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A Beautiful Life: Reflecting

by | Jan 16, 2009 | Authentic Living

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A Beautiful Life: Reflecting

I love the idea of reflecting back on my week each Friday and seeing the positive steps I made towards my life goals and habits I want to develop. Otherwise my life kind of passes by me, in a blur! I also like the idea of Sunday night or Mondays taking some time to remind myself of what my life could look like during the week if I keep it all in balance.

I won’t be “wonder woman” in every area (or maybe ANY area!), but I can at least feel like every week I keep those goals in mind as I make decisions about how to spend my time! When I take my eyes of the goals I can so easily end up spending WAY too much time doing things that aren’t really all that significant to me, throwing my whole week off balance. Seeing my list in the morning REALLY helps me decide what to plan for the day.

As I reflect back on this past week, I feel pretty good about how many of the goals I worked into my week. This month is all about BALANCE. It wasn’t a perfect week, but I was mindful of everything I wanted to do. I even invited people over tonight! We are still in boxes and have no lamps or curtains, but I am striving to be hospitable anyway!

The only one goal I failed miserably at is healthy living — {hangs head}, I didn’t exercise. Gasp. Not once. Unless vacuuming counts? Clearly some attempt at exercise needs to be brought into better balance next week! I feel a lot healthier and more energetic when I exercise, so I am doing myself a disservice by not trying — I need the extra strength and energy! I shouldn’t dread it, I should embrace it! {Right? Self pep talk!}

How about you?

Was your home a beautiful place to be this week– not just on the surface (although that is great too), but in how it feels?

Do you feel like you made positive steps towards the beautiful life you desire? How are you motivating yourself?

Feel free to share comments or add your post to Mr. Linky! I love being inspired by all of you!

A Beautiful Life: Reflecting

The Mr. Linky rules:

1. Please link ONLY to your post related to “A Beautiful Life,” (you can call it whatever you want, of course, just make sure it is on our topic!). No links to home pages or random posts, k? Just want this to be inspiring and be on topic! Random posts or links will be deleted, sorry!

2. Please link back to The Inspired Room from your post so that people will know they can participate in A Beautiful Life with us.

Photo: House Beautiful


  1. anne

    I need motivating, and fast…:-) I am stuck, trying to figure what to do. Maybe it is my age, menopause and all that. But do feel very trapped, and less confident.

    annes inspiring blog post..More from Colletta di Castelbianco, Liguria…

  2. Bella Casa

    I am not feeling so good about my house lately…but I must say I am glad to have HEAT in this artic blast of weather that we are getting…so that is a beautiful thing ;)

    Bella Casas inspiring blog post..Hooked on Etsy!

  3. Jinx

    One of my biggest goals this year is to reconnect with old friends. Once I set my mind to it, it has proved to be far easier than I ever imagined!

    Jinxs inspiring blog post..Reconnecting

  4. Kristen

    Oh dear. This week hasn’t felt very beautiful. Instead I’ve been feeling every bit of my imperfections. Balanced living has been but a dream. Hopefully the weekend will give us a chance to recharge and face next week with a renewed sense of confidence and determination.

    Glad to hear you are getting settled in and having guests soon! Nothing makes a house feel more like home than hosting the ones we love.

    Kristens inspiring blog post..Just An Ordinary Day

  5. Tamara

    Thanks for inspiring us to count our blessings today and for hosting this great party. I have a whole lot of my photos printed out from last weeks insirational Friday but this week we had to go on a business trip……still living “A Beautiful Life” though :)

    Tamaras inspiring blog post..I’ll Do The Walkin’ While You Do The Lookin’

  6. Shannon

    I am really struggling in this area right now. I know I sometimes focus on the appearance of things instead of relaxing and enjoying life. We are in the middle of designing our dream home and I am a bit worried about the square footage. We currently live in a very cozy 1,050 sq. ft. Our new home is just a little under 4,000 sq. ft. I am excited about all the room but a little concerned about maintaining that much space. I wonder if I will adjust or begin to resent all the extra work?

    Shannons inspiring blog post..Maybe In Another Life

  7. We are THAT family

    Thanks for doing this…I’m learning to find beauty in everything.

    We are THAT familys inspiring blog post..The Coffee Club {Sincerely ‘Fro Me to You}

  8. Dawn-Hydrangea Home

    I just love your beautiful life posts Melissa. I feel so good about my day yesterday. We got some snow and schools let out early, and all evening activities were cancelled. So, I invited my kids friends over, let them all play in the snow while I made cookies and hot chocolate. All when I really should have been working (but I stayed up late to get my work done instead). They had a ball and it’s those days they will remember! My work will always be there. Have a great weekend!

    Dawn-Hydrangea Homes inspiring blog post..Pink Friday – "In With the New"

  9. Miss Sandy

    My expectation is not perfection either, I did have a great week focused on my goals but I lean towards being a great starter and a not so great finisher. I expect this to be an up and down process and am willing to make the journey. Blessings on your weekend and up coming week as you continue to nest! Thank you for hosting.

    Miss Sandys inspiring blog post..A Beautiful Life Goals & Sassy Storage Box Tutorial…

  10. Michelle

    My life was touched this week by a suicide, not a family member or friend, but a client. I read the suicide letter he left behind and it’s made me really appreciate my life, but it’s also given my motivation not only to make my life beautiful but to share the “good” in my life with the people who have made that “good” possible, my dear husband, my kids, my father, stepmother, friends etc.

    Michelles inspiring blog post..A Beautiful Life?

  11. Shawn Stratmann

    Having a beautiful home for me, means recognizing the beauty around me, enjoying the little things. When I don’t take the time to enjoy and appreciate that which I have no control over (nature), I find that I try to control too much. When I stop to take notice, my children do the same. This philosophy helps to keep things in balance and in perspective.

  12. Tara

    Having a beautiful home for me, besides being clean, it having a healthy family. you see my son was just diagnosed with Epilepsy, so having a “healthy” baby is the most beautiful part of my home, and although he has a cold, I know it could be so much worse. So, we are blessed everyday my son is with us! I also got my pantry organized, which was a goal for me this year! :)

    Thanks for an inspiring post~

    Taras inspiring blog post..Red Shoes Home Goods~

  13. teresa

    Hi Melissa-
    I think I’ve done a small part of balancing my life this week- “line upon line.” I’ve been trying to work on a couple different things between my home and service I give outside of my home. Thanks for keeping me motivated-
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    teresas inspiring blog post..Ordinary Women at Vintage Rose Interiors

  14. Pinky

    HI Melisaa, well my house is NOT pretty right now as I am just starting to put Christmas away. LOOONG story, but anyway, I HAVE kept my resolution to walk everyday (and it has been BITTERLY cold here) up to yesterday. Then yesterday afternoon, I broke my darn toe. It is black and blue and swollen and I can’t do my walking for a few days. THAT makes me mad and crazy. But I will get back out there ASAP, I swear:):) I so admire you being so hospitable in the midst of your move, God bless you! I know your new neighbors will embrace you. Hugs, Pinky

  15. LuLu

    Not a perfect week and in a fog this Friday, but yes I did have a beautiful moment this week in my home. My entryway hall closet is my next step in organizing our home and it is also teaching me life lessons… of loving the now and seeing what is in front of me.
    Have a lovely evening with your company.

    LuLus inspiring blog post..Unique Collections

  16. Lynda

    I’ve missed reading your blog so much, Melissa! This post alone reminded me why I used to love visiting you. I’m slowly trying to get myself back into blogland and plan on being a regular visitor again.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  17. Helen

    I am pleased to have “found” your blog today ….

  18. Julia

    I’m impressed that you’re entertaining in your new home already! To a lot of us, you do seem like “wonder woman,” if that makes you feel any better. I don’t know how you juggle so many things all the time. I have a theory that there are actually 2 or 3 of you. ;-)

    Exercise is a tough one for me, too. And it doesn’t help that my husband is a wonderful baker who keeps pulling fresh loaves of bread out of the oven. If I’m going to keep eating this much bread and butter, I’m going to have to get on the treadmill more often! *sigh*

    Thanks for hosting another Mr Linky party! In my post today I tried to concentrate on what’s lovely about cold days like this, even though I’m inclined to be cranky. I’m hosting my weekly “Hooked on Fridays” party today, so I figured I’d link mine up with yours and send my readers over here, too. The more the merrier, right? :-)

    Julia @ Hooked on Housess inspiring blog post..The Color of 2009: Pantone Chooses “Mimosa”

  19. Lorrie

    I’m enjoying reading everyone’s comments and then clicking on the links. So much inspiration to live a beautiful life!


  20. Jaime

    I’m not feeling much of anything positive toward my home right now, since I’m irritated beyond belief and moving out this weekend.

    Maybe I’ll have some positive feedback next Friday.

    Jaimes inspiring blog post..Heart Breaking News

  21. Mrs. Q

    Vacuuming totally counts…otherwise I wouldn’t be getting my exercise…lol! Just put the setting up a little higher so there’s a little more resistance between you and the carpeting. Housework is WORK! So don’t discount healthy living in just living :)


    Mrs. Qs inspiring blog post..Sacred Joy Restored

  22. Myrnie

    Well, as far as exercising goes…oh dear. BUT, I was inspired by my sister this morning: we have a contest, and the first person to go below a certain weight will receive a dozen handmade napkins from the other. She was on her Wii Fit every day this week…guess who’s strapping the kids into the stroller and hitting the pavement? :) So I guess that’s what’s inspiring me today :) Oh, and I have a giveaway on my blog today…my first ever! I’m terrified that it’s going to be an enormous failure, but it’s sure inspiring me to get busy in the craft room!

    Myrnies inspiring blog post..Sweater Re-Born

  23. Janet

    I am beautify-ing my house today so I can relax and enjoy it over the weekend. If my house if clean maybe it will motivate me to get out and exercise. Getting my health in shape is my goal this year.

    Janets inspiring blog post..Yep, Michael Smith AGAIN…

  24. Valerie

    I always enjoy your pictures and inspiration. I just linky-ed for the first time. I shared my 2008 goals and how they turned out. Next week I’ll share my 2009 goals.

  25. becky

    Hi Melissa, and thank you for the inspiring post.

    Yes, vacuuming counts! I hate vacuuming, but it is helping you keep a healthy home, and Weight Watchers doles out activity points for it! Whenever I feel chilly (trying to save on my energy bill), I whip out the vacuum and I’m warmed up in no time!

    I keep writing down the word “FOCUS!” in my calendar every day. I think I have serious activity A.D.D.. No sooner do I begin to clean out a cabinet than I’m sorting through the CDs in it and deciding they need to be alphabetized. Next thing you know I’m downloading some, the cabinet is still a mess, the CDs are all over the floor and I’m playing on iTunes. Then I can’t even vacuum b/c the floor is covered in the detritus of my simple “clean one cabinet” attempt!

    Anyway, I guess the answer for me is Baby Steps and Focusing, as well as not beating myself up too much!

    beckys inspiring blog post..The T.V. Cabinet.

  26. Pretty Organizer

    So as I’m thinking about what post to link… it hits me! Even though I fuss over the ugly cabinets in my kitchen, that space is still beautiful to me. I love it because I love that fabric. EVERY DAY I love that room because I look up and see that fabric. Isn’t that all it takes? Just looking up and finding what is beautiful to us. When I look up at those valences I see the sunshine through the windows (and try to ignore the fingerprints on it) and the beauty of the day and I’m instantly lifted. When I look up I see how many ways the Lord has blessed me and how much I have been given and all the opportunities that are mine. So, I share what inspires me each morning as I face whatever mess might be lurking in the sink… the beauty I see when I look up.

    Pretty Organizers inspiring blog post..Kitchen BEFORE Shots…. BEWARE!!

  27. Lisa

    I feel like I have been stalled and have not started my new year yet. I really need to take a day and figure out what I want and how to achieve beauty and balance in my life!

    Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolatess inspiring blog post..Simmering Soup – Day 3 – Chili and Soup Link-Up

  28. Meredith

    We have hit week 6 of the school holidays in our house and finding beauty and grace is getting a wee bit harder each day! Have had to chose to find beauty deliberately this week, rather than just stumbling over it spontaneously. Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder and my eye beholds beauty in the form of children helping me sweep and vacuum :)

  29. Sheryl

    I had a great week! I was very mindful of everything I did and I felt I led a pretty balanced life. Thank you, Melissa!


  30. Gayle at Mountain Moma

    I’ve struggled with balance this week. But sometimes you make progress in little ways and tomorrow is always a fresh new beginning. I’m remembering the beauty of my home in June right now. Roses blooming, blue skies, and just a hint of summer.

    Gayle at Mountain Momas inspiring blog post..Roses in Winter

  31. Arleen

    Hi Melissa. Yes, I do think vacuuming counts as exercise. But I also think that unpacking boxes all week long and settling into a new home counts as exercise, too! An exercise routine will surface soon because you have it on your mind.

    I’m so enjoying spending Fridays with you and all those who have committed to live a beautiful life in 2009! ~Arleen

    Arleens inspiring blog post..Interior Decorating at The White House

  32. arline

    I really enjoy your blog, it is a pleasure.

    arlines inspiring blog post..New year full of life

  33. sandy

    yay for hospitality, melissa – even in boxes! :)

    sandys inspiring blog post..Balcony Girls, Mini Cherry Tarts and Hospitality!

  34. Theresa

    Thanks so much for your blog. I’m so glad to see that someone else is working on 12 habits in 12 months. I’ve decided that a year is too long to work at just one thing. -Mostly I’m afraid my focus will get lost or I’ll get overwhelmed at working the same habit. So, with that in mind, I’m working on smiling and thinking positively this month. I think if I build positive expectations into my life, all the other things I’d like to attain will be easier.

    Again, I’m loving your blog and feeling challenged to work on my home and myself! Thanks.

  35. Shanna

    Thank for sharing and helping us ‘stay the course’.

  36. Maven

    As we speak, I’m in clean up mode around here and it feels GREAT! I’ve got lemon scented Mr. Clean on the go, did all the dusting, shampooed my carpets and am now going to tackle the yard.

    All this because the men of the house are gone for the day.

    I even bought fresh flowers – pretty little white tulips with the slightest hint of green – very January ;)

    Mavens inspiring blog post..Across the Universe

  37. a-m

    Melissa, I have struggled for years allowing myself time to exercise. There was always something/someone else who deserved that time more than me. I NEVER made it a priority. Then, I thought if we can sacrifice to spend money on sending our boys to a good school then I deserve something spent on me! I have modified our budget so that I can afford to have 2 personal training sessions a week. It is an appointment that I have to keep. I feel a million dollars…. better than I did in my twenties, when I had no excuse but to be a bouncy young thing. It’s fun and so hard, exhilarating and exhausting but I now have a spring in my step and I believe it is having a positive effect on my whole well being and my ability to create a beautiful life for my family. A-M xx

    a-ms inspiring blog post..And……Kiss

  38. Brianna

    I love your posts and your blog. Thanks for the inspiration and reflection.

    Briannas inspiring blog post..Victorian Baby Afghan Progress

  39. JeanGrey

    Hi! I had a great time reading your entries especially this reflecting thing… I’ll come back here to read some more… :)

    JeanGreys inspiring blog post..when you and I collide…

  40. Robin

    Love the photos and the words of inspiration and wisdom. We are just joining the world of blogging and on line selling and we are loving discovering all the amazing bloggers out there. Thanks!

  41. Jane

    I came here via via ….
    but I am so glad to have arrived.

    What a wonderful idea…I have posted my monthly goals…I am off to make a wordl.


    Janes inspiring blog post..My Beautiful Life: 12 months of Goals


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