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{Out to See} Anthropologie

by | Jul 30, 2012 | Decorating Inspiration, out to see, Stores

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{Out to See} Anthropologie{Out to See} Anthropologie


As you all probably know, I love traveling. I really enjoy seeing new things. Sometimes I travel far, but sometimes I travel just far enough to visit one of my favorite stores in Seattle, like Anthropologie. Visiting Anthropologie is like a little mini-vacation for me, where I can soak in some creative inspiration and maybe even see old things in new ways.

{Out to See} Anthropologie

When I visit some of my favorite stores, I am not only looking at their products, but I look at their display furniture, their shelf arrangements, their lighting, and more. You can learn a lot about design and spark your own creativity by paying attention to the entire ambience as you walk through some great shops.

{Out to See} Anthropologie

In Anthropologie this time I was especially smitten by their lovely display cabinets and even by their beautiful floors. Their wood floors reminded me of my own with the beautiful variation in light and darker grain (photos of the new floors and stairs soon, promise!).

Observing creative ways of putting together a beautiful  room inspires me to step outside the expected to try new things. It is easy to get caught up in what you see repeated everywhere, so I like to be exposed to a variety of creative ideas to hopefully keep my own style fresh and unique.

{Out to See} Anthropologie

And of course, I love the smell of Anthropologie. I spend most of my time there walking sniffing all the candles. SNIFF SNIFF. I’m sure I look weird sniffing all of their jars, but I’m OK with that. I was tempted to bring this green jar candle home to meet my blue jar candle but I resisted. Next time.

{Out to See} Anthropologie

I love Anthropologie’s creative ideas for displaying every day items like dishes, mugs and towels.

I enjoy each little detail in every corner of the store.

{Out to See} Anthropologie

{Out to See} Anthropologie

{Out to See} Anthropologie

{Out to See} Anthropologie

{Out to See} Anthropologie

{Out to See} Anthropologie

It was another inspiring visit to one of the most creative ‘home stores” out there! Glad you could join me for a little tour!

Check the first two posts in this new series, Out to See.

Out to See {Why out to see? & NYC}
Out to See {Watson Kennedy}

Check out this post on 4 Decorating Lessons from Anthropologie

And if you love Anthro, see my Anthro curtains! 

How was your weekend?
Did you get out to see anything fun or interesting?


  1. Lori H

    My husband and I are in frugal mode right now so I have avoided going to Anthro. Thanks for the reminder that I should stop in now and again just for some inspiration! And I am always sniffing my way around the store too :)

  2. Alison

    This makes me want to run to Anthro but I know what happens everytime…leave broke! haha. Check out my Frugal Friday at Happy Monday!

  3. Kelly - Talk of the House

    Thanks for taking us along on your shopping trip! Yep, their stores are definitely full of eye candy – sometimes it can be overwhelming to me because there is SOOOO much to see (and my daughter is pulling me over to the clothing to see what she wants from there.) It would be a dangerous thing to let you and her in an Anthro store together! Maybe you two should get jobs there for discounts on their products, and you could do some of their displays!

  4. michelle

    I have never been to an Anthro store because there’s not one close by where I currently live. But in 2 weeks we are moving and guess what? There is a store close by and I plan on browsing.

  5. Franki Parde

    I am SO WITH you on what we always called “window shopping.” Honestly, I think “window dressers,” “display engineers,” or whatever their title is..are truly inspirational. That’s why I LUV looking at catalogues, design mags, etc. it’s “all about the display.” :) franki (I know, I know..,function, etc., etc.)

  6. Lauren

    I have a couple friends that work at Anthropologie… I absolutely love this store. And you’re absolutely right, their displays are just amazing! I get inspired every time I set foot in one of their stores :)

  7. Jaye

    For weeks now, after discovering this wild and wonderful world of home bloggers, I’ve been oohing and aahing over Anthro finds and knock-offs. For some reason, I always thought an Anthro store was one of those clothing stores for the 16 -20 year old crowd with music blasting so loud out of it, you couldn’t walk by the door fast enough! After realizing how much amazing stuff you can find there I started whining about wanting to go to one. “Gee, I wish there were an Anthro store by us”. Wah, wah… Then I shook myself (get that visual) and said – “For goodness sakes, woman, Denver is one of the largest cities in the US! They have GOT to have one. And sure enough they do. Grabbing my purse now…..

  8. Ally

    I know exactly what you mean. I’d love my house to BE an Anthropologie store. Except without the shoppers.

  9. Rene

    I so wish I had one of those stores near me:(

  10. Mimi

    I love visiting Anthro whenever I have the time. Their displays are always so delightful. I get great inspiration for window and in-store displays for my boutique flower shop. I especially love the collection of interesting books they always seem to have on hand.

  11. Nicole

    I have not been in so long…..need to go now! They have some really cool stuff! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Connie

    You would probably really enjoy watching “Man Shops Globe” on the Sundance channel. It follows Keith Johnson as he shops all over the world for items to sell in Anthropologie.


    ♥♥♥Anthropologie!! I totally agree, they are amazing when it comes to the art of display! So many fun elements to view. Thanks for the little shopping trip,

  14. Mia (crafty pants)

    Love love love Anthro. I used to manage an Anthro a few years back and can’t say enough awesome things about the company. Needless to say my whole paycheck was spent there, but it was well worth it (miss the employee discount):( Ever since I too have been finding frugal ways to Anthro-up my house and recently stumbled upon I was a temporary wallpaper skeptic but these anthro-esque patterns are amazing. They also match their patterns to paint and pre-cut the paper into panels, so its super easy to install. Just received my samples and they are better in person then I expected. Now I just need to decide which pattern…..Chevron (Parisian Daisy) or the Falling Leaves pattern (grey morning)….Thoughts?????

  15. Amber.

    I could sit in anthropologie all afternoon {sigh} and be totally content. I too love looking at their displays. My wooden pallet obsession was started because of one of their creatively amazing displays!

  16. John

    I say the multicolored jars deserve 5 stars!

  17. Katia

    Anthropologie is a winner every time! I could live without their clothing at this point in my life- but their home decor and staging is the best!!! I am obsessed with the Capri Blue jar candles- and am constantly stalking the throw pillows to go on sale. LOVE Anthro!

  18. Susan

    I’m like you…mostly I’m looking at the displays instead of the items for sale. The lighting and staging make such a difference and give life to things that might be a bit plain on their own.

  19. Diane

    We went for a lovely walk and worked in our yard. I have endless weeds to be pulled. Eventually it will look nice. At least it’s good exercise!! :D

    I loved the Anthro tour. What is there about tea towels? I can always find room for one more. :D

  20. Carol

    Anthropologie is one of my favorite shops. I don’t meet their demographic (too old), but it doesn’t stop me. Some of my favorite items in the house are from Anthro and my favorite top right now is from there. Thanks for reminding me that I need to drop in before school starts back in 2 weeks.

  21. Brooke

    i love love love the alphabet mugs!!!

  22. Lisa H.

    We made a special trip up to the Seattle store a few months ago (we live near Puyallup). It was my first visit there, and my whole reason for going was to see their display ideas and get some inspiration. It was wonderful and I can’t wait to go again!

    Thanks for sharing your photos!

  23. Fiona's Mosaic

    We celebrated small town america here with our Old Fashioned Festival. Went to the parade, fairgrounds, had my first elephant ear, heard some great blues, and watched the fireworks. It was awesome!!! So wonderful! I love it here!

    You know your a hick when you know all the guys driving the tractors!! lol

  24. Laura

    The candles from Anthropologie really smell good! I got addicted to them ever since my mom bought me one for my birthday. And the smell really stays and lasts long.


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