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My “Simple and Done” Quick Fix: Closet Door Curtain {DIY Driftwood Rod}

by | Mar 26, 2012 | Decorating Inspiration, DIY, my house

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My "Simple and Done" Quick Fix: Closet Door Curtain {DIY Driftwood Rod}Closet curtain with DIY Driftwood Rod

I just realized that I had done a little something new in my hall upstairs a few months ago, but never showed it to you all. Oops! I think I put it on Instagram and Twitter way back in November, so some of you probably saw it back then! (you can follow me at theinspiredroom on Instagram!). Anyway, today you all get to see it.


We had a closet door in our upstairs hallway that never shut properly. It was always getting jammed and stuck and basically frustrated us enough that we finally just took it down. Which, of course, left an opening for all of our unsightly hall closet stuff to be seen by all.

It sat that way for months. Maybe a year. I’m not proud of that, but it is reality.

My "Simple and Done" Quick Fix: Closet Door Curtain {DIY Driftwood Rod}

Jute striped curtain hung from driftwood!


While ideally I would have liked a new closet door or maybe to have made the inside fancy and cute enough to be left open to the hallway, let’s face it. I’m busy. I’m working on other projects. I have other priorities. I don’t have time right now to find a new suitably sized closet door and get it installed correctly, let alone time to make the inside of this closet cute enough to leave the door off.

But, I was tired of looking at the gaping opening — so right before the holidays last year, it was time to find a quick fix.


Enter, a cute jute striped linen curtain from Cost Plus and a piece of driftwood we’ve had sitting around for years.

I hung the curtain loops on the driftwood and then hung the driftwood from jute and nails.



Sometimes you just need a creative but simple fix to make something better than it was. It took maybe five minutes to complete this project, so why did I wait months to get it done? The perfectionist side of me sometimes paralyzes my progress, because I want to do it “right.” Sometimes waiting for the perfect solution is worthwhile, but sometimes I think we make things too hard on ourselves when “simple and done” are the best solutions for now. It is a lesson I remind myself of often.

I’m glad I finally pushed aside the need to do it “right” and replaced it with the resolve to get it done! My creative fix accomplished the goal of hiding the closet contents AND made a fun little statement in the hall at the same time. That works for me!

What simple project could you finish around your house right now, but are putting off waiting for the “perfect” solution?

Here are a few other recent tweaks around my house if you missed them!

The upstairs hallway is painted Studio Taupe (Behr All in One), which is the color that will eventually go through the main rooms of my house. That is how much I love this color. It is a gorgeous warm brownish gray (at least in our lighting). 



    • Melissa

      Thank you Glenda!

  1. Grace

    I’m definitely one to not get things done because of the perfectionistic (is that even a word?) side of me. I have to really battle that and try and just get it done even if it isn’t perfect.

  2. Mimi

    Melissa, You’re so right. Sometimes we just need to get it done. A quick fix is more interesting that doing something the “right way.”

    • Melissa

      Agreed!! :-) I’m glad you like my solution, I think it looks cute too :-)

  3. Freya

    How cleaver!

  4. Heather

    Necessity is the mother of invention or so they say. I think you covered that perfectly with your little project. I’ve been seeing twigs and branches used as curtain rods all over blogland – it’ a terrific, unusual way of solving a problem quickly.

  5. Sandra

    I love using organic elements….it gives a pretty touch to any room.

  6. kat

    brilliantly simple idea :)
    x kat

  7. Diane at Longaberger Lifestyle

    That’s a great fix! And you are soooo right. I know I get paralyzed by perfection. Ugh. I have a hall closet issue too. We don’t have a suitable place for a cat box in this house so I’ve resorted to using an “L” in the hallway that won’t be seen by most guests. But, the linen closet is right there…what a pain. I’ve been thinking of taking the door off…but wasn’t too excited about that option. You’ve just inspired me!! Yay!

  8. maria & Cameron who loves Jack!

    Wonderful!! Not only did you solve a problem of :unsightly-ness”, you did it with style!! Your solution was easy, quick and best of all, it really looks so chic!! I love the drift wood especially!

    My solution for a current problem is to stop being lazy! Our recycle bin is always overflowing and I keep thinking I need to think of something to handle that, but really there is no where else to put it but out! I will stop being lazy! Easy! (hope so!)

    BTW, we soooooooooo enjoyed the birthday picture of Winston on Sunday. You are right – he did look sort of horrified, but sooooooo cute!! I can’t believe he is 17yrs. old!! He is so adorable! We love him too!!

  9. Kim

    A great fix! We are all about quick fixes around here. They take all the pressure away. My list of things to do is still long, mind you! It’s so nice to see someone else “make do” with something that may not be a first choice, but the curtain works and is still beautiful. Melissa, you are a real encouragement!


    Melissa, sometimes a temporary solution can actually turn out better than the RIGHT one. I love the creative process and what it can produce if we let down our barriers. Kudos to you for finding an affordable, temporary solution that looks great! Kathysue

  11. SueAnn

    I had an open doorway in which I put a drapery as well. After one year, I tired of battling with the material. Ha! So we put in a real doorl. But it worked for a while!!
    Love the striped fabric.

  12. Angela

    “The perfectionist side of me sometimes paralyzes my progress, because I want to do it ‘right.'”

    Truer words were never spoken. I really like the curtain rod. Wood makes everything cooler.

  13. Lynn

    Hmmmm…. “simple and done”, I think you have changed my life. It’s going to be my new mantra. I feel so free!!

  14. Barbara (WA)

    I’ve been madly cleaning my very filthy house since company is coming for dinner on Thursday and it’s raining outside so no gardening today :o) As I was cleaning I suddenly thought of this post! We have two oddly shaped openings to storage cupboards, one is right there in the office, tv room. I’ve waited, um, 24 years for hubby to make doors. I wanted old beach-y style doors made from slats of wood painted white. But our list is SO long, the longer we live here, that I am going to copy your fabulous idea and hang a curtain over that opening. Oh, and I pulled out the couch in that room – egads, how long has it been !! Cough…sneeze. Thank you for yet another great idea that is easy to do and not costly.

  15. Jill Flory

    very cute! curtains make quick, easy fixes that look great! Good job :)

  16. JaneEllen Jones

    Good solution,so decorative and pretty too. Great save.
    Oh boy where do we start on list of projects need doing around our house, lol alot.
    Think I’ll be alot older and grayer before any of the simplest ones get done. One way is to start doing some of them myself and hubs will shove me aside and fix them for me. I’ve been waiting for 6 years to get inside of house painted. We have mfg. home and the older vinyl patterned panels for walls, UGH. My choices for wall decor are not what was chosen by original owner. We were told we’d have to primer all walls first but I found out that is not the truth. I got mad one day, got out one of those samples you can buy and started painting one wall in our living room. Nope, don’t need to primer first. I’ll have to move all the “stuff” out of the way and start painting some more on my own, then hubs will join in as he doesn’t like my painting techniques to say the least. Tuff, at least I get it done.

  17. teresa

    how cute is that- the branch is perfect. What I am putting off…lets see….does ironing count? Would love a clever Idea on how to keep the pile of clothes looking nice/or at least not like I just dump them there… until I get around to ironing them =)

  18. Linda Bates

    Simple but very effective…..and I love the colour of the walls. Oh and a belated Happy Birthday to Winston – still looking good the cutie :)

  19. Rachel

    Just did one last week! A $10 clearance find at Target of a three tier stand instead of doing a full build out around the mirrors in the master bathroom to add a shelf.

  20. Mimi

    I just occurred to me that you hung the curtain with jute and nails. Will that actually hold it in place with the opening and closing of the curtain?

  21. {darlene}

    hmmm. ya got me thinking. maybe this, with a burlap curtain for our homeschool room closet…….
    Hope you are having a great day, sweet friend!

  22. Maria

    I love this simple little redo — and it totally adds a little more sweetness into your home in such a great way. :-) Right now — my dining room chairs are staring at me. They only need a simple coat of spray paint and quick-and-done recovered cushions. I’ve been wanting to do this for months, but I’m having a hard time committing to a color!


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