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I {heart} Sarah's Summer House

Sarah’s Summer House – Sarah Richardson HGTV


Sarah’s Summer House

Beach Cottage Decorating

YAHOO! I am so excited and I couldn’t wait to tell you the news. You all know I LOVE Sarah’s House so I am beyond happy to hear that Sarah’s Summer House will be airing in the US starting on Saturday!

I believe this is the series that ran in Canada called Sarah’s Cottage. Set your DVR to record it so you don’t miss it!! Even if you have Sarah’s House set to record, you’ll have to find Sarah’s Summer House and set it separately.

I {heart} Sarah's Summer House


I {heart} Sarah's Summer House

I {heart} Sarah's Summer House


I have a feeling this is really going to put us in the summer decorating mood!

Are you going to be watching?

See more photos at


  1. Estela

    I’m so excited about her new series! I love her show & her decorating style! I think it starts airing tomorrow? Perfect mother’s day gift :)

  2. kelly

    This was the house that first hooked me on her style. Absolutely loooooove it.
    Now if I could just find me a second home on some island for my summer house…..ha.

  3. Meg

    I saw a commercial for this the other day and got way too excited, according to my hubby that is. I can’t wait!


  4. Trish

    Great! I cannot wait! Now, if I can just keep my kids from “canceling” my dvr recording! (which they have done in the past with her show – about half way through -JUST as she is about to show the ‘finished’ part. aarghh…)

    Thanks for the heads up!

  5. Paula

    I’ve seen the ad for the new show a few times now and thought I would really enjoy this one. I admire her decoratig style (drool) but don’t warm up to her on-air personality much. I do like her very droll assistant, tho. Will definitely tune in for the first episode.

  6. Jen

    I *love* Sarah’s House! Can’t wait to see the Summer House.

  7. Amy in PA

    Saw the promo & checked out the pics on HGTV’s site earlier this week. I totally heart her & her style!!

  8. Dianne

    I love just about everything Sarah does. She has a way of decorating that makes you want to curl up and stay awhile

  9. gina

    When I heard Sarah’s Summer House was starting this Saturday I immediately set my DVR! Been waiting. Love Sarah style!!!!

  10. Franki Parde

    I, too, LUV SARAH! I ordered “Canadian House and Home” just to “look” and “look” over her creations. Yay! franki

    • Melissa

      LOVE that magazine!!!!

  11. Gina

    I don’t have cable and I work weekends – phooey. But I love that first pic – so cool and cozy and inviting!

  12. Margaret

    My husband said when we win the lottery??, he would like to build a house and have Sarah decorate it!

  13. Mary Beth

    So beautiful!!! Light, airy…and dreamy : )

  14. Ann

    I have been a fan of Sarah Richardson since her “Room Service” days. I saw on her website a few years ago that she was filming this…it takes a while for HGTV in the US to air the Canadian shows but this took longer than normal. Thanks for the heads-up. I don’t watch HGTV as much as I used to. They seem to be concentrating on the real estate aspect in their evening programming and I’m not so interested in that at the moment. I’ll definitely be watching Sarah though…have a great weekend. ~Ann

  15. Arielle

    Aaah! Already have it set to record. Can’t wait! Love Sarah, love summer, love having some inspiration to look forward to!

  16. Shelly W.

    Thanks for the head’s up–I’m heading to the DVR right now! I absolutely LOVE anything Sarah does. Her style is so fresh and calming to me. This is going to be great.

  17. laxsupermom

    Love Sarah Richardson! I love how her style has evolved, but is always beautiful. Love the pic of the 4 chairs around the one round coffee table. That’s my absolute favorite arrangement for conversation. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Kim

    I love all of Sarah’s shows. Being Canadian, I’ve already seen the series (it was called Sarah’s Cottage here) and it is great. You will love it. We are enjoying her new show, Sarah 101. Fab.

    • Melissa

      So wish we didn’t have to wait to see her shows, but at least they get here eventually!!!

      • Kim

        It’s great that you can get Sarah in the US! We love her here in Canada. If you go to, there are videos of her new show. Hopefully you can see them. I know that when I visit US sites, often the video is blocked. It might be worth a try.

  19. E at Act Fast Chef

    Thanks for the news Melissa! I love Sarah and her decorating style. Can’t wait to see the new house.

  20. Paula

    Finally!!! I’m so excited!

    If I could pick anyone from HGTV to come to my home, it would be Sarah; LOVE her style!

    I’m glad you posted this: I’ve only watched a couple of shows lately & must have missed the commercials… I’m on my way to set the dvr.

  21. Sally

    That is GREAT news. I looked for it the other day and couldn’t find it, but I will look again….WooHoo!

  22. beth

    Oh, yes, I’m going to be watching that show!! I saw the commercial for it this week, and had to blog about it, too. I can’t wait! I loved Sarah’s farmhouse, but I think I love her summer house more!! Just my style.
    Hope you have a great day!

    • Melissa


  23. Jeannette

    I love her shows and her style. I have it set on DVR. That’s for all her shows. Thanks for your blog……

  24. Jennifer

    Thanks for the heads up! I am definitely in the mood for summer decorating now. Sarah’s House is one of the only design shows I can bear to watch. She’s very inspiring!

    • Bethe

      I AGREE!!

  25. FairfieldHouse


    That was me hitting the floor. You had me at “Sarah’s Summers House.” Thank you for sharing this must see HGTV.

    Your Friend,

  26. Andrea

    It’s a fabulous series, having watched the whole thing twice =) LOVE her kitchen, and her great room. I’m sure you will adore it too!

  27. Teacup Lane

    I dvr Sarah’s House and already have Sarah’s new series set on my dvr. I love her designs. And isn’t Tommy a hoot! They both have a wonderful sense of humor especially when things go wrong or deadlines are extended. I would say that Sarah and Candace are the best designers out there.

  28. Lorrie

    I Love this series. I watched it when it came out, and I’ve watched it on line since then. I love every single room.

  29. devon

    I am not familiar with Sarah’s House, but now I can’t wait to check it out…….Looking at those pictures I can almost hear the roar of the ocean!! :)

  30. Erin Morgan

    I’m one of your canadian fans to – so I’ve watched this series about a year ago. It is so great! Some people poo-poo the silliness on Sarah’s House, but I think that is what makes this series! It’s really funny and light hearted – it’s nice to see Sarah and Tommy giggling and having fun while ‘working’

    • Melissa

      I forgive the silliness, they do make it fun and I’m too distracted by the lovely decor to care about anything else anyway ;-)

  31. Erin

    Thank you! Can’t wait!! Consider me inspired!

  32. Karen

    I {heart} Sarah’s House too! I just set up to record this new series. Almost as much as Sarah, I love Tommy Smythe, her side kick. :-)

    Thanks for the heads up. Have a lovely Mother’s Day.

  33. Missy June

    Love, swoon! Unfortunately, I don’t have cable. Sigh –


    :-( I wonder how long it will take that show to get down to Argentina … I’ll have to see if I can get someone to stream it for me. Your preview is great and now I want to see more.

  35. Ted

    OK, so I guess I just have to wait until it comes to france. Or I will try to watch it on the internet.

    • Melissa

      Oh, yes I hope it will be online!! Then we can all enjoy it no matter where we live or even if we don’t have cable!!

  36. Tabitha

    My hubby and I actually like watching decorating/renovating shows and have watched some of Sarah’s stuff. I gasped when I saw the summer house starting (although he rolled his eyes–he may be on overload)! I love the beach style–I grew up in Florida! I can’t wait to see the pretty colors, the light and bright feel, etc. We’re moving soon and thinking about how to decorate our next place so I know I’ll get lots of ideas! I’m so excited!!

  37. Lily

    I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting!!! Yay!

    I hope there’s lots of Tommy too. I love him almost as much as Sarah!

  38. Leigh

    Wow, Love the blues and greens! I didn’t even know about Sarah’s house…now I’m DVR’ing both!! Thank you!

  39. kelly

    Wow, that place looks so fresh and inviting. Beautiful! Almost makes me wish I had a television so I could watch! :)

  40. jasmine

    Loves it! I’ll be tuning in in person! Can’t wait! :D

  41. courtney

    I am so excited. A friend emailed this week to let me know. Now I just need to set my DVR for the series.

  42. Wendy Taker

    You are in for a treat.. like everything this talented Canadian designer does.. Sarah’s Cottage is FABULOUS!!

  43. The Merry Rose

    I love the Sarah’s house series but haven’t been able to see any since she completed the country house.

    I love her style.

  44. Bethe

    Saw the ad this morning when I was drying my hair and tripped over the cord to get to the remote to set the DVR!
    LOVE Sarah! I love how you take her ideas and make them do-able for the rest of us! ;)

  45. nanne

    thank you so much for giving us the heads up on sarah’s show!! i’m pumped!

    nanne in indiana by way of alabama

  46. Lisa

    I think I have glimpsed the previews. Thanks for sharing the pics…my heart was saying “yummy!” as I looked at them, will definitely inspire summer decorating (even in the landlocked plains) :) Lisa

  47. mary

    I love getting your emails everyday, it always brightens my day. And to find out about Sarah’s summer house……that is like getting a bonus from you. Happy Mother’s Day to you.

  48. kathy pierson

    I am looking sooooo forward to seeing Sarah in a new series. I love her and Tommy and love every show she has been in. I tend to watch more of her reruns than any other. I love her and Tommy’s wit and decorating skills. Can’t wait to see the new show and “copy” some of her great ideas!!!

  49. Kristen

    Yippeee! I am so happy that I happened to see a tickler of your blog at “Smelling Coffee”. I too LOVE Sarah’s House and I am going to set my DVR for this as soon as I log off. I am looking forward to going through your blog posts! I’m delighted I found you!!!

  50. Melissa Lewis - Midwest Magnolia

    I know, I know, I’m so excited too! Can’t wait to see what she’s been up to now:) I always leave after watching her shows so inspired.

  51. Kristy Seibert

    I, too am a big Sarah Richardson fan, and I can’t wait to see what she will do with a beach cottage. Maybe I can pick up some fresh ideas for our own little Starfish Cottage!

  52. Jenn

    Sarah’s House is my ALL TIME FAVORITE SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! I nearly stroked out when I heard Sarah’s Summer House was coming on Saturday. I am definitely DVRing it and watching it about 200 times! Whoooooo hooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
    P.S. Those Canadians really know how to design, eh? ;)

  53. Mel women dress

    Very serene and motivating. Perfect place to write a novel. The decoration draws from a log house and country cottage features to result in a modern country house. I like the well-polished wood floor in the second pic. It gives the room a kind of rustic, elegant look. Truly a Summer house because I see green, violet and cream decorate the tones.

  54. Jo

    Oh, I love that whitewashed pine panelling! That’s what I want to do with my in-laws’ cottage, but my father-in-law LOVES his high-gloss orangey knotty pine. That said, the panelling in the first photo looks amazing!

    I watched a few episodes of Sarah’s House back when we had cable, and I love her style. I’ll have to see if I can find Sarah’s Cottage (I’m in Canada).

  55. Glenda Childers

    This is good news . . . I have been watching her for a long time.

    I love the 4 overstuffed chairs all facing each other. That would be my dream room.


    PS. Happy Mother’s Day, Melissa.

  56. amy

    I think that Sarah Richardson (along with Tommy) has the best decor show format bar none. I love that the show goes through one room and shows it from start to finish. So much better than watching an entire episode on radiant floor heating. Why does HGTV Canada do so much better at original programming?

    I watch every rerun of Sarah’s House because there’s always something to glean from each viewing.

    I didn’t know until this morning that the show was going to be on. You’d better believe that I made a b-line to the basement to set the DVR!

  57. Susan

    Even though I live nowhere near any body of water, I love coastal/beach cottage decorating, and I have incorporated some of that into my own home.

    I’ve never heard of the show, so I’m going to have to find it on my TV guide, and DVR it.

  58. Deb Martell

    Will definitely watch!!! Can’t get enough of Sarah :)

  59. E at Act Fast Chef

    Loved the show. And I LOVE Sarah and Tommy. But I can’t believe you have to take a boat to an island to get to the house! I would feel so lonely out there!

  60. teresa

    Love Love Love her style…thanks for the heads up.
    Happy Day

  61. susan

    i love her, she is so talented. i can’t believe i missed it! i’ll have to record the next one!! susan

  62. hena tayeb

    So do I. I am not a big of little colored wood. It seems unfinished but here, it works so well.

  63. Karen

    Yes, Sarah is our top Canadian export! There are challenges galore in making her cottage become a reality. A few compromises, but in the end…well…as always…Drool worthy!

  64. Nicki

    I absolutely love this place, I do have a question, where in the world is this house located? I adore the location, her work is wonderful and she ranks up there with Candice Olson, some of the best design work has been seen by these two ladies, at least in my opinion. I hope they air it room by room because based off of the photos on the website, each room is just spectacular. Kudos to the husband for finding such a diamond in the rough, look forward to many great episodes. If anyone knows the location, please post.

    • Erin

      Love Sarah’s Cottage! (I’m in Canada)
      They don’t ever say *exactly* where the cottage is but it is definitely somewhere in “Cottage Country” in Ontario Canada.
      Seeing as Sarah lives in Toronto, it’s likely to be Muskoka, the Kawarthas, or the Haliburton area.
      Hope that helps!
      :) Erin

      • Susan

        Sarah’s cottage is on an island in Georgian Bay. It’s a huge “bay” that is technically part of Lake Huron, about 3 hours north of Toronto.

  65. Suzy

    I love Sarah’s house . . she always does magic! and she & Tommy together are a hoot! I think she has MAJOR Nesting instincts :) – -she restored one house while pregnant with her daughter! I loved the farmhouse, so I was excited over this one . ..only problem is – -I want to sit in those rooms! can she come do my house?

  66. Mary

    YES watching. I love Sarah, she is so talented. I love when they shop together, I used to think he was her husband! LOL

  67. Debbie Brakke

    I love Sarah’s house, but where has she gone? I can no longer find her show

  68. Robin

    I watched the Summer Cottage series here in the US, and loved it. My house, built in 1982 also has the knotty pine paneling, and even though I bought the house because of it, after 30 yrs, I needed a change. The first week of Jan, 2012, I had a team of professional painters in and had all my pine whitewashed. I LOVE IT! The great room is 2 stories high, with 12 to 20 ft ceilings, and the ceilings are also pine. It gives the house a whole new look. Everyone who sees it loves it. I have the copy of Country Living Magazine that features this house, and several episodes saved on DVR, so anyone interested, I show them where I got the idea. One big thing, if your pine has been sealed with anything, the stain will not work. Good luck to anyone interested.

  69. Peggypeters

    I watched sarah every day over and over then it stopped being on, i havent a clue when shes on hgtv now :(

  70. Mike

    This is such an awesome house!. I wish I could just own a house for just living in for the summer, or for living in the winter but in a dry location!. Great post, tell sarah her house is awesome!.


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