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Favorite Fall Nesting Rituals: Puttering

by | Sep 23, 2015 | Decorating Inspiration, Fall Decorating, My Life, My Seattle House, putter + nest

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Favorite Fall Nesting Rituals: Puttering

So today is the first day of Fall {insert happy dancing in boots and dreams of holiday lattes!!}. It was a perfect fall day here in Seattle as I was out running errands. The leaves on the deciduous trees are starting to change and tumble among the towering evergreens and there was even a little dew on the ground this morning. The air felt fresh and the sun was warm on my face but not hot or uncomfortable. In a word, it was just…perfect. I love the fluffy mix of gray and white clouds fluttering across the vibrant blue sky right now as I look out my window. Thoughts of PUMPKIN SQUARES and HOT SPICED CIDER are starting to fill my mind.

I love to enjoy the beauty of the fall season outside and hope it will last for many more weeks, but I can’t help but get a little giddy about fall nesting inside. After nine seasons of blogging about fall, I’m sure you are well aware that this season is when my heart starts beating a little faster and all the cozy ideas start filling my head and pouring into the blog. I can’t help it!

While every year is new and fresh because no two fall seasons are exactly alike like no two fall leaves are ever identical, what remains the same is the return of those favorite fall rituals. Don’t you just LOVE fall? How could you not?

It is the familiarity of the season’s rhythms that bring a sense of comfort I look forward to in my home. Returning to the kitchen to prepare a pot roast or bake something yummy to fill the air with the delicious scents of the season (yep, even though I’m just getting to know my vintage 1950s oven!), fall nesting and tidying up the home — basically just puttering around making things cozier and comfier is my favorite activity this time of year.

I’m an introvert and a homebody so there is no one more pleased than me to be returning inside and begin puttering around the house. I might start to resemble a hermit from fall until spring, but I’ll be the happiest hermit around.

Happy fall, friends! What are your favorite fall rituals?


  1. Jo

    I hear you about the love of Fall and the codification ( is that a word. lol) of my home! My very favorite time of year…where I begin pulling out cookbooks ( love the ones with pictures) and planning wonderful, hearty meals again and bringing out the throws and changing out the covers on my throw pillows and adding a few new things to my wardrobe like a pair of boots, a sweater and or a poncho…..I LOVE FALL!

  2. debbi s

    I love Fall and Spring. Cool, clean air outside, and opening the windows to let it all inside is my first goal, always. In the Fall I start making a list of things I want to do inside; sewing or refurbishing some furniture. This Fall I am going to try slipcovering a chair I want to keep, but having it reupholstered is more than I want to pay right now.

    Getting ready for our new grandson’s birth in December, right smack in between Christmas and New Year’s, is making me scurry around to get my to-do list completed before the holidays.

  3. sharon /

    I am also, sooo into fall. It’s my favorite even if it isn’t chock full of holidays!! I think of my kiddos, weather outside and us inside cozy, good food, family, a good sweater but not the entire brigade of weather armor, a nice movie at home, a warm drink, seasoned candles, rain on the windows … the whole thing.

  4. Christie

    Your blog has been one of the few (like, one of three) decorating blogs I’ve read consistently over the past 5 years. Love your fall blogging!

  5. Peggy

    Love the fall. Living in hot, hot St. Louis–opening the windows again makes me do the happy dance:)

  6. laney

    …God made fall first…and then He gave man the word cozy…and it was very very good…blessings laney

  7. Ms. Maggie

    I felt the Fall the same on the boat this morning rounding the island; we were bundled a bit more and the oyster fishing boat were out on the small coves. The sun as you said was warm on our faces but not hot. Hurrah for Fall. Except for the dropping of the poor dried out cedars everywhere!!! And thoughts of lots to do inside kept us talking the whole trip home… yes, we do love to putter inside in the changing PNW~

  8. Emma

    Nostalgia for the summer, roasted peppers, book, a bunch of grapes.
    My favourite trench coat in the cold morning. I have time for autumn, I have a place to fall, welcome, autumn!
    I missed you. :)

    Happy first day of fall! <3

  9. Linda Stoll

    Puttering … oh yes!

    Whatever season, there’s nothing I like better than being at home and feathering my nest! But there’s something very cozy and welcoming about autumn’s first days …

  10. Seana Turner

    I’m afraid I’m more of a summer person, so I get a little sad about the end of my favorite season. However, I do enjoy getting out the fall decorations and planning for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I pulled out some of fall decor yesterday.

  11. Karen

    I love fall too! I’ve just put some of my antique brass candlesticks on our mantel with beeswax candles in them. I just love lighting candles as the nights get longer! And I’ll finally get to some of my spring cleaning so the house is ready for the holiday season :)

  12. Lucy Sanguinetti

    My husband and I have a swing on the front porch for having morning coffee on those cool, crisp mornings, to watch the sunrise. We love seeing the colors of light slowly rise up above the trees, while wrapped up in a blanket with that first morning cup of coffee (which Jay brings me in bed every single morning!). Then, on those crisp, fall evenings, we sit in our swing in the backyard that he built me for my birthday, right beside the fire pit. We love that very first fire of the cool weather! We roast hot dogs and s’mores for supper and watch the sunset from our backyard swing. All three of our dogs curl up close by our feet and enjoy the warmth of the fire, too. Come on, Fall! We are waiting for you!!

  13. Janet Woodman

    Hi Mielissa, I really enjoy your writing and your stories. You remind me of me! Are you a Libra by any chance? Have a great day! Janet Woodman ???

  14. Cristina Festa

    This is my most favorite time of the year. The weather is cooling, the trees are begining to turn color and a few leaves have fallen. I just decorated our home inside and out with pumpkins and fall decor. We have a trip planned this weekend to pick apples with our little ones.

  15. Deanna

    My rituals are changing the linens on the beds, bringing out the cozy throw blankets, autumn candles burning, going to our nearby produce stand and buying our mums, pumpkins, apples and cider. So, so many!

    This is my favorite season.

  16. Adrienne

    I LOVE fall. I am very sensitive to smells, so one of the things I love to do in fall is bring out the scented candles, or bake/cook good smelling things. It always makes the house feel cozy and comfy, and relaxing. I also love throw blankets and crisp air, so i’ll leave our sliding glass door open a crack (especially in the mornings, i’m a morning person) and snuggle up in a blankie with my cup of coffee, it’s perfect!

  17. Kathy @ In Quiet Places Devotions

    I do love your pumpkin squares, I made them several times last year, definitely will again this fall!

    There is so much about fall, I love it all!

    Thank you for your preview of fall, it is a little slower arriving in the Dallas area…

  18. tracey@waterintowine

    We’ve just landed in spring round these parts but puttering is one of my favourite things too any time of the year. Wishing you joy in your fall puttering and cozifying.

  19. Debbie from MountainMamaOnline

    Oh yes, same here, I love to putter around my little cozy house in fall!!! Cook up a storm, bake something sweet, cuddle up with a good book and a blanket. What’s not to love?

  20. Rose

    Just found your blog and in love already!

  21. Linda Slepicka

    I’m in Chicago and right now we are having beautiful temps in the 70s and sunny skies. I know fall it’s just around the corner and I love the crispness in the air and the colors on the trees bthat well being but, alas, our fall usually last a very few weeks before winter ramps up. However, I love making soups and stews in the fall, decorating the outside for Halloween, hanging out on the patio/ longer walks with the dogs, sleeping with the windows open. I could go on.

  22. Wendy

    I love Fall as well, though it takes a long time to come to our area. I live outside of Sacramento, California, where the temperature is still HOT although the calendar says Fall. Favorite things I do to make my Fall nest are to change out my light pillow covers to deeper shades, replace the shells that fill my bowls with natural colored balls (not sure what they’re called, but I got them at Michael’s and West Elm), replace my light colored candles with deeper hues. We moved into a new house in August, so I’m especially looking forward to decorating my new front porch with pumpkins and maybe even a bale of hay this year (haven’t had a covered porch in 13 years.) I can’t wait for sweater weather, although right now we are happy to hear the weather will be in the 80s instead of the high 90s this week! I want to stay inside under a blanket and have a piece of pumpkin bread!


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