers, friends and followers but, in January, she’s hosting a “Grow Your Blog Party”. Vicki is one of the most generous people I know…she’s also in process of hosting a Pink Scarf party for folks fighting cancer…and she’s a lovely woman. Nope, there’s nothing in it for me, other than seeing someone do well, which is how I define success. Find Vicki at:

  16. Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl

    Okay, I’m de-lurking to tell you congrats on 1.1 Meeellion (said like Dr. Evil) pageviews. You rock it girl! And that was a great Hangout last night, I might just have to watch it again to absorb every last word. Have a great weekend.

    • Melissa

      HAHA, thanks girl, and thanks for letting me know about the hangout, too!! Seriously, I need to figure out some of that stuff, it was great info for bloggers of all sizes and stages I think!

  17. Mary Alice Patterson

    Thanks for posting the video. I’ll be watching it in a minute. Entering the world of blogging a year ago has been one of the best things I could have done this time in my life. Always looking for new and challenging tips.
    Mary Alice

  18. Diane

    Thanks Melissa!!
    You are so right, there are tons of tips from all kinds of “experts” out there. I try to take in as much as I can, but there’s the limitation of time and my purpose may be different than their tips. So….all that to say….I appreciate knowing from a “seasoned” veteran. And always…I am your student by observation. Thanks for sharing.
    Hope your weekend is extraordinary!!!

    • Diane

      Now you’re hanging out with Martha’s peeps too?!!!! Way to go girl!!

      • Melissa

        Wow you are my most observant follower :-) haha! :-) Thanks Diane.

  19. Lynn Kellan

    Hi – I’m a romance writer who loves to decorate, so I’m always checking out The Inspired Room. Thanks for all of your inspiring posts! :)

  20. Danielle

    I am coming out from hiding! I have recently starts my own blog but I feel like I am just lost and unsure of how to make it happen, so I will definitely be watching the video. Thanks for posting it! I am a stay at home mom and blog about my own DIY stuff as well as the everyday thoughts.

  21. Cheryl

    As a new blogger with only 8 official followers – this post couldn’t have come at a better time…thanks so much for sharing your wisdom – the video was great and gave me some new ideas to help my blog grow

    • Melissa

      I remember having 8 followers too…10 was a big milestone and I freaked out when I got to 30! One at a time, right? You can do this!

  22. Cyndia Montgomery

    I’m really enjoying all your posts! You give great blog! I always learn so much from you. I’m an empty-nester, decorator/gardener/Jill-of-all-trades! Always looking for the next project, even though I have SEVENTEEN pages of typed “honey-dos” saved on my computer. I live in a 1930’s house that was originally a 4 room house built for local cotton mill workers. Added onto in the 50s, when we bought it 14 years ago, it had the personality of an old shoe. My sweet hubby and I have been bringing it to life; adding Craftsman influences and scandalizing our very beige neighbors with our color choices.
    I’ve had plans to start my own blog, but just haven’t had the time. Maybe soon…

  23. Missy June

    I’m a longtime fan! Thanks for the fun!

  24. Jennifer

    Hi, thanks so much for posting this video, It was great for info on blogging and I also found some great new sites. I enjoy the blogging world and the wonderful friendships that I have made from it. What a great forum to find other people with the same interests and likes as yourself.

    I love your site and allways look forward to new posts coming in my email.

    Thank You, You continue to inspire Me!

  25. K C

    I’m a fairly new follower. Thanks so much for the link. I have pulled it up and will be watching it when I am done with homeschooling my girls today. I blog at I blog with a lot of tutorials, crafts, scrapbooking, cards, running, and a little of this and a little of that (kind of like my personality).
    Have a great day!

  26. Maria

    Three years ago, I was perusing the internet, and somehow I came across your blog. I stayed up all night, reading every post, and feeling so connected…like there were other people in the world like me — people who love to create! I haven’t missed a post since, and yours was the first blog that I ever subscribed to. :-) You have a way of making us all feel so welcome and so in tune with you, and I just want to thank you for that. I check my feed every morning, excited to read the day’s post from The Inspired Room, and you have truly inspired me. :-) So, thanks. You have made a difference!

  27. Teri

    Just wanted to say, “Thank you” for blogging!! I came upon your blog via DaySpring.
    Aloha from Hawaii!

  28. Sherry

    Hi Melissa! I’ve been visiting you for a couple of years now. I don’t get time to visit daily but I check back regularly. I love your style and enjoy getting inspiration from your pages! I’ve been blogging for just over one year now. I have a full time job so I am not able to do as much as I would like BUT it has been a blessing! My creative side needed an outlet and blogging has surely provided that. I LOVE IT!!

    • Melissa

      You are welcome, Sherry! And thank YOU for reading! :-)

  29. Linda Stoll

    Hey, Online Friends ~

    I’ve been blogging since way back in 2008. I’m a pastoral counselor/life coach … and a woman with a life outside the office! I blog about anything and everything that interests me … homekeeping, emotional healing, life balance, spiritual formation, awesome relationships, my growing family, ministry leadership.

    So … you never know what you’re going to find next. Kind of like life. And I like it that way! Please drop by …

  30. Vidya Sudarsan

    Hi Mellisa, I visit your blog regularly. You are on my blogroll and you inspire me! I have been blogging for slightly more than a year.. it has been a great ride so far! can’t complain! One page leads to another… and best of all have made so many new friends. Thank you for this post! Wishing you a very happy holidays and happy blogging :)

  31. Kendra

    What the heck, I’ll de-lurk too to say thank you for providing a great blog. I’ve been struggling to find my decorating “voice” in my newest house and this blog and a few others have finally helped me pinpoint what I’m trying to do since “cottage, but more eclectic” was the closest description I could come to until now.

    I’ve been blogging off an on (mostly off mid-way through until lately) since 1999. I missed writing and decided to start up again. It’s always been casual, though – never to the levels of a blog such as yours. Maybe someday! :)

    • Melissa

      Hi Kendra,

      I know exactly what you mean, it takes awhile to get into your groove when you move. After four years I finally feel like maybe I’m figuring this house out!

      Wow, blogging since 1999. That really is a long time! Casual blogging is a great way to do it for the long haul, right? Way to go!

  32. Wendi

    I love your blog. I used to follow a bunch of different blogs and really had to narrow it down to a few that I really love. I’ve used a lot of your ideas in my home and even follow you on Pinterest!!

    My blog is so different from most out there, and I’m not sure if there’s a big market for it. I’m really just writing it probably mostly for myself. It’s mainly about learning to love people in the world and giving more of ourselves every day. If I get more followers, I would be really excited because I want to spread a message of positivity, but if I don’t, I think I will still get just as much out of it!!

    Love your blog! Thanks

    • Melissa

      Wow, glad I made the list! :-) Sometimes different blogs are the best of all because you are touching on a subject that no one else is. What a great topic for a blog, I’m so glad you shared it!

  33. Susan

    I am going to watch this video – I saw the info and had planned on tuning in, but it was hubby’s birthday so we were out celebrating. Thanks for sharing it here.

    I have been hanging around here for probably 2 years or so – love your style and your encouragement too. I am excited to work together {WINK} and get to know you a bit more too – I blog at where I encourage moms make small intentional changes managing their home and family giving them more time, less stress and stronger family relationships. I love what I do!

    • Melissa

      I know! I’m excited about our little project, it’s gonna be fun!!

  34. Jessi

    My name is Jessi and I’ve been blogging for about 2 years. I’m trying to turn it into more as well, but I really do it because I enjoy it! I blog about DIY projects, anything inexpensive, sewing, and keeping it real as a Mom and homemaker. I plan on participating in the Christmas home tour!

    • Melissa

      That is the best way, to enjoy it first and then learn ways to improve! I’m so glad you will be a part of the Christmas Home Tour!!

  35. Jessica

    Hi Melissa!
    I’ve been blogging for about a year over at Dear Emmeline ( mainly about furniture refinishing, and DIY/craft projects, occasionally a recipe, design inspiration, and my kiddos!

  36. Patti

    Love your blog and following your journey!! Thank you!

  37. Heather

    I’ve been visiting your blog for quite a while now, and two of my best friends and I started our blog ( at the beginning of this month. We’re having a great time talking about fashion, food, frugality, furnishings, fun, and finds, and sharing the posting duties on a Mon-Fri basis. What’s really lovely is hearing from the people who stop by and leave their comments. It makes for a much smaller world :)

    • Melissa

      Welcome! How awesome is that to blog as a team! Congrats on the new blog!

  38. Alyssa Teer

    Hi Melissa! I justed started my blog, The Decorating Duchess, in October and I really did not know how much went in to it. Oddly enough, I had never even read a blog before. I just googled blogs, blogger came up, I put in my info. and wrote my first post. I thought it was as easy as that until I started searching other blogs. I googled decorating blogs and of course yours showed up right at the top of the searches. I was hooked. I sat for an entire day and read as many posts as I could and couldn’t believe how much I agreed with your views on just about everything. I truly felt like I had found a kindred spirit! Your blog is layed out so well and is so professional. It has inspired me to work not only on my posts but on the look of my blog itself. I have soooo much to learn and I really appreciate this post and the fact that you want to mentor us newbies. I can see why you are one of the ten best!

    • Melissa

      Alyssa, that is exactly how I started my blog. I wasn’t a blog reader, I just started one day at random! No thought, no planning, strategy, no nothing! GAH! Actually, kind of like I blog now. HAHA.

      Thanks for introducing yourself here, I LOVE LOVE LOVE finding all these kindred spirits through blogging!!

  39. kristin

    You were one of the first blogs I came across years ago and am still a follower, I think you are awesome! Just finished the video, such great information, thanks so much for sharing!
    Have a great weekend.

  40. Glenda Childers

    I have been reading your blog for three years , which is when I began blogging. Congrats on all your growth and thanks for your mentoring heart.


  41. Pam

    Hi Melissa, I’m Pam and have been blogging since mid-2010. I do thrift store shopping and vintage decor on my blog (because thrift stores are chock full of vintage goodies). I am nowhere near the page views of even the newbie girl in that video and I think I’d pee my pants (in a good way) if I had over a million page views per month! I would love to grow, but I guess I have to get over my marketing aversion. Thanks for posting that video. Love it and will be watching it again later tonight.

  42. Delores

    I’ve been blogging since November, 2009. At times it is hard to hang in there, coming up with new and fresh subjects, as well as balancing blogging and life.
    Really enjoyed the video. It helps bring me back to the importance of building
    my blog and how I have lost interest, due to the distraction of Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram, haha. I have followed The Inspired Room for a long time! Thank you for the video! ~Delores

  43. Shannon Fox

    Hi Melissa ~ I’m Shannon, and I’ve been blogging just over a year. I was actually reading the Inspired Room (and a few others) before I really even knew what a blog was. I just thought they were sort of glossy, casual magazines. It’s been a wonderful year and I love getting to have a more personal interactions with people who like to do so many of the things I do. On the technical side, there is so much information out there now about blogging, that I try to take it in little bite sized portions so I don’t get overwhelmed. I enjoy reading your blog, and I too enjoy Jack! Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays :)

  44. DL

    I try to check your blog daily and find your posts to be quite refreshing! I do not have my own blog but do write weekly on as DL.


    Hi I am Kathysue of Good Life Of Design. I write about life and Interior design. I have a passion for both and years of experience working with clients. I always try to look at the upside of things, while, “Enjoying The Process!”

  46. Heidi

    Delurking as requested. :) Thanks for sharing this video! I’m eager to check it out!

  47. Lisa

    Hi! I’m Lisa at The Warming House. I’ve been blogging for two years. I started on the heels of three years of tremendous brokenness. My blog is an outlet for ministry. I love to write and am a very relational person. At The Warming House you’ll find content about faith, family, home, compassion, and ministry. It’s been fun. Thanks for the post. I need all the help I can get!

  48. Our Learning

    Thanks for sharing this video. Your blog constantly inspires me!

  49. kelly

    Hi, I’m a newer follower, but I love what I’ve read so far, and I love this post. I’ve been blogging for almost three years, but recently had my second baby so my posting is a little less regular right now, especially since I also have a busy etsy shop. But at some point I would like to work on growing my blog, so thank you for this post!

  50. New Homes in Charlotte

    Awesome tips! We have started to implement some of these blogging strategies and we are starting to see the results :)

  51. Danette Dillon

    Thank you for posting this video. I haven’t watched it yet, but I will.

    My name is Danette and I blog at All My Love for All My Days. I’ve flirted with blogging in the past, but only really started blogging about 9 months ago and I love it. I love the community. I love reading. I trying to apply other people’s ideas in my home.

    Mostly I blog about life, but the main reason I love blogging is because I was to inspire other people to love life…love the journey…and spread love where ever they go.

  52. Carrie

    I’m really excited to watch the video and learn something. I can’t remember when I found your blog but it has only been about a year or so. I started my own blog in June. I enjoy it, but get a little discouraged because I don’t have many followers or comments. For the most part it’s okay because writing it adds purpose to my days, and it’s fun! But it would be nice to grow it and to see if others liked it…Thanks for all you do! :)

    • Melissa

      I can imagine that would be discouraging starting out right now. Comments are way down for everyone in the last year or two, I think because of the volume of social interaction online and amount of bloggers and social media sites available now, people take less time to comment and find new bloggers. It is hard for a blogger to not get any feedback in comments, I know I need that conversation to be able to talk TO someone when I write, not just myself :-). The only thing I can think of is to maybe choose to comment regularly on others blogs and build some relationships with bloggers who are newer as well and want that same interaction. Usually newer bloggers will reciprocate and share comments on your blog too so I encourage you to find a group of pals to interact with and maybe build each other up a little bit so it isn’t as lonely! xo

      • Carrie

        Thank you so much for replying! I really appreciate the advice & support. I am going to try your recommendations and build a “posse”. In fact, I’m looking through the list of comments here for people who might be good candidates… :)

  53. Angela

    Thank you for posting this video. I started my antiques/interior design/fashion blog fairly recently, and I’ve always enjoyed reading yours!

  54. Bethany

    I started blogging last summer to share things my family is up to, recipes, decorating, and other stuff. I’m not the greatest blogger–it’s hard to fit in when I have two busy little ones and lots of other things going on in my life. However, it’d be nice to gain more readers. It always feels good to know the time you spend on blog posts was worth it when more than a few people read it. I’ll definitely check out the video. I feel like I need a to recharge my blogging battery.

    Thanks Melissa for remembering all the little bloggers.

  55. Louise

    I found The Inspired Room through a check-out page at Coldwater Creek 2 or 3 years ago. Trusting that company, I went to investigate and Lo! I found well constructed sentences and thoughtful paragraphs–excellent writing–and a depth of feeling and understanding about things, and photos of a tasteful and lovely home. Your up-front statement regarding NON-magazine-homes was intriguing to me, and from then on I’ve been learning that yes, it’s possible to do things one’s own quirky way and I now have PERMISSION to do that, NOT like a magazine which I have always looked at askance; and yes, home interiors don’t have to remain static, as mine has been for so long; and yes, other people, I should say women-type people, for that is who we mainly are, are very happily actively enjoying nesting in their homes and improving their homes, sometimes on tight budgets. The collaborating with other bloggers and sharing with readers that you do is generous and wonderful, and it is all opening another world for me of participating in my own interests. I have an email folder dedicated to The Inspired Room. I’ve been turned on to other quality blogs through you. I’ve saved tutorials and ideas. Warm congratulations, Melissa,on your successes so far, and may good fortune and the wind be always at your back!!

    • Melissa

      Well thank you, Louise, you are a dear lady. Thank you for your kind words. It makes me so happy to hear that you enjoy all the sharing as much as we do. That is what makes blogland go round and feel like such a real community!

  56. theresa


    Just a note to say thank you for your Blog. My blog reading everyday is what the daily paper was for my parents. I love that brave women get on most days and share insight into your homes and family life along with whatever Diy scrap booking , cooking what ever your blogs may offer. More often than not these daily blogs touch us more than we would expect.
    Thank again,
    PS I love that you live in Washington State as I am from Spokane

    • Melissa

      Thank you Theresa :-)

  57. Cindi Summerlin

    I have really enjoyed your decorating pictures and all of your posts. I’ve been wanting to build my blogosphere audience and your post today was perfect timing! Thank you!!!

  58. Martha Carmona

    Melissa this is such wonderful timing! I was encouraged a few weeks ago by many of your readers, when you featured my kitchen, so I forged ahead and started my own blog! Oh boy , now all the questions really start!! So, thank you for this post. I will treasure it. And BTW, please check out my humble blog at
    Thanks so much!!

  59. Julie

    I delurked six week ago when I started my blog. lol Not sure how I found your site months ago, but I was awe struck. :)

    I love your blog, your writing voice and that you keep in touch with your readers. I understand you have a large blog with many followers. I admire those that do their best to keep in contact with their readers. Blogs that never ever comment back to their readers is equivalent of someone ignoring you. I never expect a blogger to comment to everyone (that would be unrealistic) but bloggers that at least make an effort, shows that they are listening and appreciate their readers.

    Thank you for ALL that you do and your fantastic link parties. It has helped us baby bloggers get our projects out there for others to see.

    Have a beautiful weekend. :)


    • Melissa

      Oh, you are so welcome! Thank you Julie! Congrats on your six week old blog! :-)

  60. Chaney

    Hi! I’m Chaney. I’m a pretty new blogger and while I’ve been blogging for over a year, I only recently started “seriously” blogging and posting frequently. I’m learning a ton, and have been thinking recently about what it would look like to grow the blog into something more. So this post is perfectly timed! Thanks! I blog mostly about interior design, DIY, graphic design and my own life. It’s fun, and I’m really looking forward to watching the video to learn more. Keep doing what you do at The Inspired Room!

  61. Mindy

    Your blog title may be the inspired room but you never fail to inspire in ways other than decor. I started blogging in September and am just trying to feel my way around, let the blog become what it should be I guess. Thanks for such wonderful posts and continued inspiration!

    • Melissa

      Thanks Mindy. That is a great way to do it, letting the blog simply become what it should be. Sometimes bloggers have grand ideas of what their blog should be and how many followers they should have, but the reality might be your blog is not destined for that end that you had in mind in the beginning. Once you let go of the reigns a little and just enjoy being creative and still living your life, your blog will find its own unique style and voice, I think! :-). Good luck with your new blog, and thanks for your sweet comment!

  62. teresa

    You are such a ray of sunshine…always the gracious host. Thanks for all your support over the years.
    This blog truly is a Happy place.

  63. Lindsay Redd

    Thank you for this! I started an interior design company, my husband is a General contractor/finish carpenter by trade…. We are finishing up our house,and travel trailer and making crafts for nieces and nephews! We have a whole lot of crazy fun going on!

  64. Jen Morris

    Thank you so much for this awesome video and for your generosity and enthusiasm. I do have a couple of questions that I would love to have addressed in future Hangouts – I always think that if I have questions I’m sure there’s someone else out there wondering the same thing!

    1) How do you find out another blog’s stats? In the Hangout you talked about approaching fellow bloggers with a similar amount of traffic – how do you know how much traffic they have?

    2) Comment etiquette. Do you respond to every comment? Only the ones that have email addresses attached? Only via email or only via your comment section or both? I really value my readers but comment response takes so much time … plus I am very much an introvert and I find that spending a lot of time interacting with other people (even via email) kind of takes it out of me. But I so value my readers, especially the ones who take the time to comment – I guess I just haven’t found a balance yet. Any thoughts shared via future Hangout perhaps?

    • Melissa

      I’ll try to answer those questions:

      1. Approaching bloggers with similar stats: Well, stats of bloggers can be tricky to figure out. Counting comments don’t really work. Some people get tons of comments but still have a pretty small blog. Some big blogs get less comments because people don’t think you read them or that you are a real person or whatever. Looking at followers on Facebook or Friend Connect doesn’t even really tell you the whole story.

      Even if the blogger tells you her stats or they put them on their “about me” page, they can be wrong or misleading, unintentionally even due to accidentally having an analytics code in twice (I’ve heard of that a lot lately, it is easy to do accidentally.) If you do talk about stats with other bloggers, the best number to share if you are trying to compare site size is probably finding out their “unique vistors.” Most people talk about page views but how many people actually go to a blog seems to be more of an indicator of overall size and influence in blogland.

      So how do you find out stats? There are ways probably to basically figure it out, but it is kind of time consuming and not always reliable.

      But, I actually don’t think the same stats are as important to finding your people as perhaps general affinity with the personalities of the bloggers you connect with. Maybe instead of looking for stats you look for people who have a similar creative or writing style, a similar outlook on blogging for fun or as a business, a similar sense of humor or personality so you actually like them as a person, or maybe you connected at a blogging conference or are in some of the same circles so it makes sense to connect.

      I think finding people who started at the same time as you in a similar niche perhaps (not necessarily the same exact style as you, but maybe bloggers who all blog about homes or recipes, or family blogs or craft) is a great reason to connect because you’ll probably have all the same types of questions and same types of challenges and can share audiences with each other. Just because a blogger maybe has higher page views doesn’t mean as much as whether or not they are willing to partner and share ideas.

      2). Commenting. Every blogger handles this differently. It is very time consuming and I totally get that for some of us too much connecting is draining. My thought on it is I try to answer questions in the comments as much as I can (although I’m sure I miss some). I like to answer there because then everyone can see the answer as they may have the same question, and it feels more like a real conversation rather than a bunch of comments to a non-engaging writer. I love the conversation of blogging, so without the back and forth it would seem weird to me. I don’t reply back to every comment because I respect people’s time and figure sometimes you just wanted to leave a comment not start a big dialogue! But questions are different and I think they deserve an answer if at all possible, and yet when we miss the question or don’t answer an email for some reason, blog writers need grace because it is hard work to keep up with so many people and their questions and still have a life and good content to share. We are human and just can’t do it all!

      I think if you struggle a lot with replying to comments, perhaps consider blogging a tiny bit less so you have more time for engagement. If you are blogging 7 times a week and don’t have time to answer comments or ever respond to a need, cut down a post or two and use that time to be a friend back. You can’t be a good friend to everyone but a little interaction will help you grow your blog faster probably than one extra post. :-)

      • Jen Morris

        Thank you so much for taking the time for such an in-depth reply (and so quickly too) – I really appreciate it. Lots to think about; I’m starting to see things differently. You’re the best :)

  65. Gail

    I’ve enjoyed your blog in the month I’ve been a follower. It is pretty, sophistcated look, and informative,
    I don’t have ablog, wrong season in my life. However, I do help with website articles for 2 charities and can apply some of the blog traffic video info to our issues in getting peopleto visit our sites. Thanks for your help

  66. Judy Clark

    I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for quite some time now. I got some good ideas from the video. Thanks for sharing.

    I started blogging on August 21, 2012 and am loving it. It is more work than I thought it would be but the rewards and friendship are fantastic. I hope to grow as I continue my blog.


  67. t. brunette

    so, I’ve been blogging for only a couple of weeks, and I have blogged before, but I am trying to do this one completely anonymously-is that weird? so I don’t have any personal pull to draw on. lol. it’s slow going….

  68. Leslie B

    I’ve been reading your blog since July. I discovered the blogging world while helping my daughter with her newborn and now am totally hooked. I’ve been thinking about starting a blog but haven’t taken the leap yet. I can truly say that following all the blogs has helped my creativity. Thank you for the inspiration.

  69. Renee

    Hi Melissa – Thanks for sharing this information. I’ve been blogging for a couple of years, but not growing very fast. I work full-time too and to be a good blogger you really have to commit. Someday! In the mean time I’ll keep plugging along. I’ve asked for advice from you before and your always there so thanks! The most trouble I have is taking the jump to get professional help to revamp my blog. Right now it’s still like a child coloring in the lines. :-)

  70. sarah K

    I just started blogging this week and am so glad I ran into this. Thank you so much for adding this link<I found it really helpful and will for sure head over to your DIY Headboard:) Your site is tremendous as well full of useful information, I wish you continued success I know I will definitely check back regularly.

  71. Stacey

    Thank you for sharing this video! I am a very new blogger and some of the content made my eyes glaze over, there was a lot of great information! I am really excited to learn and grow my blog and with these video hangouts and all the resources on All Things Thrifty Blogging 101, I am confident I can do this!
    Thank you again!

  72. Joni Webb

    can’t wait to watch this. i REALLY need to improve my traffic after hearing how many unique visitors you get! i am such a slacker!!!!! omg! haha. now i am worried i have two analytics. how do you know if you do????? scares me!

    • Melissa

      Oh my gosh, Joni, you do not need to worry. Your blog is crazy good and transcends all stats. No need to fear, you are not slacker. You are just so busy being amazing you don’t have to think about this stuff. I remember when you first found my blog and I almost had a heart attack that you commented, I still have a heart attack when you comment. You are a legend.

  73. Kelly - Talk of the House

    Well I have been reading and commenting for YEARS here. Yours was the second blog I fell in love with, and I think it was your kitchen in your former house that hooked me…then your drive bys …and just the honesty of your posts. I love your answers to Jen’s questions above. It was the connection between the blogger and the readers that made me want to start blogging about houses (mine and others,) but goodness I was scared of the technical side! After a year of research, I jumped in 8 months ago, and I am truly loving it! But man does it take the time to do all I want with it! So thank you for taking the hours and hours you spend on this, and also, thank you for the linky parties. I so appreciate getting to see other’s projects and it has helped my little blog too.

  74. Julie Schock

    Hi Melissa,
    I have been reading your blog for almost two years and love it! I dabbled with starting a blog a couple of times — in 2009 I started a gardening blog and then a few months in to it landed a freelance client so I stopped the blog because of time. Then I started again when I found all the great home blogs and decided to go that direction — to blog about my home inside and out — but got intimidated by all the talent I saw online and backed off for a year or so. Finally, I got my courage together and started again this past July and have been posting regularly since then. I really love what I’m writing about (my home is my passion!) and have seen some growth but get frustrated when posts I’m really proud of don’t get the traffic I was hoping for. Even so, I’m determined to keep forging ahead because I really love what I’m doing. Thank you so much for caring about us little blogger out there! :)

  75. Kate

    I’m very interested in watching this video. I confess that I seldom comment on blogs that have a lot of comments so I’m taking your encouragement to comment to heart today! ;)

    I’ve been blogging since 2004, mostly for myself and a few people who randomly found me (and promptly went on to find someone else). It wasn’t until 2010 that I decided to combine my 3 different blogs into one. I blog about all things Titus 2 – in the hopes to encourage and train and mentor other women in loving the Lord, their husbands, their children and be keepers at home (not stayers at home).

    When I first redesigned my blog, I paid for a consulting service to help me build my blog, traffic-wise and to be able to earn money. Absolutely NOTHING came of it. My blog traffic is small: ~2233 unique vistors a month and ~3491 pageviews a month. It has pretty much stayed the same size for the past year and I earn nothing from it.

    I’m very interested to see what I can learn from this video but am praying still to see if this is a focus the Lord even wants me to take. I’m always so torn, although we could really use the money (8 children, 1 marriage on the horizon, lots of medical expenses, 1 income, etc.), but I need to make sure that God’s vision is my vision.

    Thanks for sharing this today.

  76. Melissa McIntyre

    I guess I’ve been a lurker since um..September? I have 6 kids and we live a very low key life. We homeschool, don’t have tv, or videogames, and none of us are on the computer very much. I discovered Ann Voskamp and her site back in September and from there I’m now following 5 bloggers (you being one of them! ;-) I have to say it has been very encouraging and inspiring! I LOVE decorating and keeping my home and doing it on a very cheap budget. I’m usually online for an average of an hour and a half because that’s all I have time for! But the time I spend is worth it and rewarding, so from one Melissa to another, Thank you!!!

  77. tara

    I’ve been reading your blog since around 2008…
    there are so many bloggers, and it’s getting increasingly harder to find time to “follow” along on everyone’s journey. are you feeling the same thing? i’m sure you are!

    my blog had grown in spurts….i think i’m around 45-50,000 page views a month…but I’ve been there for a long while now….
    my posts aren’t consistent and my blog is rather eclectic…our sign business that came out of my blog keeps us so busy that i honestly can’t imagine putting more time into the blog posts…what to do? i’ll watch the video. :)

  78. caroline

    I could kiss you. I loved this and I’m reallly excited to look at all the other videos and related posts… I’m not sure how I’ve missed this in the past but I loved it. It was like she asked so many questions that have been floating around in the back of my mind for forever.

    As a new blogger who aspires to be a full time blogger [dream big!], this was beyond helpful. It’s amazing what you can learn if you know where to find it. I’ve taught myself basic coding and my photography is growing but there’s still so much to learn.

    I think I’m gonna be here all day. Thanks again!

    • Melissa

      You’re welcome! Haaha yes dream big!

  79. Tori

    I just started my beauty blog 4 days ago and am thrilled to have 80 views haha! I have a long way to go to get some notice but all this advice truly does help and I look forward to meeting new people through this and experiencing new and exciting things!

  80. Melissa Owczarzak

    Melissa, I bought my own domain name today!
    My blog should be linked to it within the next 24 hours! Thank you again so much for you generous advice!!

    • Melissa

      Yay!! Way to go!

  81. Erin Richburg

    I am a newbie at blogging and started blogging as a hobby and a way to justify my obsession with textiles, furniture and home design :)
    After all, it is my side business, I have to buy every home magazine and follow hundreds of blogs as my “research”! I would love for my blog to grow and expand to readers outside of my contacts and friends. I am posting weekly, but still seem to be circulating in the same crowd. Hmmmm???

  82. Nicki of Cute & Co.

    I started blogging for my photography business Vitalic Photo ( and loved it so much that I started my own — Cute & Co. ( It’s dedicated to interiors, events & personal style. I’m still trying to find my niche and what people are most interested in… in due time I suppose! : )

  83. Stacey

    Thanks so much for posting this video chat. It was very helpful! I have been blogging for 7 months. Having a hard time being consistant but will put that on my 2013 resolutions list. :)
    I really enjoy reading your posts on remodeling your home and all your posts are helpful and enjoyable. Love Jack too. :)

  84. jackie jade

    Just wanted to hi and de-lurk! I started my blog this summer and always looking for new tips, so excited to watch this video!

  85. Natalie

    Hello there! Not sure exactly when I found you~ but have loved you ever since! With both your faith and your love for design, I knew we were kindred spirits! I share a blog with a life long friend and together we share how we are rooted in our faith, family and all things southern! Having a degree in design, I felt that was my niche, but God is taking me elsewhere. My desire is to just encourage woman (and really everyone) to just understand and know the love of Christ. I am the director of our women’s ministry and just have such a heart for serving them. I thank you for your post~ perfect timing. I guess I am in a place now on what to share and wanting to share with as many as possible! ~ I want to scream every personal detail of my life to just to show how good God has been to me and my family. Knowing what to write, how to write it… I just want to serve Him and share His story and His love with others, how ever that may be… I would love to expand my circle of influence for His kingdom! Any tips would be awesome! You are a great inspiration mixing these two things so well! Praying for you and keep up the awesome work!
    (I am a terrible commenter~ but look for your post daily!)

  86. Shannon

    Hi there! I’m Shannon. :) I started blogging a few months ago after I finished up grad school with hopes to inspire myself to turn my boyfriend and my’s new house into a home! :) I really have enjoyed blogging and the friends I’ve made along the way! I love reading your site and can’t wait to watch the video. :)


  87. Books n' Cooks

    Thanks for sharing the video!
    I’ve been blogging since late 2009 and recently attended my first blogging conference. While blogging started as a hobby for me, I’m looking to be a bit more serious about it, so I really appreciate this post. In 2013, I’m looking to really improve my photos and refocus the theme of my blog. I hope I’m able to do everything I have in mind!

  88. Nicole

    Thanks so much for sharing this discussion. There is so much good info in the video. I have been blogging for just over six months and have recently decided the direction I want to take my blog. I’ve been an information sponge lately, absorbing great tips and advice from the bloggers that are wonderful enough to share their knowledge and experiences. Thanks again & have a beautiful day!

  89. Lindsay at Life of Splendor

    Hi Melissa! Thank you so much for posting this!!! I’ve found your blog fairly recently and love it so much. This post was exactly what I needed to hear…I have a home decor blog and have been blogging for a little over a year. I’ve done exactly what you said…stayed true to myself and comment on other blogs…and that has brought me some traffic. But here lately, I’ve felt like I want to take things to the next level a bit. I’m struggling with this because the last thing I want is to become motivated by numbers. That is not at all the reason I blog…I love home decor and really feel that God has given me this as an outlet to share what’s on my heart and what He’s teaching me…so the numbers really don’t matter. But it’s hit me lately that I might not be the best steward of this resource if I do nothing to build it. But since I am such an all or nothing person, I struggle with balancing this. This post today helped tremendously. Thanks so much for sharing and I’ll definitely be one of those 400,000 reading your lovely and encouraging words :)

    • Melissa

      Thanks Lindsay, I think that is a great attitude! Thanks for your support and encouragement, too! It is a great to have such a supportive, encouraging community of like minded people!

  90. Kerry

    How awesome of you to encourage and mentor new bloggers! I’m looking forward to watching the video. I started my blog, homecrush, last spring and have learned so much, and been “introduced” to sooo many incredible women through blogging – like you! I’m in awe of the creativity and positivity out there; love, love it. I’m hoping to grow and improve my blog and appreciate so much the encouragement pros like you send!

  91. Angela Conley

    Thanks for posting this! It’s awesome to see support among fellow bloggers!

    I’ve been blogging for 1-2 years and am constantly looking for ways to connect with more people & improve my site. I like to blog about my DIY & decorating adventures, especially those that are make-overs and involve repurposing. I also paint watercolors, so I feature those projects on my blog as well.

    Best of luck to all of you in your creative endeavors!

  92. Ellora

    Thanks so much for posting this for all us aspiring bloggers! ;) I attended the event and it was a great video with tons of helpful tips. I can’t wait to see the next video in the series. I’ve been blogging since May and love it! It is a lot of work, but if it’s something you enjoy and willing to work at, then that’s what matters! Still, I have tons of work to do and lots to consider in order to make it better a blog, but it’s the great ones like yourself that inspire me to keep working at it! I love your blog and the entire blogging community is so supportive.

    Ellora :))

  93. Mariam d'Eustachio

    Thanks for your ideas, your real approach, and your encouragement to other, newer bloggers like myself. The highs and lows are extreme, coming and going with each cup of coffee or idea. Thanks for showing us a glimpse of the road to success.

  94. Elaine

    Yes I am a blogger and I’ve been blogging for 4 years. Have I grown my blog? Not very much and I am sometimes envious of superstar bloggers.

    I will definitely watch your video. I love reading your blog. It’s so positive and fun, I can see why you are so successful.

    Happy Holidays!

  95. Megan

    I am looking forward to watching the video!

    I am extremely new to blogging, I’ve only been doing it a little over a month. I am still finding the feel, but it is a combination of information on how to transform your spiritual and emotional self, with posts that are referred to as “Not So Serious” to help lighten up the mood which will involve DIY tutorials, cooking, pictures.

    This is my first time to your site, and I love it! I will be subscribing to RSS and following you on twitter. Looking forward to interacting with you more!

    Happy Holiday’s!


  96. Bonnie

    currently taking a hiatus from my blog this month and next until my husband is home from afghanistan to focus on other things, but was so influenced by this post! i hope to grow my blog this spring into summer and really focus on making it a distinct place with my voice and lifestyle :) thank you so much for this! :) xo! b

  97. Barbi

    Thanks for the great info. I just started my doggy bloggy a few weeks ago and I am learning a lot! Who knew there was so much work behind such a simple concept!?

  98. Karen Daniels

    I started blogging last summer. I’m doing the social networks, make comments on other’s blogs, and had guest bloggers. I am having difficulty getting traffic, except for people who want to sell their products on my site. How do I find people and get traffic? How do I get onto google? Would you be able to look at my site and give some advice?
    Thank you!

  99. More Than a Coupon Queen

    This is great information. I have blogged for 3 years now. In December I took a huge leap of faith and rebranded the blog. This has been great for freeing up my ability to post content that I want to but it has also taken me back to ground floor as I rebuild a lot of my traffic. I am excited to see what the year holds. =)

  100. Angie

    Thanks for this post…it’s mah-velous dahling! Sorry. Consider myself officially de-lurking here. I’ve been following your blog for a long time now (and love it FYI) so it’s about time I came out of the woodwork and left a comment. I’ve been blogging for two-ish years (regularly for one) about DIY and home improvement and LOVE IT. It’s my favorite hobby!

    • Melissa

      I’m SO glad you de-lurked. Thank you so so much for the nice comment, it made my day. And, I’m happy you love blogging!! Happy 2013!

  101. Amanda

    Thanks for the post! I can’t wait to watch the video when I get home. I feel like I can’t move past 80-100 views per day. I am approaching my 1 year mark the end of next month so I am looking for new ideas!

  102. Victoria

    I just started a blog at I have been surfing the web trying to find anything to increase traffic. I currently am hearing the crickets and not much else. Most of my traffic comes from facebook and twitter. Since I just started those accounts I don’t get much traffic from either. I’ve been reading about SEO. I’ve found lists of blog directories you can add your blog link to since it apparently increases traffic to have high ranking sites on google link to you. I haven’t seen much success from that at this point. But to be fair, I’ve only been at this for a few weeks. I’m open to any and all information and am happy other bloggers are willing to share their knowledge. So t make a short story long, thank you. :)

  103. Jess

    Unfortunately, all my blog traffic is coming from those bot sites that list your blog randomly (vampirestat, zombiestat, etc.) Thanks for posting this!!

  104. Kimberly

    Thank you for the video. I never thought about forming a group, meeting via phone once a week and learning from each other. I love this idea.

    I have been blogging for almost four months…my husband, one year old daughter and I have an older home in a historic neighborhood. I have a background in Landscape Architecture and the way I think about design is a connection between my home and yard. I am having a ton of fun! Plus, blogging requires that I finish a project! I used to just throw ideas out and then they would never materialize.

    Next step…grow the blog like I plan on growing my yard. A beautiful, lush green!!

  105. Stephanie

    Just found this post via Google and am SO grateful I did! I’m not even a Decor-blogger…. like you and most of everyone who’s commented… and yet this content is so applicable! (I blog about Positive Parenting). I’m actually from the same hometown as Brooke and her brother so that was fun!
    Thanks for the inspired post! Will be following you now:)

  106. Jenni Patillo

    Thanks so much for this video! I took a page of notes! I have been blogging for a while now, but have only started desiring to grow my blog in the last few months. I have not purchased a domain yet or made the jump to get a blog template that I love. That is all taking place this month, and this video is just what I needed to hear to get me started. It just started as a way to keep family up to date on my pregnancy and what we were up to as a family. Now, I love posting about fashion, DIYs, and other random things in addition to family updates. Thanks again!!

    • Melissa

      Awesome! Good luck!!!

  107. Recreate and decorate

    Hi I can’t wait to see the video! I’m a military spouse blogging about home decor and ready to grow my blog. If you are still mentoring, I would love to be mentored!

  108. Amy Ewell

    Thanks for the great video. Hoping to seriously grow my site this year!

  109. Mollie Bylett

    I’ve had a blog for a couple of months now, and am off to Thailand tuesday! I am just looking to grow my audience and would love some help!

  110. Virginia


    Thanks so much for sharing such great info with us! I’ve been following your blog (and Beckie’s and Brooke’s!!) ever since I started just a short year ago and I always leave your blog so inspired! I found this info so helpful today and it definitely gave me some new ideas! I’ve been able to double my traffic from month to month for almost 4 months now and am always looking for more ways to improve on what I’m doing! Thank you so much for sharing! I definitely got some great nuggets of info! :)
    Virginia @LiveLoveDIY

  111. Tried&Twisted

    This is me de-lurking…decloaking?
    I’ve been a long-time reader of your blog, and have just recently started up a blog of my own about crafting and food. It’s just a baby blog and it needs a lot of training and work yet!

    So thank you for sharing the video! I want to start out my blog on the right foot so it too will grow up big and strong. Thanks!

  112. Lori Hart

    Thanks for sharing this article. Always looking for good tips

  113. sherri

    Thanks so much for the help. I have been getting quite a few new followers in the last couple of months, but really would like to see more, I suppose I need patience also! This helps a ton! Thank you.

  114. Anshulika

    I stumbled upon your post and blof, while looking for information to increase traffic on my blog. Loved your post. Very inspiring read. Have also read some of the comments here. OMG…its such a long list! My blog is 1 month old, though it made a great beginning but has now got to a complete standstill. After your post, feel encouraged to stay put and see it through. Thnx.

  115. Molly

    This is so helpful! I just started my blog with my best friend last week, and I already love blogging. This video is so helpful! If anyone would be willing to do a collaboration or blog roll posts for each other… It would be so helpful! Check out my blog at or email me at the [email protected]

  116. Adrienne

    Thank you so much for this! I am brand new to blogging (just one post in) and am looking for new followers! And really any followers at all! Thank you so much! Check out my blog! :)

  117. Mandie

    Thank you so much for this! I just started getting serious about my blog a couple of weeks ago and I am looking for ways to grow my readership so I don’t have to keep bugging my Facebook friends with every new blog post. :)

  118. jenn britt

    Thank you so much for sharing. I appreciate your willingness to give tips on how we can better our blog.

  119. Yolandi

    Thanks so much for this post! I am a newbie in the blogging world and only started my blog in February.
    I have been wondering how to grow my readership and get more traffic. This is so helpful!

  120. Paige.Rose

    I’m so thankful I came across this ! I’m a new Blogger as of 7 months ago, & it’s quite overwhelming. I see so many amazing & flawless Blogs to compete with & aspire to be like! I started my Blog on a whim .because of my LOVE for DIY & everything home & now it’s turned into a full-time passion. I have thought about quitting & this just gave me the PUSH I needed! Thank YOU!!!

  121. Emily

    Thank you so much for posting this! SO incredibly helpful. I have been blogging for three months about lifestyle, cooking, design, and being a navy wife. Thank you so much for being willing to share your tips and tricks :-) Love Love LOVE your site!

  122. Ali

    I’ve been learning how to de-lurk as I started blogging and have been asking my readers to do the same. It’s interesting to begin to make friends on the internet by following their lives and sharing mine. I’m planning on watching the video, thanks for posting!

  123. Marijke Lups

    Thank you for your sound advice. I am searching for more knowledge about how to grow my blog and sometimes find it hard to understand all the technical language, it takes a long time to find out what is needed to make my blog grow. I love blogging and sharing my stories and creativity on my blog.

  124. Sarah

    Thanks for sharing your advice, great post!
    Peace & Love,

  125. Julie

    Hi there!Thank you so much for providing your lessons learned and tips for blogging success! I am a newbie to the blogging world with only 2 weeks under my belt : ) It’s been a joy so far and I look forward to growing!Thank you for giving back and congratulations on your success!

    Little Farmstead

  126. Rebecca

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post! I have about 9 months of blogging experience and I believe I’ve hit a plateau. I can’t wait to implement some of these ideas!

  127. Lady Stylistique

    Thank you for this post and video, it was very insightful! -Lady Stylistique

  128. Julie Gorges

    Thanks for the advice and the encouragement! Been a professional writer for more than 20 years, but just started my first blog,, about six months ago with the goal of helping baby boomers (who are statistically the unhappiest of age groups) find the key to happiness. Just celebrated my 50’th post, and oh my, what a learning experience it’s been!

  129. Lizzy

    I just started my blog this week actually and this video was so helpful. I’m only 15 and blogging so far has been tons of fun but also more hard work than I thought! So, I just want to say thank you for posting this-It sure helped me!

  130. Jenna Lodin

    I just started my blog this last week (http://www.barbellsandbaking) and am SO inspired by bloggers like you who are so genuine and have such amazing blogs! The video was definitely helpful! I am a little discouraged sometimes when I see how few blogposts I have compared to other blogs (and don’t want that to ever be a factor to why people aren’t as interested in my blog), but know that all I need is time and dedication to my blog. I have LOVED reading your posts and hope to use some of your ideas to make little projects around my apartment. Thank you for inspiration!

  131. Lainey

    Just started blogging, less than a year, and your tips are amazing! I’m in love with your site and I hope to be as successful in blogging as you! I’m going to be taking a lot of your suggestions and apply it to my blog. I read some of your decor posts also and I’m already thinking of different ways I can change up our small apartment.

  132. Desi

    I just discovered your blog today! I am very new to blogging and it’s refreshing to read the straightforward advise here. Thank you.

  133. Anne Krietlow

    I am de-lurking :) I’ve spent a good part of my evening reading several of your posts and I just wanted to thank you for all of the wonderful information and the company. I’ll be back for more soon.

  134. Katie

    I stumbled across your blog on Pinterest and love your design style. Just starting a blog myself (, this article was very helpful and I certainly look forward to watching the video. Looking forward to reading more articles of yours in the future.

  135. Kathy

    Thank you for the excellent advice! I have played with blogging a little but would really love to get more consistent with it. So glad to have found you!

  136. Secret Style File

    I’ve only just come across this post (years later!) but still such a great post and amazing advice! Thank you! I have been blogging for three years now and I love it but need to up my game a tad this year so thank for the tips!

  137. Kat

    Thank you for sharing! My friend and I just launched our blog (, and it is overwhelming trying to learn how to make it grow!

  138. Jessie Rose Case

    Hi there! I am just now reading this blog in 2016! It popped up on Pinterest and I thought it was worth a read. My name is Jessie and I’ve finally gotten my little blog up and running over at My husband and I move around with the military so affordable DIY home projects are the name of the game for us. I love having a place to share all our successes and oopsies! I still have so much to learn about blog networking, web design and hopefully monetizing in the future when/if the blog grows but It is great reading posts like yours for inspiration. Thanks for sharing! Best wishes.

  139. Rebecca Platt

    Hi, my name is Rebecca. I’ve been blogging about four years. I think you might have been one of the first blogs I followed. My blog, is a definite “niche” blog. I write about faith issues, depression (the sigh) and sometimes DIY projects. My problem is I get more response to the DIY projects but this is not what I want to focus on. I love DIY projects and decorating our home and am always creating something.

    I don’t want to change the title of my blog but am kind of at a loss. What do you think?

    • Melissa @ The Inspired Room

      Rebecca, I think if what you really want to focus on is faith and depression subjects that is what your blog should be about! You can mix in DIY projects now and then as a way to show your real life and ways you feel better by creating, perhaps? Tie in the subject of DIY to this blog or perhaps even just create a special DIY blog that is separate and sometimes link over to it so your regular faith readers can follow along. :)

  140. Jennifer

    HI there all!
    I’m a set decorator for film and television in “Hollywood” and I’m just starting up a blog. thanks for the blogging tips! I love to grow my blog and let people know about the process and career of decorating for the screen with tips and hints for all things decor. please check out my page and follow :)


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