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Creating a Charming Backyard Corner

by | May 13, 2015 | Decorating Inspiration, My Backyard, my house

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Creating a Charming Backyard Corner

When we first moved into our house, our backyard was a typical new construction home on barren land. No trees, no plants, no landscaping. We had weeds and rocks for soil, and that was it. After living in old homes with established landscaping to work with, our sad little backyard was a bit depressing. I love to design small garden areas but since our soil was filled with rocks, planting was nearly impossible. Any time I had the urge to plant something, it was a big ordeal. I knew I was going to have to enjoy the small improvements we could make each year since a professionally landscaped backyard was not in our plans.

The yard didn’t have any structure at all to begin with, so last year we focused on adding shape, interest and function by creating a pea gravel patio for our fire pit, a flagstone walkway, and designated some planting areas.

By dividing our backyard into four zones, we felt like we could make the most of our space and even almost visualize it eventually being a charming and useful backyard! The designated zones also help us to know where to focus our time and improvements! This summer we are really excited to be laying a flagstone patio for our table and adding more plants and trees.

Creating a Charming Backyard Corner

While it will be many years before our landscape is as full and lush as I dream it will be, it helps me to feel like I’m making progress when I zero in on these little areas I can improve right now. It’s easy for me to get overwhelmed by the big picture, so it’s nice and definitely encouraging to see each little area coming along! One thing I tend to struggle with when I do projects around the house or yard is FOCUS. I’m all over the map sometimes, doing a little bit here and a little bit there. But since I know concentrated FOCUS is what can quickly transform little uneventful areas into inspiring spaces, I really have been trying hard to grow in my ability to stick with improving one corner at a time until it feels more complete.

Creating a Charming Backyard Corner

This little spot has been in progress for awhile, but recently I did a little spring clean up, planted a few pots and plants and set up a charming folding Trex Adirondack chair and end table near my recycled spool table (you can find the all weather patio furniture from Trex). I’m absolutely in love with Adirondack chairs (<<see this post for some more inspiration!) and this one is so adorable and low maintenance, too! Perfect for our Northwest weather.

Creating a Charming Backyard Corner

When we look back at the before photo (above) of where this area all started and see how far we’ve come, we are more determined than ever to keep on giving each corner of our yard a little more love every year.

A little landscaping, some cute pots and plants, a few accessories and charming furniture made a world of difference!

Do you have a sad backyard corner you could improve this Spring?

Creating a Charming Backyard Corner

The post was created in partnership with Trex. As always, my opinions are my own. 


  1. Robyn Stone | Add a Pinch

    Just beautiful! It is amazing what some furniture pieces and TLC (and of course your talented touch) can do!
    I love that adirondack chair too!

  2. Patricia

    Here in the Seattle area, it doesn’t take long for a garden to grow to the lushness you dream of. Work with a good garden planner. Have defined goals. Know how you want to use the space. A good designer will help you site things properly, avoid dead ends and wasted effort and money.You don’t wind up digging stuff up and moving it somewhere else or tossing it altogether.In the long run, you save money and time.

    And improve your soil and drainage before everything else. Good luck.

  3. Sarah

    a cosy book reading/sunning/listening to the birds corner is essential – and an adirondack is just the chair

  4. Alison- The Pink Tumbleweed

    I can SO relate to this post. We built our home on completely baron land and the soil is not ideal and gophers are always eating the roots off things. ? I long for a lush, established landscape and tend to scatter my efforts across the whole yard which results in spending lots of money and seemingly little result. I keep telling myself in 15 years this joint is going to be awesome. ?

    • Melissa @ The Inspired Room

      Right? I have been trying hard to focus on one corner at a time and it’s still slow going but at least I can see the light at the end of the 15 year long tunnel, lol!

  5. AuburnCathy

    I would love to see a full shot of this area..,do you have one that shows this whole zone? Looks fabulous!

    • Melissa @ The Inspired Room

      I’ll be showing more of the yard for sure! It’s not all done but corner by corner we are making progress! I actually think there was a bigger shot at least of the patio (before this chair corner came together) a week or two ago when I showed my new patio covers?

  6. Liz

    I need to redo my raised veggie bed. I got some metal corners and just need to get the wood. I did a live chat with Trex and they said their planks are safe for garden beds, though they don’t show any pictures. So, I’ll check out the cost and I may use the boards at least for the bottom layer to deter certain bugs.

    Since you have a rocky backyard, consider raised beds for a fast way of getting plants in the yard. Much easier on the back – no digging out the rocks and amending the soil as well as easier to tend to the plants.

    • Melissa @ The Inspired Room

      Yes, that’s really the way to go. I used barrels last year and that seemed to work pretty well! Thanks!

  7. Cheri' White

    Melissa, your idea to divide your yard into quadrants is SO helpful! I tend to be all over the place, as you stated in your post! I am going to take this wonderful advice and apply it immediately! Thank you so much! You’re a genius!

  8. Mel

    So cute! Love deco ideas like this – something simple to do but so effective :) I definitely need to spend more time in my backyard so this is totally helpful for me :)

    xx, mel

  9. Corinna - For My Love Of

    My entire backyard is sad, but it’s all grass. Thick, dense roots make it difficult to plant anything, too! But I really like and find your corner inspiring! I’d like to try something like it.

    • Melissa @ The Inspired Room

      Thank you Corinna! It’s kind of fun to just focus on one corner at a time, at least it’s a little less overwhelming! :)

  10. Tara @ Lehman lane

    Melissa, I love how your garden is coming along! Your idea about dividing your yard into sections is genius:). I get so overwhelmed when I think of our new yard as a whole, love your idea of doing it in sections. We have a Trex deck we are planning on taking up to undercover the flagstone and brick patio underneath…I love the idea of making some Adirondack chairs from the leftover wood:)

    • Melissa @ The Inspired Room

      The sections do help me to know what to do where, I’ve been enjoying breaking the yard down to manageable chunks! :) The chairs from the decking would be a fun project!!

  11. Andrea M. Schnapp

    I love the flower pots! And everything else of course! Where did you get the pots?

  12. Terri

    Trex outdoor furniture is so practical here in SW Florida where everything quickly succumbs to the salty, moist air. However, the cost prohibits us from using. For those who can afford, enjoy!!! You will love their furniture!

    • Melissa @ The Inspired Room

      It is an investment, but I sure dislike decks that need so much maintenance or need to be replaced so often. Our back deck is always a pain to maintain, so I would love to replace it someday! I’m sure it’s tough with your salty air, my parents had the same issue at the coast. The decks were always a challenge!

  13. Pam

    Love the improvements to your backyard!!

  14. Debra Jerry

    Great job, Melissa! What a difference just a few items make with a special touch! I can relate to the new house empty lot syndrome! We have done that twice.
    When we bought our very first home, we went to the house just before we closed on it, picked up all the trash the builders left strewn across the yard and made a pile for removal later. We went back the next day only to find the contractors had graded it all back into the yard!
    It takes awhile to get your yard, gardens, and home where you want them, but I believe the process is part of the enjoyment. It’s rewarding to see your hard work and accomplishments down the road. If it were so easy, it wouldn’t be that special, right?

  15. Cristina Festa

    We’ve also been doing yard stuff. We’ve been in our home for 3 years now. We added a deck to your yard 2 years ago but never did any more than that. I’ve added some shrubs along side the deck, Crape Myrtle, Scotch Broom, and Foxglove flowers so far. All are supposed to be deer tolerant. I also just received a garden fountain for Mother’s day I love the sound of water.


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