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Planning our Themed Dream Christmas Tree!

by | Nov 16, 2012 | Christmas Decorating

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Planning our Themed Dream Christmas Tree!

You know how I’m always dreaming of Christmas decorating in every room in the house and having a few themed threes? Like with my jewelry tree from last year and the quirky silver spoon tree the year before? Well I am determined we are going to get our Christmas groove on and make all that happen again this year, in spite of all our construction dust and chaos.

We are very excited for Christmas, so we were extra thrilled when Michaels sent us a pre-lit tree, a Michaels gift card, and challenged us to come up with a theme for their Holiday Dream Tree Challenge. How could we say no to that? Hello, that is totally our kind of Christmas dream come true!  And it was the perfect incentive to ignore the dust and mess and just get started with our trees, while having a fun night with my two favorite girls.

So, it was GIRLS’ NIGHT OUT for us at Michaels’ Craft, and we had a blast shopping and planning out our themed tree! The girls and I have so much fun together, I feel so blessed to get to have such fun experiences with them.

Planning our Themed Dream Christmas Tree!

I have to tell you this little tip we discovered, we found these scented sticks at Michaels that you can put in your artificial tree. They smell AH-MAZING! We actually go out and cut down a real tree for our main Christmas tree because we love the real trees so much, but with these artificial themed trees, it is nice that we can add some realistic scent! I was expecting them to smell like those little tree car air fresheners but I was pleasantly surprised that they smelled great!

So, while we were at Michaels, we wandered the entire store dreaming up all the possibilities for our theme. A glam tree? A crafty tree? A Martha Stewart craft tool tree? The options seemed endless! We pushed around three carts with all sorts of ideas floating around in our head. We dreamed up little crafts we could do to add to the tree.

Planning our Themed Dream Christmas Tree!

Then we realized we didn’t have much time for crafting this week so we had to really assess our time and our ability level too! HA! We are not really all that crafty but we do try on occasion. So after a couple of hours pondering the possibilities, we landed on our theme. It is SO “US” we just cracked ourselves up thinking about how adorable this tree would be and how it would make us smile every day of the Christmas season. We knew Jack would like it too.

Planning our Themed Dream Christmas Tree!

I’m learning more and more in life that you just shouldn’t wait for perfect circumstances to experience the life you want, you just have to DO IT — even though it might seem ridiculous. I mean, who decorates a Christmas tree when you are remodeling your house and there is DUST EVERYWHERE?

WE DO! And of course, Jack helped. You can imagine how much help Jack was, right? More on that later.

UPDATE!: Want to see how the tree turned out? Well it’s done!
Check out our Woodland Christmas Tree here!

Are you doing any special themed tree this year? What are your tree plans?

Michaels is sponsoring this challenge and provided the tree and gift card for us to create our own themed Dream Tree! 


  1. Diane

    Toooooo fun!! I stopped by Michael’s yesterday for the first time in several years. (We just happened to drive to a nearby town where there was one…such fun!) This time, I’m actually a little bit envious….pick me dear friends at Michaels!! Heehee! I love your teases Melissa…you are good at the tease for sure!! Last year I remember Mr. Fuzzy was a Scrooge and un-decorated the tree. I hope he gets in the spirit of Christmas cheer this year! :D Enjoy!


    Mellissa, I love your attitude, you do what I say all the time and has become my mantra, and my subtitle of my blog, “Enjoy The Process!” Can’t wait to see your themed tree, xo Kathysue

  3. Heather

    There’s a little tree in my front hall that I like to decorate differently every year – last year it was framed pictures of everyone as a baby. This year, I’m doing glittered initials – one for each person the family (there will be a lot of C’s).

  4. Amanda

    I’ve got a little bit of Christmas tree dilemma this year, as we have moved things around and we don’t have room for a real tree, the only space we have is by a radiator. So I’m thinking of buying a more modern one, that looks like a tree that has lost it’s leaves, and is prelit. Then maybe a smaller ‘traditional’ one for the children in another room. Just don’t know what to do!!

  5. Cynthia

    I so excited to get started for Christmas decorating. I am ready, this is my first year for Christmas and my blog! I started my blog after Christmas last year.


  6. Sandra

    I’m changing up my living room tree this year to all white with silver accents. I’ve been collecting white balls, snowflakes, white pine cones, etc and also some silver and white glass balls. I’m so anxious to put it up!

  7. Sera

    I collect all things moose related and have one tree with all moose ornaments which my grand kids DEARLY love getting out and hanging each year!!!

  8. Linda Stoll

    ah … the best trees are always the ones laden with the fragile ornaments that grandma used to hang … and the holding-on-by-a-thread paper gifts made by grubby little hands way back in the day … and the handcrafted gems given with love by friends who have moved on …

    the memories flood back as we unpack old cardboard boxes. and we carry the joy forward as we share this legacy with the next generation.

  9. Donna McBroom-Theriot

    l always have loads of red on a green Christmas Tree (think that’s a song – lol) I also have quite a few St. Jude ornaments, and ornaments with our names on them. I guess my theme is love and family. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

  10. laney

    …there must be a Christmas eve service somewhere that could you use sweet jack for one of the sheep…blessings laney

    • Melissa

      He is thinking about how he might be able to volunteer as a sheep somewhere hee heee!!

  11. Loretta

    I’m learning more and more in life that you just shouldn’t wait for perfect circumstances to experience the life you want, you just have to DO IT — even though it might seem ridiculous.

    I love that comment about not waiting for the perfect circumstances to experience the life you want. I’ve been thinking of/living by/overcoming that for the past six months or so. Jack looks like a sheep. ha ha. He must be a regular source of entertainment.
    smile. Happy Holidays.<3

    • Melissa

      Ha ha I told Jack you said he looks like a sheep! He said BAHHHAA. :-)

  12. Diane Westbrook

    Hi…oh, just like Loretta says in the above post…there are circumstances that happen in one’s life that just sidetrack a person….with me it has been happening for a long time too. I am now going to live with family and I will surely miss the home that I had where Christmas was (and is) always such an important part of my life. I had three decorated trees for many years and loved to put all my antique ornaments on one of them…so many of them came from my Grandmother. I saved those in the hopes of some day being able to have a little tree again. I love reading and looking at your blog Melissa!! It must seem like Christmas many days during the year when you get all these wonderful “gifts”!! Enjoy the decorating…looking forward to seeing your theme tree! Diane

  13. Beth Stagdon

    When I went to your holiday entertainment site, I saw the pine tree on a plate and that inspired my theme. I have dollhouses and a nice miniature collection. I will be decorating small trees for every room. But what I’m most excited about is decorating a small tree and putting it on a dining plate for each of our Christmas dinner guests.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  14. Autumn

    I just love doing trees! We bought several 4ft pre-lit trees after Christmas on clearance and I put just one of them up in the kitchen last year. (It had candy, cookie, and kitchen themed items on it.) I just received a very special box of handmade ornaments from a family friend in the mail unexpectantly. I helped make some of the ornaments with her when I was a child, about 30+ years ago! They are beautiful and deserve a special display. I turned the formal living room in the front of my house into my art studio….and think I will put that tree in there!

    I bought scentsicles last year and hide 2 sticks in my artificial tree last year. I was so pleased with the authentic pine smell until my husband came home and promptly started sneezing his head off! It took a day and a half to find the 2 hidden small dark green scentsicles and take them out. They really invoke the smell of fresh pine nicely!
    Thanks for all the inspiration! I cannot get enough!

    • Melissa

      Ha yeah being allergic to the scent would be kind of a bummer :-)

  15. Corrine Sawyer

    I love your blog, but do you know what I love more? That you often include pictures of Jack! He is the cutest “big” dog ever! We have a little Pom-poo but have been considering a large dog for protection. I would love to know where you got him. Was it a friend, neighbor, or a breeder? I’m a little nervous about getting one from a breeder out of state, but if you could let me know how you found Jack I would appreciate it. So back to your tree….. I think my theme this year will be peacocks. I love the royal blues, greens & purples. I’ve seen a lot of those rich colors in the store & I’m always attracted to them. Think I will follow my attraction. Thanks for all your help!

    • Melissa

      Sure, I’ll email you the name of the place we got Jack. We got him at a farm in Oregon! He is just a great dog, so full of personality and mischief but learning :-)

  16. Karen

    I never heard of those Scentsicles….I’ll have to look for those! I always want a real tree but I probably couldn’t have it up as long as my artificial tree….nor get as many of my ornaments on it.

  17. Mary Jane

    I have never really done a Themed Tree except to change the dominant color or change from country homespun to more elegant and sparkly because when I get my ornaments out I remember where I got almost every one, and I can’t bear to put it back in the box if it doesn’t match the theme. I love them all so much. This year though, I am going to try to do a traditional red and white and silver theme. I saw a lot of really cute things at IKEA that I want to try to recreate. I am going to make those Victorian cone shaped baskets and put candy canes in them and use most of my other ornaments.
    I love the little brush and cone animals you will be using.

  18. Diliana Imandieva

    Hi, Melissa,
    I can’t wait to see your tree! My theme this winter is cable knit – I went a bit nuts about it (always been though). I bought this beautifull cable knitted effect stag head and all goes arround it. So at the moment I am on a hunt for knitted baubles and othe decoartions, which also goes really nice with my collection of old nutcracker dolls (which I adore). I suppose next year it will be a Nutcracker theme…


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