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31 Days of Autumn Bliss {Day 9}:
Thankful Pause

by | Oct 8, 2010 | 31 Days of Autumn Bliss, Decorating Inspiration, Seasonal Decorating & Entertaining

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Do you write yourself or your family
little reminders of what matters?
I do.

31 Days of Autumn Bliss {Day 9}: <br>Thankful Pause

Oh, and I should add this one:
Fall drinks.

31 Days of Autumn Bliss {Day 9}: <br>Thankful Pause

31 Days of Autumn Bliss {Day 9}: <br>Thankful Pause

What is on your thankful list?
How do you keep perspective every day?

Check out the links to all the posts in this series, just click the button below!
31 Days of Autumn Bliss {Day 9}: <br>Thankful Pause

To catch up with the rest of the girls from 31 days, go here!

Did you miss the past few posts? Here are some handy links!

Day 6: Curtains

Day 7: Clever Extra Storage

Day 8: HomeGoods giveaway

The adorable memo board is from DaySpring, one of my blog partners.


  1. Sarah

    Well, as I have a 21 month old little girl, it is impossible to even *look* at her without thinking how unbelievably lucky I am! Toddlers are so unbearably serious about the sweetest and most ridiculous things that it reminds you that NOTHING is mundane or ordinary at that age!

    (I’m also very grateful to be finally getting a comfortable sofa at last – it turns out that beauty really *cannot* trump comfort.)

    • Melissa

      Oh, toddlers are precious!! I miss that stage!! :-)

  2. Sarah

    Aw, I love this! And I, too, am very thankful for the pumpkin spice latte because when I’m having a rough day, it’s like a bit of sunshine in a cup. :)

  3. Jess

    Some times the day is crazy or people are just driving me insane (I have a stressful job) I can get grumpy. My hubby will then start making jokes about our cats or talking in silly voices. It always makes me breakdown and giggle. And then I remember how much I love him. I think as long as he is around to make me smile I can remember what is really important.

  4. Deanna

    I am thankful for my family and for our church family! I am thankful for Sundays spent together!

  5. Alison

    I’m thankful that I am able to be a stay at a home mommy to my two little ones. I think often of what a blessing it is that I’m not missing out on this precious time in their lives.
    Ummm, and I am in full agreement that the Pumpkin Spice Latte is something to be thankful for! I love it.

  6. Pinky

    I am thankful for all the GOOD times I have had but also the bad times: they made me who I am. I am thankful for my precious family and friends and Fall: hot apple cider and the beauty of nature at this time of year!

  7. Julie

    I, too, need reminders about things to be thankful for, things that are most important. Life has a way of grabbing you around the neck and it’s easy to get caught up in the thousand things that clamor, rather than calmly focusing on the two or three most important things.

    We have part of a Bible verse on our kitchen wall, and because the family I grew up in has pride issues (so that means I have pride issues), I put the verse there to help me start each day where I belong. Here’s a link if you would like to see a photo of the verse on our kitchen wall.

    I love how you weave beautiful truths all through your ideas about making beauty in your home, Melissa. Thank you so much!

  8. Jody

    We have magnetic “bird words” on our frig and we are always shuffling them around to make silly sentences and messages. We have a chalkboard in the entry where we leave messages and notes to one another.

    A favorite message that my hubby and I leave one another on grocery lists and on the bathroom mirror is: SHMILY (see how much I love you).

    I’m thankful that I cannot fix the world’s problems, but Jesus can. I love coffee and drink plain, fresh-ground coffee, but will be having a pumpkin latte soon.


  9. Marisa

    Three cheers for the PSL! And that new toffee mocha…oh man.

    I need to be better with reminders of things I’m thankful for. I frequently get bogged down with day-to-day stress and lose perspective. I do pause when I pass the fridge, which is completely covered with my kids’ drawings. I am thankful for creative kids. :)

  10. Tracey

    I am thankful for a tiny 2 year old baby girl that loves football team shirts as much as dresses.

    I faked a pumpkin spice latte the other day with pumpkin pie spice from my kitchen–not as good but still delicious!

  11. Vee

    Oh I have enjoyed reading not only your post, but your commenters’ words today. Love Jody’s “shmily” and Julie’s writing on the wall.

  12. Janna~A Steadfast Life

    I’m thankful for October–I just love everything about it!!!

    I’ve been reading through Nancy Leigh Demoss’s book “Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy.” It is an awesome book and I’ve been inspired to start a gratitude journal, trying to daily list out what has blessed me that day. When my heart is in a thankful place I can handle what comes my way so much better then when I’m frazzled, grumpy, or “wanty.” This book has also encouraged me to be more appreciative of others and take notice what they’re doing, plotting ways I can encourage and bless them.

  13. Katy

    I’m thankful for my 3 month old. Puts a new perspective on thankfulness. I know he’s a gift from the Lord and I can’t thank him enough.

  14. sondra

    So many things to be thankful for each and every day! Great way to remind your family of this!

  15. Polly

    Fabulous reminder, very inspiring! Thank you!

  16. Fiona's Mosaic

    I have a gratitude journal that I write in at night. It sure help me keep my perspective at the end of each day. :o)

  17. Christin Eubanks

    I’m thankful that my lovely DH can make a mean pumpkin latte with the espresso machine. I am in need of one, I think I’ll go ask nicely!

  18. Breezie Castell

    You are just precious. I love your site; It’s so inspiring and you seem so organized and happy. Keep up the good work :)

  19. Kristin

    Mellow Autumn light. It makes all of creation more beautiful to me.

    The freedom to homeschool my kids.


    Older women who share their wisdom generously, with compassion.


  20. Karen

    I love your idea of the note board. I have wanted to begin a gratitude journal for a couple of years but haven’t actually started one. I like the idea of a white or chalk board where you could write what you are grateful for each day. Great idea, thanks.

  21. heather ritchie

    My husband and I went through a hard time last year-he couldn’t find a job, we didn’t have a home of our own and just barely covered our necessities. There was no decorating, designing, frivolous treats, just lots of dreaming for the day we would get to do those kinds of fun things again. The Lord strengthened our relationship so much through it even though it was the hardest time of our lives. Now, he has a job again {praise the Lord!}, we have a place of our own, and we can make a few of our dreams realities again. That has made me SO thankful for the things that we take for granted so easily. Things like a home of our own, extra income to go on a date with or do a little frugal shopping with, and for the marriage that is now stronger than ever before!

    Thanks for this series, I’m loving it so much!


  22. FairfieldHouse


    All I need to do to keep perspective and remind myself of all I have to be thankful for is take a walk around our property (about a mile). I am surrounded by so much space, beauty and wild life that I am quickly reminded it’s a wonderful life.


  23. Astrid

    I do keep reminding myself and my family how fortunate we are. Why is it so easy to see the bad stuff so easily (what we don’t have) versus seeing the good stuff (all that we do have)? Why is it so easy to focus on the negative and not the positive?

    I have a couple of chalkboards around the house that have positive thoughts written on them- as little reminders.



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