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6 Ways to Manage Decluttering Projects

by | Sep 4, 2015 | Organization

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6 Ways to Manage Decluttering Projects

It’s amazing how much clutter and stuff one can fit into a home, particularly if it has ample closets and storage areas. If your home is large, if you’ve lived in one home for a long time, or if you’ve raised a family there, you are likely aware that you need to let go of many items that haven’t been used or needed in years.

Apart from what you already know you need to get rid of, it’s possible you have much more in your home than you realize. Once you dig deep into closets, cabinets and storage areas, you might be surprised by how much you actually have hidden away but no longer need to keep.

Fortunately there are steps you can take well in advance if you plan to downsize! The earlier you start, the less stressful this experience will be. Whatever your end goal is and no matter how much time you have to complete it, it will help to break down the projects into manageable action steps.

I’m over at The Decluttered Home today sharing six easy-to-manage decluttering projects to help you get started.

Come on over!

Happy Friday, friends!


  1. Ms. Maggie

    Anyone selling their elder parent’s home knows how much clutter can happen. After that, one just lives a more simple life.

  2. Cristina Festa

    I’ve recently been overwhelmed with clutter at home. I have two small kids, 5 and 2, and I work 4 days a week. I literaly just want to throw stuff away and start over. I’ve been trying to weed out unused things to donate or sell. I feel defeated when I see it all. I do start trying to organize but never seen to finish after cooking, cleaning, bathing, playing and maybe taking a few minutes for myself. I have off from work all next week so I’m going to do as much as I can will the kids are out of the house as I can. Wish me luck.

    • Becky Handshew

      Good luck Cristina! I feel the exact same way. I had to set aside time to really focus on sorting through the clutter. I achieved a lot but there’s still a long way to go.Setting smaller, achievable goals and feeling that sense of achievement have really helped me. That, and watching my parents attempt to downsize out of our large, family home has really inspired me to not accumulate so much ‘stuff’.

    • Melissa @ The Inspired Room

      You have your hands full, I hope the week off will be productive for you in getting done what you can so you feel like you have a better handle on it! I think baby steps are the key so you can feel accomplished by the end of the week. And I hope you treat yourself to a coffee break, too. Good luck!

    • Ana Beatriz

      Good luck from Brazil :)

  3. Debbie from MountainMamaOnline

    I moved 3 times in the past 4 years so I absolutely know all about trying to keep it all in check! In saying that, I am going to be in my new home for the long haul so I am feeling a bit more at ease unpacking some of the things that have been in boxes for years. It’s a good feeling!

    Have a great weekend, all!

  4. cataylor

    Who else has a problem reading the newest trend of light grey ink? Not enough contrast for me so I subsequently abandon the article/webpage…..

    • mary

      I agree. What are they thinking with the light grey type? Do they even try to read their own stuff?

  5. Lilly Collins

    “Once you dig deep into closets, cabinets and storage areas, you might be surprised by how much you actually have hidden away but no longer need to keep.” So so true. I can see myself here. Keep going.


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